=========================================== ReactJS to manage a scalar value =========================================== In this sample we will write a simplistic web page utilizing ReactJS to manage a server scalar value setting. - We will test with the :ref:`GET_report/reportMode` and :ref:`POST_report/reportMode/{value}` APIs. - We will use ReactJS to create the UI. Prerequisites ------------- #. This sample is a continuation of :doc:`code_rest_api_test`. #. This sample re-uses the folder structure created in :doc:`code_rest_api_test`. #. The uncompressed, development version of react.js and react-dom.js has been put into "ui\_react\_examples/vendor" folder. (They are in the starter kit available at https://facebook.github.io/react/downloads.html) Boilerplate code ---------------- #. In "ui\_react\_examples" folder, create a blank text file and name it "ReactJS to manage a scalar value.html". #. Edit the file with a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ and paste the following boilerplate HTML code: .. comment: highlight as text since Pygments cannot parse jsx .. code-block:: text React Test
For production web site, we will replace the local libraries with hosted, minified and compressed library links. ReactJS basics -------------- A ReactJS component maintains its data in ``this.state``, initialize the data in ``getInitialState`` method, load the data from server in ``componentDidMount`` method, and creates its UI elements in the ``render`` method. The ``render`` method is called each time there is a change in ``this.state``. Above that we added 3 custom methods: - fetchData to get data from the server - reflectChangedData to update the state data according to user input - pushData to post data to the server Just by implementing these 6 methods then we will have a working ReactJS component. In this specific case, we only need to implement fetchData and pushData, the other boilerplate methods are already working without any change needed. .. note:: Note on the mixing of JavaScript and XML tags: we are using the JSX syntax to facilitate reading. This JSX will be translated to JavaScript by the included Babel library. Implement fetchData ------------------- From the API documentation :ref:`GET_report/reportMode`, the ``// TODO`` in fetchData would be replaced by this ajax call: .. code-block:: javascript $.ajax({ url: "", type: "GET", contentType: "application/json", success: function(response) { this.setState({ data: response }); }.bind(this), error: function(response) { console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); } }) Now open the page in web browser and we can see the value 0 or 1 for the reportMode setting. .. note:: We need to add ``.bind(this)`` for the call ``this.setState`` to correctly call the setState method of the ReactJS component. Implement pushData ------------------ From the API documentation :ref:`POST_report/reportMode/{value}`, the ``// TODO`` in pushData would be replaced by this ajax call: .. code-block:: javascript $.ajax({ url: "" + this.state.data, type: "POST", contentType: "application/json", success: function(response) { if (response == false) { this.fetchData(); console.log('The response was "false"'); } }.bind(this), error: function(response) { console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); } }) Now we can enter the desired value 0 or 1 and click Save to update the server setting. Any other value would receive a false response and an notice line in JavaScript Console. .. note:: We need to add ``.bind(this)`` for the call ``this.fetchData`` to correctly call the fetchData method of the ReactJS component. Summary ------- In this sample, we went through these activities: - included the ReactJS and JQuery libraries. - created a boilerplate ReactJS component. - loaded initial data using ReactJS's componentDidMount event. - created UI components using ReactJS. - added event handlers to get data, post data and update the state data according to user input. .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Full source code in this sample: .. comment: highlight as text since Pygments cannot parse jsx .. code-block:: text