============================ Dashboard Designer APIs ============================ The **Dashboard Designer** page allows user to .. hlist:: :columns: 2 * select a preset layout * add report parts to dashboard * customize dashboard layout * edit dashboard description and background * copy and move dashboard * switch to presentation mode * configure sharing access * add subscriptions and scheduled delivery * print dashboards * email This page documents the APIs related to dashboard designer. Summary ------------ .. list-table:: :class: apitable :widths: 25 35 40 :header-rows: 1 * - API - Purpose - Usage in Izenda Front-end * - `POST dashboard`_ - Saves a dashboard. - Dashboard Designer > Save (As) > OK * - `POST dashboard/loadFilterFieldData`_ - Returns data source field data for Equivalence operators in filter. - Dashboard Designer/Viewer with Equivalence filter * - `POST dashboard/loadFilterFieldDataAsTree`_ - Returns data source field data in a hierarchy for Equivalence operators in filter. - To be updated * - `POST dashboard/loadPartialFilterFieldData`_ - Returns paged data source field data for Equivalence operators in filter. - To be updated * - `POST dashboard/loadPartialFilterFieldDataAsTree`_ - Returns paged data source field data in a hierarchy for Equivalence operators in filter. - To be updated * - `POST dashboard/loadFilterComparisonFields`_ - Returns a list of available dashboard filter fields for a common filter field. - To be updated * - `POST dashboard/detectDashboardChange`_ - Verifies that all dashboard filters are not changed. - To be updated * - `POST dashboard/loadDashboard`_ - Returns a dashboard object. - Open an existing dashboard * - `POST dashboard/loadSubscriptions`_ - Returns a list of dashboard subscriptions. - Dashboard Designer > Schedule * - `POST dashboard/subscription/validate`_ - Validates a subscription schedule and delivery template. - Dashboard Designer > Schedule > Add Schedule > OK * - `POST dashboard/subscriptions`_ - Saves a list of dashboard subscriptions. - Dashboard Designer > Schedule > Add Schedule > OK * - `POST dashboard/validateDashboardName`_ - Validates dashboard name. - Dashboard Designer > Save (As) > Dashboard Name * - `POST dashboard/validate`_ - Validates dashboard. - Dashboard Designer > Save (As) > OK * - `POST dashboard/validateGlobalDashboard`_ - Validates that dashboard contains only global report parts. - Dashboard Designer > Save (As) > Save into Global Categories > OK * - `POST dashboard/previewDashboardPartData`_ - Returns data for a dashboard part, given the dashboard part definition. - Dashboard Designer > create a Dashboard Part * - `POST dashboard/loadDashboardPartData`_ - Returns data for a dashboard part, given the dashboard part id. - Not used * - `POST dashboard/loadDashboardPartData2`_ - Returns data for a dashboard part, given the dashboard part id, optionally loads default data. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 - Dashboard Viewer * - `GET dashboard/dashboardPart/{dashboard_part_id}`_ - Returns dashboard part definition. - To be updated * - `POST dashboard/accesses/validate`_ - Validates dashboard access. - Dashboard Designer > Save (As) * - `GET dashboard/allowedSavingCategories`_ - .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 superseded by `POST dashboard/allowedSavingCategories`_ and `POST dashboard/allowedSavingSubCategories`_ |br| |br| Returns an array of allowed saving categories for dashboard. - Not used * - `POST dashboard/allowedSavingCategories`_ - Returns an array of allowed saving categories for dashboard, with total number of items. - Dashboard Designer > Save (As) > Category * - `POST dashboard/allowedSavingSubCategories`_ - Returns an array of allowed saving sub-categories for dashboard, with total number of items. - Dashboard Designer > Save (As) > Sub-category * - `POST dashboard/loadCommonFilters`_ - Returns a list of report filters that are common among all report parts from a dashboard definition. - Dashboard Viewer * - `GET dashboard/commonFilters/{dashboard_id}`_ - Returns the saved common filters from a dashboard_id. - Dashboard Viewer * - `POST dashboard/updateRenderingTime`_ - Updates the rendering time of a dashboard. - Dashboard Viewer * - `POST dashboard/draft`_ - Saves a dashboard as draft. - Dashboard Designer > Print before saving * - `GET dashboard/draft/{dashboard_id}`_ - Returns a dashboard from draft. - To be updated * - `POST dashboard/embeddedReports`_ - Returns reports and report parts embedded inside the dashboard part. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 - Dashboard Viewer * - `GET dashboard/loadRelatedDashboardParts/{dashboard_id}`_ - Returns a nested list of dashboard part ids, where each inner list contains dashboard part ids using report parts in a same report. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 - Dashboard Viewer POST dashboard -------------------------------------------------------------- Saves a dashboard. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardSavingParameter` object **Response** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **success** |br| boolean - Is the save successful - * - **dashboard** |br| object - A :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object - **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard HTTP/1.1 .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Request payload: .. code-block:: json { "saveAs" : false, "dashboard" : { "accesses" : [], "name" : "TestDashboard01", "description" : null, "categoryName" : "Category01", "subCategoryName" : "Category01", "tenantId" : null, "imageUrl" : null, "stretchImage" : false, "id" : null, "state" : 0, "inserted" : false, "version" : null, "created" : null, "createdBy" : null, "modified" : null, "modifiedBy" : null, "showFilterDescription" : true, "categoryId" : null, "subCategoryId" : null, "dashboardParts" : [{ "isDirty" : false, "dashboardId" : null, "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 0, "width" : 12, "height" : 4, "title" : "text", "isBackSide" : false, "isFullScreenMode" : false, "state" : 1, "type" : "text", "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } }, "id" : null, "numberOfRecord" : -1, "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "A Title", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "desc", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentFromPreset" : true, "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } } }, "filters" : [] }, { "isDirty" : false, "dashboardId" : null, "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 4, "width" : 6, "height" : 4, "isBackSide" : false, "isFullScreenMode" : false, "state" : 1, "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } }, "id" : null, "numberOfRecord" : -1, "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentFromPreset" : true, "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } } }, "filters" : [] }, { "isDirty" : false, "dashboardId" : null, "positionX" : 6, "positionY" : 4, "width" : 6, "height" : 4, "isBackSide" : false, "isFullScreenMode" : false, "state" : 1, "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } }, "id" : null, "numberOfRecord" : -1, "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentFromPreset" : true, "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } } }, "filters" : [] } ], "commonFilterFields" : [], "subscriptions" : [] } } .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample response: .. code-block:: json { "success" : true, "dashboard" : { "commonFilterFields" : [], "accesses" : [], "subscriptions" : [], "dashboardParts" : [{ "dashboardId" : "a496ad94-fe92-48d5-a285-e45be738921f", "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 0, "width" : 12, "height" : 4, "title" : "text", "state" : 0, "type" : "text", "id" : "0cd06216-ee6f-4dee-9a8a-23d12f845e34", "numberOfRecord" : -1, "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "A Title", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "desc", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentFromPreset" : true, "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } } }, "filters" : [], "reportId" : null, "reportPartId" : null, "filterDescription" : null, "inserted" : false, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.7766703", "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.7766703", "modifiedBy" : null }, { "dashboardId" : "a496ad94-fe92-48d5-a285-e45be738921f", "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 4, "width" : 6, "height" : 4, "title" : null, "state" : 0, "type" : null, "id" : "6b8a0f81-b0ba-4320-bd84-0cd6f61b2842", "numberOfRecord" : -1, "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentFromPreset" : true, "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } } }, "filters" : [], "reportId" : null, "reportPartId" : null, "filterDescription" : null, "inserted" : false, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.7922799", "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.7922799", "modifiedBy" : null }, { "dashboardId" : "a496ad94-fe92-48d5-a285-e45be738921f", "positionX" : 6, "positionY" : 4, "width" : 6, "height" : 4, "title" : null, "state" : 0, "type" : null, "id" : "042035e9-77e7-4102-baa7-e37eb5ed00d5", "numberOfRecord" : -1, "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentFromPreset" : true, "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } } }, "filters" : [], "reportId" : null, "reportPartId" : null, "filterDescription" : null, "inserted" : false, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.7922799", "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.7922799", "modifiedBy" : null } ], "name" : "TestDashboard01", "description" : null, "categoryId" : "709742d0-2300-4f99-8cdd-1e1675d7c2e7", "categoryName" : "Category01", "subCategoryId" : "17a6e855-f211-4a5c-b990-3463d453cecc", "subCategoryName" : "Category01", "tenantId" : null, "imageUrl" : null, "stretchImage" : false, "backgroundColor" : null, "showFilterDescription" : true, "lastViewed" : null, "id" : "a496ad94-fe92-48d5-a285-e45be738921f", "state" : 0, "inserted" : false, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.7766703", "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.7766703", "modifiedBy" : null } } POST dashboard/loadFilterFieldData -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns data source field data for Equivalence operators in filter. **Request** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **dashboard** |br| object - A :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object - * - **commonFilterName** |br| string - The filter name - **Response** An array of string values **Samples** To be updated .. _POST_dashboard/loadFilterFieldDataAsTree: POST dashboard/loadFilterFieldDataAsTree -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns data source field data in a hierarchy for Equivalence operators in filter. **Request** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **dashboard** |br| object - A :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object - * - **commonFilterName** |br| string - The filter name - **Response** An array of :doc:`models/ValueTreeNode` objects **Samples** To be updated POST dashboard/loadPartialFilterFieldData -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns paged data source field data for Equivalence operators in filter. **Request** A :doc:`models/DashboardFilterFieldPagedRequest` object **Notes:** Key for :doc:`models/SearchCriteria` support to search: "Filter" **Response** A :doc:`models/PagedResult` object, with **result** field containing an array of string values **Samples** To be updated POST dashboard/loadPartialFilterFieldDataAsTree -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns paged data source field data in a hierarchy for Equivalence operators in filter. **Request** A :doc:`models/DashboardFilterFieldPagedRequest` object **Response** A :doc:`models/PagedResult` object, with **result** field containing an array of :doc:`models/ValueTreeNode` objects **Samples** To be updated POST dashboard/loadFilterComparisonFields -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns a list of available dashboard filter fields for a common filter field. **Request** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **dashboard** |br| object - A :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object - * - **commonFilterName** |br| string - The filter name - **Response** An array of :doc:`models/ReportFilterField` objects **Samples** To be updated POST dashboard/detectDashboardChange -------------------------------------------------------------- Verifies that all dashboard filters are not changed. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardSavingParameter` object **Response** * true if all filters are not changed * false if changed **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/detectDashboardChange HTTP/1.1 .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Request payload: .. code-block:: json { "saveAs" : false, "dashboard" : { "accesses" : [], "name" : "Example Dashboard Name 2", "description" : null, "categoryName" : null, "subCategoryName" : null, "tenantId" : null, "backgroundColor" : "", "imageUrl" : null, "stretchImage" : false, "id" : "ce822672-feb2-4954-a95b-33bc118dfd8f", "state" : 3, "inserted" : false, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-09-16T04:34:10.7646747", "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "2016-09-16T04:34:10.7646747", "modifiedBy" : null, "showFilterDescription" : true, "categoryId" : null, "subCategoryId" : null, "dashboardParts" : [{ "isDirty" : true, "dashboardId" : "ce822672-feb2-4954-a95b-33bc118dfd8f", "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 0, "width" : 12, "height" : 4, "title" : "Grid/Grid/Chart", "isBackSide" : false, "filterDescription" : "", "isFullScreenMode" : false, "numberOfRecord" : 0, "state" : 1, "type" : "reportPart", "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } }, "reportId" : "b35b9ff8-dc1f-4da3-971a-ab955dbf1940", "reportPartId" : "64b06c13-5e38-4eb8-9434-f905f8d32faa", "id" : null, "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "textTypeContent" : "" }, "filters" : [] }, { "isDirty" : true, "dashboardId" : "ce822672-feb2-4954-a95b-33bc118dfd8f", "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 4, "width" : 12, "height" : 4, "title" : "Test/Name/Chart", "isBackSide" : true, "filterDescription" : "Freight = [All]", "isFullScreenMode" : false, "numberOfRecord" : 0, "state" : 1, "type" : "reportPart", "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } }, "reportId" : "4a443b06-0c71-400f-bc99-0a15204c0d9b", "reportPartId" : "45e8e8bd-e4ee-409e-812a-be68337993e9", "id" : null, "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "textTypeContent" : "" }, "filters" : [{ "filterFieldId" : "0abc3c48-3e9b-4003-949b-a398a389d9bf", "value" : "[All]", "operatorId" : "003c0e13-cc3c-412f-8fee-1cf21aa51e31", "isCommon" : false, "filterField" : { "filterList" : [], "isDirty" : false, "connectionName" : "sqlserver", "querySourceCategoryName" : "dbo", "sourceFieldName" : "Freight", "sourceFieldVisible" : true, "sourceFieldFilterable" : true, "sourceDataObjectName" : "Orders", "dataType" : "Money", "filterId" : "a0d603e7-3fa6-479c-90dd-3b08565df79d", "querySourceFieldId" : "20f25b2e-2d19-473e-bea6-49f3416d9a0e", "querySourceType" : "Table", "querySourceId" : "d579abf2-17de-4f5e-8cac-854ef245164d", "relationshipId" : null, "alias" : "Freight", "position" : 1, "visible" : false, "required" : false, "cascading" : true, "operatorId" : "003c0e13-cc3c-412f-8fee-1cf21aa51e31", "operatorSetting" : null, "value" : "[All]", "sortType" : "Unsorted", "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 8, "textColor" : null, "backgroundColor" : null, "fontBold" : false, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "id" : "0abc3c48-3e9b-4003-949b-a398a389d9bf", "state" : 0, "modified" : null, "dateTimeNow" : "", "selected" : false, "isParameter" : false, "dataFormatId" : null }, "operatorSetting" : null, "displayName" : "Freight" } ] } ], "commonFilterFields" : [], "subscriptions" : [] } } Sample response:: false POST dashboard/loadDashboard -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns a dashboard object. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardParameter` object **Response** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **success** |br| boolean - Should be true - * - **dashboard** |br| object - A :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object - **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/loadDashboard HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "dashboardId" : "a496ad94-fe92-48d5-a285-e45be738921f" } .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample response: .. code-block:: json { "success" : true, "dashboard" : { "commonFilterFields" : [], "accesses" : [], "subscriptions" : [], "dashboardParts" : [{ "dashboardId" : "a496ad94-fe92-48d5-a285-e45be738921f", "type" : null, "title" : null, "reportId" : null, "reportPartId" : null, "filterDescription" : null, "numberOfRecord" : -1, "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 4, "width" : 6, "height" : 4, "filters" : [], "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentFromPreset" : true, "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } } }, "id" : "6b8a0f81-b0ba-4320-bd84-0cd6f61b2842", "state" : 0, "inserted" : true, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.793", "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.793", "modifiedBy" : null }, { "dashboardId" : "a496ad94-fe92-48d5-a285-e45be738921f", "type" : "text", "title" : "text", "reportId" : null, "reportPartId" : null, "filterDescription" : null, "numberOfRecord" : -1, "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 0, "width" : 12, "height" : 4, "filters" : [], "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "A Title", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", 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null, "reportPartId" : null, "filterDescription" : null, "numberOfRecord" : -1, "positionX" : 6, "positionY" : 4, "width" : 6, "height" : 4, "filters" : [], "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentFromPreset" : true, "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } } }, "id" : "042035e9-77e7-4102-baa7-e37eb5ed00d5", "state" : 0, "inserted" : true, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.793", "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.793", "modifiedBy" : null } ], "name" : "TestDashboard01", "description" : null, "categoryId" : "e443f282-eba4-422d-a7c3-32560a268373", "categoryName" : null, "subCategoryId" : null, "subCategoryName" : null, "tenantId" : null, "imageUrl" : null, "stretchImage" : false, "backgroundColor" : null, "showFilterDescription" : true, "lastViewed" : null, "id" : "a496ad94-fe92-48d5-a285-e45be738921f", "state" : 0, "inserted" : true, "version" : 2, "created" : "2016-08-11T03:20:08.777", "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "2016-08-11T03:44:01.27", "modifiedBy" : null } } POST dashboard/loadSubscriptions -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns a list of dashboard subscriptions. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/SubscriptionPagedRequest` object .. note:: The keys for :doc:`models/SearchCriteria` that this API support: |br| - All |br| - Name |br| - Schedule |br| - FilterValueSelection |br| - DeliveryType |br| - DeliveryMethod |br| - Recipients |br| - LastSuccessfulRun |br| - LastSuccessfulRunFrom |br| - LastSuccessfulRunTo |br| - NextScheduledRun |br| - NextScheduledRunFrom |br| - NextScheduledRunTo |br| - Keyword |br| - ReportingType |br| - ReportDashboardName |br| - Type |br| - RecurrenceType |br| - ExportFileType |br| - CreatedBy |br| **Response** A :doc:`models/PagedResult` object, with **result** field containing an array of :doc:`models/Subscription` objects **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/loadSubscriptions HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "dashboardId" : "a496ad94-fe92-48d5-a285-e45be738921f", "isSubscription" : true, "tenantId" : null, "criteria" : [{ "key" : "All", "value" : "", "operation" : 1 } ], "pageIndex" : 1, "pageSize" : 10, "sortOrders" : [{ "key" : "name", "descending" : true } ] } Sample response:: { "result" : [{ "name" : "Everyday at 2 PM", "schedule" : "Occurs every day effective 08/11/2016 at 02:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "type" : "Subscription Report", "timeZoneName" : "(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "timeZoneValue" : "Central Standard Time", "startDate" : "2016-08-11T00:00:00", "startDateUtc" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "startTime" : "2016-08-11T14:00:00", "recurrenceType" : 2, "recurrencePattern" : 1, "recurrencePatternSetting" : { "recurrenceWeek" : 1, "selectedDayValue" : "5" }, "isEndless" : true, "isScheduled" : false, "occurrence" : 0, "endDate" : null, "endDateUtc" : null, "deliveryType" : "Email", "deliveryMethod" : "Link", "exportFileType" : null, "exportAttachmentType" : null, "emailSubject" : "{reportName}", "emailBody" : null, "reportId" : null, "dashboardId" : "a496ad94-fe92-48d5-a285-e45be738921f", "filterValueSelection" : "", "recipients" : null, "lastSuccessfulRun" : "The schedule has not started.", "nextScheduledRun" : "08/11/2016 02:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "isSubscription" : true, "subscriptionFilterFields" : [], "subscriptionCommonFilterFields" : [], "tempId" : null, "id" : "df6d04e8-ce7c-45ea-b485-046ecfe20720", "state" : 0, "inserted" : true, "version" : 1, "created" : null, "createdBy" : "", "modified" : "2016-08-11T06:48:39.777", "modifiedBy" : "" } ], "pageIndex" : 1, "pageSize" : 10, "total" : 1 } POST dashboard/subscription/validate -------------------------------------------------------------- Validates a subscription schedule and delivery template. **Request** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **subscription** |br| object - A :doc:`models/Subscription` object - * - **commonFilterFields** |br| array of objects - An array of :doc:`models/CommonFilterField` objects - **Response** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **success** |br| boolean - Should be true - * - **subscription** |br| object - The validated :doc:`models/Subscription` object - **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/subscription/validate HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "subscription" : { "isDirty" : false, "name" : "Everyday at 2 PM", "type" : "Subscription Report", "timeZoneName" : "(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "timeZoneValue" : "Central Standard Time", "startDate" : "08/11/2016", "startTime" : "8/11/2016 2:00 PM", "recurrenceType" : "2", "recurrencePattern" : 1, "recurrencePatternSetting" : { "recurrenceWeek" : 1, "selectedDayValue" : "5" }, "isEndless" : true, "endDate" : "11/11/2016", "deliveryType" : "Email", "deliveryMethod" : "Link", "emailSubject" : "{reportName}", "subscriptionFilterFields" : [], "subscriptionCommonFilterFields" : [], "reportId" : null, "createdBy" : "", "id" : null, "state" : 1, "isSubscription" : true, "isEndAfter" : false, "isEndBy" : false, "isEdit" : false }, "commonFilterFields" : [] } Sample response:: { "success" : true, "subscription" : { "name" : "Everyday at 2 PM", "schedule" : "Occurs every day effective 08/11/2016 at 02:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "type" : "Subscription Report", "timeZoneName" : "(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "timeZoneValue" : "Central Standard Time", "startDate" : "2016-08-11T00:00:00", "startDateUtc" : "2016-08-11T19:00:00", "startTime" : "2016-08-11T14:00:00", "recurrenceType" : 2, "recurrencePattern" : 1, "recurrencePatternSetting" : { "recurrenceWeek" : 1, "selectedDayValue" : "5" }, "isEndless" : true, "isScheduled" : false, "occurrence" : 0, "endDate" : null, "endDateUtc" : null, "deliveryType" : "Email", "deliveryMethod" : "Link", "exportFileType" : null, "exportAttachmentType" : null, "emailSubject" : "{reportName}", "emailBody" : null, "reportId" : null, "dashboardId" : null, "filterValueSelection" : "", "recipients" : null, "lastSuccessfulRun" : "The schedule has not started.", "nextScheduledRun" : "08/11/2016 02:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "isSubscription" : true, "subscriptionFilterFields" : [], "subscriptionCommonFilterFields" : [], "tempId" : null, "id" : null, "state" : 1, "inserted" : false, "version" : null, "created" : null, "createdBy" : "", "modified" : null, "modifiedBy" : null } } POST dashboard/subscriptions -------------------------------------------------------------- Saves a list of dashboard subscriptions. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object, with **id** and **subscriptions** fields populated **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true if the save is successful **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/subscriptions HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "id": "d89d407f-afe7-41f7-a4f3-aa8306af5585", "subscriptions": [ { "tenantId": null, "isDirty": true, "name": "JDoe Daily", "schedule": "Occurs every day effective 01/05/2017 at 12:03 PM (UTC-12:00) International Date Line West", "filterValueSelection": "", "type": "Subscribed Reporting Item", "timeZoneName": "(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West", "timeZoneValue": "Dateline Standard Time", "startDate": "2017-01-05T00:00:00", "startTime": "2017-01-05T12:03:12", "recurrenceType": 2, "recurrencePattern": 1, "recurrencePatternSetting": { "recurrenceWeek": 1, "selectedDayValue": "5" }, "dailyRecurrencePatternSetting": { "isEveryWeekday": false, "recurrenceDay": 1 }, "weeklyRecurrencePatternSetting": { "recurrenceWeek": 1, "selectedDayValue": "5" }, "monthlyRecurrencePatternSetting": { "useOrdinalDay": false, "day": 5, "recurrenceMonth": 1, "ordinalDay": 1, "ordinalDayValue": 5, "ordinalRecurrenceMonth": 0 }, "yearlyRecurrencePatternSetting": { "recurrenceYear": 1, "useOrdinalDay": false, "monthValue": 1, "day": 5, "ordinalDay": 1, "ordinalDayValue": 5, "ordinalMonthValue": 1 }, "isEndless": true, "occurrence": 0, "endDate": null, "deliveryType": "Email", "deliveryMethod": "Link", "exportFileType": null, "exportAttachmentType": null, "emailSubject": "{dashboardName}", "emailBody": "Dear {currentUserName},\n\nPlease see dashboard in the following link.\n\n{dashboardLink}\n\nRegards,", "subscriptionFilterFields": [], "subscriptionCommonFilterFields": [], "reportId": null, "dashboardId": "d89d407f-afe7-41f7-a4f3-aa8306af5585", "createdBy": "John Doe", "id": null, "state": 1, "modified": null, "version": null, "isSubscription": true, "recipients": null, "lastSuccessfulRun": "The schedule has not started.", "nextScheduledRun": "01/05/2017 12:03 PM (UTC-12:00) International Date Line West", "emailTemplates": [ { "key": "Attachment", "value": "Dear {currentUserName},\n\nPlease see dashboard in the attachment.\n\nRegards," }, { "key": "Embedded HTML", "value": "Dear {currentUserName},\n\nPlease see the following dashboard.\n\n{embedDashboardHTML}\n\nRegards," }, { "key": "Link", "value": "Dear {currentUserName},\n\nPlease see dashboard in the following link.\n\n{dashboardLink}\n\nRegards," } ], "isEndAfter": false, "isEndBy": false, "isEdit": false, "selectedValue": false, "currentTab": "schedule" } ] } Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": null } POST dashboard/validateDashboardName -------------------------------------------------------------- Validates dashboard name. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true if the name is valid **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/validateDashboardName HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "id": null, "name": "Example Dashboard Name", "categoryId": null, "categoryName": null, "subCategoryId": null, "subCategoryName": null, "tenantId": null } Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": null } POST dashboard/validate -------------------------------------------------------------- Validates dashboard. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true if the dashboard is valid **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/validate HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "accesses": [], "name": "Example Dashboard Name Test", "description": null, "categoryName": null, "subCategoryName": null, "tenantId": null, "backgroundColor": "", "imageUrl": null, "stretchImage": false, "id": "d89d407f-afe7-41f7-a4f3-aa8306af5585", "state": 0, "inserted": true, "version": 4, "created": "2016-11-30T08:06:45.113", "createdBy": "System Admin", "createdById": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "modified": "2017-01-05T05:06:22.313", "modifiedBy": "John Doe", "showFilterDescription": true, "ownerId": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "lastViewed": "2017-01-05T05:06:35.2", "accessPriority": 1, "categoryId": null, "subCategoryId": null, "dashboardParts": [], "commonFilterFields": [], "subscriptions": [] } Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": null } POST dashboard/validateGlobalDashboard -------------------------------------------------------------- Validates that dashboard contains only global report parts. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object with: #. **isGlobal**: true #. **dashboardParts**: an array of :doc:`models/DashboardPart` objects with the **reportId** field populated at minimum. **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true if the dashboard is global **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/validateGlobalDashboard HTTP/1.1 To be updated POST dashboard/previewDashboardPartData -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns data for a dashboard part, given the dashboard part definition. **Request** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **dashboardPart** |br| object - A :doc:`models/DashboardPart` object - * - **dataRequest** |br| object - A :doc:`models/FusionDataRequest` object - **Response** A :doc:`models/FusionResult` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/previewDashboardPartData HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "dashboardPart" : { "reportId" : "babe2f8c-a9b9-4a28-98b9-426b8c15497c", "reportPartId" : "48c238bb-1296-44bc-bd16-c7e09bdad1ac", "filters" : [{ "filterFieldId" : "d192bde7-0e51-4daa-8113-d3d79b539337", "value" : "USA" } ], "numberOfRecord" : -1 }, "dataRequest" : { "expandedLevel" : -1 } } .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample response: .. code-block:: json { "grandTotalMapping" : [], "subTotalMapping" : [], "sideTotalMapping" : [], "records" : [{ "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 48.2900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 4.5600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 4.5400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 98.0300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 147.2600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 257.6200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 0.5600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 17.5200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 74.1600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 150.1500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 12.6900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 214.2700 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 191.6700 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 84.2100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 23.2900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 142.0800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 8.6300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 195.6800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 20.1200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 30.9600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 126.5600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 30.3400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 89.1600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 12.5100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 0.2000 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 4.3400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 86.5300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 73.0200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 140.2600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 60.1800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 708.9500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 7.4800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 15.2800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 59.1300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 367.6300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 3.3500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 24.9100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 11.9200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 252.4900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 13.7500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 58.9800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 37.6000 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 25.4100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 13.7300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 4.4200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 5.2400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 16.3400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 44.4200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 45.1300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 48.7700 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 200.2400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 544.0800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 116.5300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 18.5300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 94.8000 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 107.4600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 57.1500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 352.6900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 111.2900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 1.2800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 26.3100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 388.9800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 26.6100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 76.1300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 139.3400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 102.5500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 65.1000 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 135.6300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 2.9600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 52.4100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 167.0500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 24.4900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 51.4400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 74.5800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 21.7200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 45.9700 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 81.8800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 232.5500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 73.2100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 8.1900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 18.6600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 20.2500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 237.3400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 45.5300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 14.6200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 719.7800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 37.5200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 36.6800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 7.0000 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 487.5700 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 174.0500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 170.9700 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 14.9300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 1.9300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 23.1000 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 0.5300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 90.9700 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 280.6100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 116.1300 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 162.9500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 33.6800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 400.8100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 144.3800 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 12.9600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 657.5400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 211.2200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 61.1400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 4.2700 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 55.1200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 141.1600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 14.9100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 25.1900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 11.6500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 830.7500 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 227.2200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 606.1900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 40.3200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 18.8400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 14.0100 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 30.0900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 44.7200 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 8.5300 } ], "fieldsMapping" : [{ "fieldId" : "914e4fca-2d9e-4a9f-a224-8d4cc4133996", "fieldNameAlias" : "Freight", "columnName" : "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" } ], "paging" : { "pageIndex" : 0, "pageSize" : 0, "total" : 0 } } POST dashboard/loadDashboardPartData -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns data for a dashboard part, given the dashboard part id. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/FusionDataRequest` object **Response** A :doc:`models/FusionResult` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/loadDashboardPartData HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "dashboardPartId" : "8f64491a-3c07-46c7-a224-f5f6a58a1e29", "expandedLevel" : -1 } Response is the same as `POST dashboard/previewDashboardPartData`_ POST dashboard/loadDashboardPartData2 -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns data for a dashboard part, given the dashboard part id, optionally loads default data. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/FusionDataRequest` object with **loadDefaultData** field populated. **Response** A :doc:`models/FusionResult` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/loadDashboardPartData2 HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "dashboardPartId": "32025f38-549b-4702-a723-3415ba06a541", "loadDefaultData": true, "filters": [] } Response:: { "grandTotalMapping": [], "subTotalMapping": [], "sideTotalMapping": [], "executionTrace": [], "records": [ { "orderid_40544508_b91a_": 10248, "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_": "Reims", "rowNumber": 1 }, { "orderid_40544508_b91a_": 10249, "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_": "Münster", "rowNumber": 2 }, { "orderid_40544508_b91a_": 10251, "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_": "Lyon", "rowNumber": 3 }, { "orderid_40544508_b91a_": 10252, "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_": "Charleroi", "rowNumber": 4 }, { "orderid_40544508_b91a_": 10254, "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_": "Bern", "rowNumber": 5 }, { "orderid_40544508_b91a_": 10255, "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_": "Genève", "rowNumber": 6 }, { "orderid_40544508_b91a_": 10258, "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_": "Graz", "rowNumber": 7 }, { "orderid_40544508_b91a_": 10259, "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_": "México D.F.", "rowNumber": 8 }, { "orderid_40544508_b91a_": 10260, "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_": "Köln", "rowNumber": 9 }, { "orderid_40544508_b91a_": 10263, "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_": "Graz", "rowNumber": 10 } ], "fieldsMapping": [ { "fieldId": "40544508-b91a-4e32-b7ee-0092bc73ba65", "fieldNameAlias": "OrderID", "columnName": "orderid_40544508_b91a_" }, { "fieldId": "3d2b5d33-d539-43bf-ac7d-435139d8b176", "fieldNameAlias": "ShipCity", "columnName": "shipcity_3d2b5d33_d539_" } ], "paging": { "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 10, "total": 526, "skipItems": 0, "isLastPage": false }, "pivotHeaderValues": [], "cities": [], "postalCodes": [] } GET dashboard/dashboardPart/{dashboard_part_id} -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns dashboard part definition. **Request** No payload **Response** A :doc:`models/DashboardPart` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http GET /api/dashboard/dashboardPart/75950fe5-fb5b-4f99-a3a1-0ef0f6a26aed HTTP/1.1 Sample response:: { "dashboardId" : "827f1a53-8afc-4f7c-b384-dd3a7cbe7b45", "type" : "reportPart", "title" : "002/002/test/Chart", "reportId" : "46af03c2-a740-46e0-bb15-49f97e66ff49", "reportPartId" : "7e76a8cb-d584-4f3e-9494-2c937d49dde6", "filterDescription" : "", "numberOfRecord" : -1, "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 0, "width" : 12, "height" : 4, "filters" : [], "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentFromPreset" : true, "textTypeContent" : "" }, "id" : "75950fe5-fb5b-4f99-a3a1-0ef0f6a26aed", "state" : 0, "deleted" : false, "inserted" : true, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-10-06T09:03:30.313", "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "2016-10-06T09:03:30.313", "modifiedBy" : null } POST dashboard/accesses/validate -------------------------------------------------------------- Validates dashboard access, for example: * owner must have full access * there is no user or role duplication * "everyone" is used only once **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object **Response** An object with **success** field * true if the list of accesses is valid * false if not **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/accesses/validate HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "id": null, "ownerId": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "accesses": [ { "isDirty": true, "accessors": [ "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c" ], "accessRight": null, "assignedType": 3, "id": null, "permissionId": null, "reportId": null, "selected": false, "state": 1, "accessRightId": "13698ebf-3e8e-43e1-9e2b-ad3f17d7d011", "reportAccessRightId": null, "dashboardAccessRightId": null, "tempId": "401", "assignedTypeName": null, "accessorNames": [], "reportAccessRights": null, "dashboardAccessRights": null }, { "isDirty": true, "accessors": [ "76956905-b578-474a-b17a-0198d3724039" ], "accessRight": null, "assignedType": 2, "id": null, "permissionId": null, "reportId": null, "selected": false, "state": 1, "accessRightId": "13698ebf-3e8e-43e1-9e2b-ad3f17d7d006", "reportAccessRightId": null, "dashboardAccessRightId": null, "tempId": "398", "assignedTypeName": null, "accessorNames": [], "reportAccessRights": null, "dashboardAccessRights": null }, { "isDirty": true, "accessors": [], "accessRight": null, "assignedType": 1, "id": null, "permissionId": null, "reportId": null, "selected": false, "state": 1, "accessRightId": "13698ebf-3e8e-43e1-9e2b-ad3f17d7d008", "reportAccessRightId": null, "dashboardAccessRightId": null, "tempId": "395", "assignedTypeName": null, "accessorNames": [], "reportAccessRights": null, "dashboardAccessRights": null } ] } Successful response:: {"success":true} GET dashboard/allowedSavingCategories -------------------------------------------------------------- .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 superseded by `POST dashboard/allowedSavingCategories`_ and `POST dashboard/allowedSavingSubCategories`_ Returns an array of allowed saving categories for dashboard. **Request** No payload **Response** An array of :doc:`models/Category` objects **Samples** .. code-block:: http GET /api/dashboard/allowedSavingCategories HTTP/1.1 Sample response:: [ { "name": "Uncategorized", "type": 2, "parentId": null, "tenantId": null, "canDelete": false, "editable": false, "savable": false, "subCategories": [], "checked": false, "reports": null, "dashboards": null, "id": null, "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ] POST dashboard/allowedSavingCategories -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns an array of allowed saving categories for dashboard, with total number of items. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/ReportDashboardSearchCriteria` object **Response** The following object: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **data** |br| array of objects - An array of :doc:`models/Category` objects - * - **totalItems** |br| string - The number of all items - * - **numOfChilds** |br| integer - The number of children - * - **numOfCheckedChilds** |br| integer - The number of selected children - * - **indeterminate** |br| boolean - * true if 0 < numOfCheckedChilds < numOfChilds * false if not - * - **isLastPage** |br| boolean - Whether this is the last page - **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/allowedSavingCategories HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 24, "type": 2, "criteria": [ { "key": "name", "value": null } ], "parentIds": [ "09f8c4ab-0fe8-4e03-82d1-7949e3738f87" ], "includeUncategory": false, "tenantId": null } Sample response:: { "data": [ { "name": "AAA", "type": 2, "parentId": null, "tenantId": null, "isGlobal": false, "canDelete": false, "editable": false, "savable": false, "subCategories": [], "checked": false, "reports": null, "dashboards": null, "numOfChilds": 0, "numOfCheckedChilds": 0, "indeterminate": false, "fullPath": null, "computeNameSettings": null, "id": "3340a862-0eda-4a45-9dc5-794d79b77085", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null }, { "name": "BBB", "type": 2, "parentId": null, "tenantId": null, "isGlobal": false, "canDelete": false, "editable": false, "savable": false, "subCategories": [ { "name": "B", "type": 2, "parentId": "08af67ff-6597-447e-84b5-9761fcba82f3", "tenantId": null, "isGlobal": false, "canDelete": false, "editable": false, "savable": false, "subCategories": [], "checked": false, "reports": null, "dashboards": null, "numOfChilds": 0, "numOfCheckedChilds": 0, "indeterminate": false, "fullPath": null, "computeNameSettings": null, "id": "ae6cca2b-fd25-4b91-83c2-3418685d7bc6", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "checked": false, "reports": [], "dashboards": [], "numOfChilds": 1, "numOfCheckedChilds": 0, "indeterminate": false, "fullPath": null, "computeNameSettings": null, "id": "08af67ff-6597-447e-84b5-9761fcba82f3", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null }, { "name": "CCC", "type": 2, "parentId": null, "tenantId": null, "isGlobal": false, "canDelete": false, "editable": false, "savable": false, "subCategories": [ { "name": "C", "type": 2, "parentId": "39c3dba7-9484-433c-a3e8-00f2e26a7f73", "tenantId": null, "isGlobal": false, "canDelete": false, "editable": false, "savable": false, "subCategories": [], "checked": false, "reports": null, "dashboards": null, "numOfChilds": 0, "numOfCheckedChilds": 0, "indeterminate": false, "fullPath": null, "computeNameSettings": null, "id": "10ae0b7e-6994-4c23-b80c-ac48a3016d03", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "checked": false, "reports": [], "dashboards": [], "numOfChilds": 1, "numOfCheckedChilds": 0, "indeterminate": false, "fullPath": null, "computeNameSettings": null, "id": "39c3dba7-9484-433c-a3e8-00f2e26a7f73", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "totalItems": 5, "numOfChilds": 3, "numOfCheckedChilds": 0, "indeterminate": false, "isLastPage": true } POST dashboard/allowedSavingSubCategories -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns an array of allowed saving sub-categories for dashboard, with total number of items. The following object: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **data** |br| array of objects - An array of :doc:`models/Category` objects - * - **totalItems** |br| string - The number of all items - * - **numOfChilds** |br| integer - The number of children - * - **numOfCheckedChilds** |br| integer - The number of selected children - * - **indeterminate** |br| boolean - * true if 0 < numOfCheckedChilds < numOfChilds * false if not - * - **isLastPage** |br| boolean - Whether this is the last page - **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/allowedSavingSubCategories HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 24, "type": 2, "criteria": [ { "key": "name", "value": null } ], "parentIds": [ "09f8c4ab-0fe8-4e03-82d1-7949e3738f87", "39c3dba7-9484-433c-a3e8-00f2e26a7f73" ], "tenantId": null } Response:: { "data": [ { "name": "C", "type": 2, "parentId": "39c3dba7-9484-433c-a3e8-00f2e26a7f73", "tenantId": null, "isGlobal": false, "canDelete": false, "editable": false, "savable": false, "subCategories": [], "checked": false, "reports": null, "dashboards": null, "numOfChilds": 0, "numOfCheckedChilds": 0, "indeterminate": false, "fullPath": null, "computeNameSettings": null, "id": "10ae0b7e-6994-4c23-b80c-ac48a3016d03", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "totalItems": 1, "numOfChilds": 1, "numOfCheckedChilds": 0, "indeterminate": false, "isLastPage": true } POST dashboard/loadCommonFilters -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns a list of report filters that are common among all report parts from a dashboard definition. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object **Response** An array of :doc:`models/CommonFilterField` objects **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/loadCommonFilters HTTP/1.1 .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Request payload: .. code-block:: json { "accesses" : [], "name" : "Example Dashboard Name 2", "description" : null, "categoryName" : null, "subCategoryName" : null, "tenantId" : null, "backgroundColor" : "", "imageUrl" : null, "stretchImage" : false, "id" : "ce822672-feb2-4954-a95b-33bc118dfd8f", "state" : 3, "inserted" : false, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-09-16T04:34:10.7646747", "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "2016-09-16T04:34:10.7646747", "modifiedBy" : null, "showFilterDescription" : true, "categoryId" : null, "subCategoryId" : null, "dashboardParts" : [{ "isDirty" : true, "dashboardId" : "ce822672-feb2-4954-a95b-33bc118dfd8f", "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 0, "width" : 12, "height" : 4, "title" : "Grid/Grid/Chart", "isBackSide" : false, "filterDescription" : "", "isFullScreenMode" : false, "numberOfRecord" : 0, "state" : 1, "type" : "reportPart", "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } }, "reportId" : "b35b9ff8-dc1f-4da3-971a-ab955dbf1940", "reportPartId" : "64b06c13-5e38-4eb8-9434-f905f8d32faa", "id" : null, "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "textTypeContent" : "" }, "filters" : [] }, { "isDirty" : true, "dashboardId" : "ce822672-feb2-4954-a95b-33bc118dfd8f", "positionX" : 0, "positionY" : 4, "width" : 12, "height" : 4, "title" : "Test/Name/Chart", "isBackSide" : true, "isFullScreenMode" : false, "numberOfRecord" : 0, "state" : 1, "type" : "reportPart", "bodyContent" : { "text" : "", "config" : { "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 14, "bold" : false, "italic" : false, "underline" : false, "strikethrough" : false, "textColor" : "", "backgroundColor" : "", "alignleft" : false, "aligncenter" : false, "alignright" : false, "alignjustify" : false, "bullet" : "", "numbered" : "", "alignTop" : false, "alignMiddle" : false, "alignBottom" : false } }, "reportId" : "4a443b06-0c71-400f-bc99-0a15204c0d9b", "reportPartId" : "45e8e8bd-e4ee-409e-812a-be68337993e9", "id" : null, "dashboardPartContent" : { "contentTitle" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "contentDescription" : { "text" : "", "settings" : { "fontFamily" : "", "fontSize" : 14, "fontBold" : true, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "fontColor" : "", "fontHighlightColor" : "", "alignment" : "" } }, "textTypeContent" : "" }, "filters" : [{ "filterFieldId" : "0abc3c48-3e9b-4003-949b-a398a389d9bf", "value" : "[All]", "operatorId" : "003c0e13-cc3c-412f-8fee-1cf21aa51e31", "isCommon" : false, "filterField" : { "filterList" : [], "isDirty" : false, "connectionName" : "sqlserver", "querySourceCategoryName" : "dbo", "sourceFieldName" : "Freight", "sourceFieldVisible" : true, "sourceFieldFilterable" : true, "sourceDataObjectName" : "Orders", "dataType" : "Money", "filterId" : "a0d603e7-3fa6-479c-90dd-3b08565df79d", "querySourceFieldId" : "20f25b2e-2d19-473e-bea6-49f3416d9a0e", "querySourceType" : "Table", "querySourceId" : "d579abf2-17de-4f5e-8cac-854ef245164d", "relationshipId" : null, "alias" : "Freight", "position" : 1, "visible" : false, "required" : false, "cascading" : true, "operatorId" : "003c0e13-cc3c-412f-8fee-1cf21aa51e31", "operatorSetting" : null, "value" : "[All]", "sortType" : "Unsorted", "fontFamily" : "Roboto", "fontSize" : 8, "textColor" : null, "backgroundColor" : null, "fontBold" : false, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "id" : "0abc3c48-3e9b-4003-949b-a398a389d9bf", "state" : 0, "modified" : null, "dateTimeNow" : "", "selected" : false, "isParameter" : false, "dataFormatId" : null }, "operatorSetting" : null, "displayName" : "Freight" } ] } ], "commonFilterFields" : [], "subscriptions" : [] } Sample response:: [] GET dashboard/commonFilters/{dashboard_id} -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns the saved common filters from a dashboard_id. **Request** No payload **Response** An array of :doc:`models/CommonFilterField` objects **Samples** .. code-block:: http GET /api/dashboard/commonFilters/70193a58-5752-48b7-bd0b-018a430087ec HTTP/1.1 Sample response:: [ { "name": "042a04a3-dfe1-4ef9-bd27-1b657886f02e-ShipCountry", "displayName": "ShipCountry", "value": "", "operatorId": "042a04a3-dfe1-4ef9-bd27-1b657886f02e", "operatorSetting": "", "dataType": null, "dashboardId": "70193a58-5752-48b7-bd0b-018a430087ec", "position": 1, "cascading": false, "sortType": null, "filterFields": [ { "filterFieldId": "e5698682-3118-41ba-94e4-985955fc2f2f", "dashboardPartId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, { "filterFieldId": "9baaf9a0-5e65-45c2-b8e5-1cdb8ad5a021", "dashboardPartId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } ], "id": "32bf178c-eeac-473a-bc0e-3d4c4096bb13", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-01-10T03:35:23.803", "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": "2017-01-10T03:35:23.803", "modifiedBy": "John Doe" } ] POST dashboard/updateRenderingTime -------------------------------------------------------------- Updates the rendering time of a dashboard. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true if the update is successful **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/updateRenderingTime HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "id": "d89d407f-afe7-41f7-a4f3-aa8306af5585", "renderingTime": 691 } Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": null } POST dashboard/draft -------------------------------------------------------------- Saves a dashboard as draft. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object **Response** The dashboard id in draft **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/draft HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "accesses": [], "name": "Example Dashboard Name", "description": null, "categoryName": null, "subCategoryName": null, "tenantId": null, "backgroundColor": "", "imageUrl": null, "stretchImage": false, "id": null, "state": 3, "inserted": false, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": null, "createdById": null, "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null, "showFilterDescription": true, "ownerId": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "lastViewed": null, "accessPriority": 1, "categoryId": null, "subCategoryId": null, "dashboardParts": [], "commonFilterFields": [], "subscriptions": [] } Sample response:: { "id": "17406c2b-8395-45be-adce-87a33bab6107" } GET dashboard/draft/{dashboard_id} -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns a dashboard from draft. **Request** No payload **Response** A :doc:`models/DashboardDefinition` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http GET /api/dashboard/draft/17406c2b-8395-45be-adce-87a33bab6107 HTTP/1.1 Sample response:: { "commonFilterFields": [], "accesses": [], "subscriptions": [], "inaccessible": false, "name": "Example Dashboard Name", "description": null, "categoryId": null, "categoryName": null, "subCategoryId": null, "subCategoryName": null, "tenantId": null, "imageUrl": null, "stretchImage": false, "backgroundColor": "", "showFilterDescription": true, "lastViewed": null, "owner": null, "ownerId": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "createdById": null, "modifiedById": null, "checked": false, "numberOfView": 0, "renderingTime": 0, "sourceId": null, "deletable": false, "editable": false, "movable": false, "copyable": false, "accessPriority": 1, "dashboardParts": [], "id": null, "state": 3, "deleted": false, "inserted": false, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } POST dashboard/embeddedReports -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns reports and report parts embedded inside the dashboard part. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/DashboardPart` object **Response** The following object .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description - Note * - **reports** |br| array of objects - An array of embedded :doc:`models/ReportDefinition` objects - * - **reportParts** |br| array of objects - An array of embedded :doc:`models/ReportPartDefinition` objects - **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/dashboard/embeddedReports HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "reportId": "f8d326ac-8cc8-4bc4-a37c-79a84502a3d0", "reportPartId": "59de84eb-12d5-4af3-9811-6bf40092b38f" } Sample response:: { "reports": [], "reportParts": [] } GET dashboard/loadRelatedDashboardParts/{dashboard_id} -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns a nested list of dashboard part ids, where each inner list contains dashboard part ids using report parts in a same report. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 **Request** No payload **Response** A list of list of strings (GUIDs) **Samples** .. code-block:: http GET /api/dashboard/loadRelatedDashboardParts/aac3c448-99af-4ac3-b8e2-bc27582cee0b HTTP/1.1 Sample response:: [ [ "4522d9e6-786a-49aa-8403-aaa8d89c8790", "2af78b97-a8f8-4c91-b9d4-cb557939203b" ] ]