========================================================= Build a simple Form ========================================================= Steps: #. Follow :doc:`code_javascript_build_a_generic_report` until the step to add report parts. #. Prepare an empty :doc:`/ref/models/ReportPartForm` object with default properties. #. For each selected data source fields, populate a :doc:`/ref/models/ReportPartElement` object with default properties. #. Add the :doc:`/ref/models/ReportPartElement` objects into ``columns.elements`` in :doc:`/ref/models/ReportPartForm` object. #. Update the properties of the map in ``properties`` field per user selection (See :doc:`/ref/models/ReportPartFormProperties`). #. Back to the steps in :doc:`code_javascript_build_a_generic_report`. Prepare an empty ReportPartForm object ---------------------------------------- .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Empty ReportPartForm object |br| * The highlighted ``properties`` contains the default properties * The highlighted ``columns.elements`` contains the selected data source fields .. code-block:: json :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 2,71 { "properties": { "format": { "heading": { "h1": false, "h2": false, "h3": false, "h4": false, "h5": false, "h6": false }, "block": { "p": true, "blockquote": false, "div": true, "pre": false }, "font": { "bold": false, "italic": false, "underline": false, "strikethrough": false, "superscript": false, "subscript": false, "code": false, "fontFamily": "Roboto", "fontSize": 14, "textColor": "#000", "backgroundColor": "#fff" }, "alignment": { "alignleft": false, "aligncenter": false, "alignright": false, "alignjustify": false }, "list": { "bullet": "", "numbered": "" } }, "pasteAsText": false, "highlightCode": true, "wrapText": true, "mceDirectionRTL": false, "mceDirectionLTR": false, "mceVisualChars": false, "mceToggleVisualAid": true, "usePagination": true, "pageSize": 10, "pageBreakAfterEachEntry": false, "dataRefreshInterval": { "enable": false, "updateInterval": 0, "isAll": true, "latestRecord": 0 } }, "reportPartFormRepeater": {}, "reportPartFormEmbeddedReport": {}, "reportPartFormSmartTag": {}, "reportPartFormField": {}, "formState": {}, "htmlContent": "", "dataTree": null, "type": 1, "columns": { "text": null, "properties": {}, "settings": {}, "elements": [], "name": "columns" }, "selectedFieldElement": {}, "activeTabKey": "", "isSelectedCell": false, "isActiveForEdit": false, "title": { "text": "", "properties": {}, "settings": { "font": { "family": "", "size": 14, "bold": true, "italic": false, "underline": false, "color": "", "highlightColor": "" }, "alignment": { "alignment": "" } }, "elements": [] }, "description": { "text": "", "properties": {}, "settings": { "font": { "family": "", "size": 14, "bold": false, "italic": false, "underline": false, "color": "", "highlightColor": "" }, "alignment": { "alignment": "" } }, "elements": [] } } Populate selected data sources fields --------------------------------------- #. Refer to the :ref:`similar step in Building a Grid guide ` to: #. Get the list of available data sources fields from :ref:`POST_report/availableQuerySourceFields` #. Build a corresponding ReportPartElement object for each selected data source field #. Populate a default ReportPartElementProperties for ``properties`` field in each ReportPartElement object See :doc:`code_javascript_sample_properties_for_a_reportpartelement` for some samples. #. Add the :doc:`/ref/models/ReportPartElement` objects into ``columns.elements`` in :doc:`/ref/models/ReportPartForm` object. #. Build the HTML to display selected data source fields in ``htmlContent``. |br| .. note:: The double quotes must be escaped before adding to json, e.g. "htmlContent": "
Display text in Report Designer for field 1
The whole ``..`` tag will be replaced by the value of selected data source field in Report Viewer. .. _Sample_full_ReportPartForm_object: .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample full ReportPartForm object |br| * ``htmlContent`` displays this line: Order #[OrderID] for Customer# [CustomerID] by Employee# [EmployeeID] * The double quotes in ``htmlContent`` have been escaped .. code-block:: json :emphasize-lines: 64 { "properties": { "format": { "heading": { "h1": false, "h2": false, "h3": false, "h4": false, "h5": false, "h6": false }, "block": { "p": true, "blockquote": false, "div": true, "pre": false }, "font": { "bold": false, "italic": false, "underline": false, "strikethrough": false, "superscript": false, "subscript": false, "code": false, "fontFamily": "Roboto", "fontSize": 14, "textColor": "#000", "backgroundColor": "#fff" }, "alignment": { "alignleft": false, "aligncenter": false, "alignright": false, "alignjustify": false }, "list": { "bullet": "", "numbered": "" } }, "pasteAsText": false, "highlightCode": true, "wrapText": true, "mceDirectionRTL": false, "mceDirectionLTR": false, "mceVisualChars": false, "mceToggleVisualAid": true, "usePagination": true, "pageSize": 10, "pageBreakAfterEachEntry": false, "dataRefreshInterval": { "enable": false, "updateInterval": 0, "isAll": true, "latestRecord": 0 } }, "reportPartFormRepeater": {}, "reportPartFormEmbeddedReport": {}, "reportPartFormSmartTag": {}, "reportPartFormField": {}, "formState": {}, "htmlContent": "
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See :doc:`code_javascript_sample_properties_for_a_reportpartelement` for more samples. Update the properties of the Form in "properties" field per user selection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please see :doc:`/ref/models/ReportPartFormProperties` for the purpose of each field. Back to the Save step in :ref:`Build a Generic Report ` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample full ReportSavingParameter object for Save report API .. code-block:: json { "reportKey": { "key": "e22406a0-4f6d-4077-bac2-3877b7233986", "tenantId": null }, "section": 2, "saveAs": false, "ignoreCheckChange": false, "report": { "inaccessible": false, "category": { "name": "", "type": 1, "parentId": null, "tenantId": null, "canDelete": false, "editable": false, "savable": false, "subCategories": [], "checked": false, "reports": null, "dashboards": null, "id": null, "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null }, "subCategory": { "name": "", "type": 1, "parentId": null, "tenantId": null, "canDelete": false, "editable": false, "savable": false, "subCategories": [], "checked": false, "reports": null, "dashboards": null, "id": null, "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null }, "reportRelationship": [], "reportPart": [ { "reportPartContent": { "properties": { "format": { "heading": { "h1": false, "h2": false, "h3": false, "h4": false, "h5": false, "h6": false }, "block": { "p": true, "blockquote": false, "div": true, "pre": false }, "font": { "bold": false, "italic": false, "underline": false, "strikethrough": false, "superscript": false, "subscript": false, "code": false, "fontFamily": "Roboto", "fontSize": 14, "textColor": "#000", "backgroundColor": "#fff" }, "alignment": { "alignleft": false, "aligncenter": false, "alignright": false, "alignjustify": false }, "list": { "bullet": "", "numbered": "" } }, "pasteAsText": false, "highlightCode": true, "wrapText": true, "mceDirectionRTL": false, "mceDirectionLTR": false, "mceVisualChars": false, "mceToggleVisualAid": true, "usePagination": true, "pageSize": 10, "pageBreakAfterEachEntry": false, "dataRefreshInterval": { "enable": false, "updateInterval": 0, "isAll": true, "latestRecord": 0 } }, "reportPartFormRepeater": {}, "reportPartFormEmbeddedReport": {}, "reportPartFormSmartTag": {}, "reportPartFormField": {}, "formState": {}, "htmlContent": "
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