========================================================= Sample Properties for a ReportPartElement ========================================================= .. note:: See :doc:`/ref/models/ReportPartElementProperties` for the purpose of each field. .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample for ``GROUP(OrderDate)`` |br| * "7f942ac7-08d8-41fa-9e89-bad96f07f102" is the id for GROUP function * Get the list of functions from :ref:`POST_report/function/{function_mode}/{data_type}/(tenant_id)` * "76875180-32c1-4180-b92f-03bdb14c4f6a" is the id for Year format * Get the list of formats from :ref:`GET_report/field/dataFormat/{dataType}` .. code-block:: json :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 9,21 { "name": "OrderDate", "other fields": "are not included in this sample", "properties": { "fieldItemVisible": true, "dataFormattings": { "function": "7f942ac7-08d8-41fa-9e89-bad96f07f102", "functionInfo": { "id": "7f942ac7-08d8-41fa-9e89-bad96f07f102", "name": "Group", "expression": null, 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