============================ User APIs ============================ The User APIs are used in the log in, log out, user setup and migration features. Summary ------------ .. list-table:: :class: apitable :widths: 25 45 30 :header-rows: 1 * - API - Purpose - Usage in Izenda Front-end * - `GET user/all/(tenant_id)`_ - Returns an array of users, filtered by tenant_id if available. Deprecated, please use `POST user/all`_ to avoid timeouts loading large data. - Settings menu > User Setup * - `POST user/all`_ - Returns an array of users by tenant. - Settings menu > User Setup * - `POST user/load`_ - Returns an array of users for Report Access or Schedule, with paging. - Report Designer > Schedule > Add Schedule > select Recipient(s) |br| Report Designer > Access > Add Sharing > Share With > User > select * - `POST user/login`_ - Performs login. - Login page * - `POST user/logout`_ - Performs logout. - User section in page header > Sign Out * - `POST user`_ - Saves a user. .. note:: To set up a user with password, this API is only the first step. See :doc:`/dev/code_javascript_add_internal_user` for the guide. - Settings menu > User Setup > Add User > Save * - `POST user/userProfile`_ - Saves a user profile. - not used * - `POST user/passwordProfile`_ - Saves a password profile. - not used * - `POST user/securityQuesitions`_ - Saves security questions for a user. .. note:: Will be renamed to securityQuestions - User section in page header > My Profile > Security Options > Change Security Options > Save * - `POST user/password`_ - Saves password for a user. .. note:: Obsolete, use `POST user/passwordAndSecurityQuestion`_ instead - Not used * - `POST user/active`_ - Activates a user. - Settings menu > User Setup > Activate link * - `POST user/deactive`_ - Deactivates a user. - Settings menu > User Setup > Deactivate link * - `DELETE user/{user_id}`_ - Deletes a user. - Settings menu > User Setup > Delete link * - `POST user/passwordAndSecurityQuestion`_ - Saves a user password and security question. - Password Link page > Save * - `GET user/securityQuestion/{user_name}/(tenant_display_id)`_ - Returns security question for a user and tenant. - User section in page header > My Profile > Security Options * - `POST user/generatePasswordLink`_ - Generates :term:`password link`. - Settings menu > User Setup > Configure Password Option > Generate Password Link * - `POST user/validatePasswordLink`_ - Validates :term:`password link`. - Not used * - `POST user/validateSecurityQuestion`_ - Validates security questions. - Not used * - `POST user/validateUserInfo`_ - Validates user information. - Not used * - `POST user/validateExpirationPasswordLink`_ - Validates password expiration link. - When user opens password link * - `POST user/sendPasswordLink`_ - Sends :term:`password link` via email to user. - Settings menu > User Setup > Configure Password Option > Generate Password Link > Send password link in email * - `POST user/integration/saveUser`_ - Adds or updates external user. .. versionchanged:: 1.25 Used to be named "intergration" - Not used * - `POST user/validateUserRoleAssociation`_ - Validates user and role association after some roles are removed. - Settings menu > User Setup > remove a role > Save * - `POST user/allowedSharingUsers/(tenant_id)`_ - Returns a list of users allowed to be selected in report/dashboard access. - Report Designer > Access > Add Sharing * - `GET user/isLastSystemAdmin`_ - Checks if the number of not deleted system admins equals 1. - Settings menu > User Setup > delete a system admin * - `POST external/user`_ - Add or update external user. .. versionadded:: 2.6.16 - To be updated GET user/all/(tenant_id) -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns an array of users, filtered by tenant_id if available. **Request** No payload **Response** An array of :doc:`models/UserDetail` objects **Samples** .. code-block:: http GET /api/user/all HTTP/1.1 .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample Response: .. code-block:: json [ { "password": null, "roles": [], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 1, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "johndoe@system.com", "emailAddress": "johndoe@system.com", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "tenantId": "b5b3a5cc-9e55-424c-ae85-ba92ec3b934e", "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "active": true, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": "John Doe", "currentModules": null, "id": "f6923261-b8bf-4f7a-a5a6-7d7ca61d8ccb", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-09-08T07:54:22.597", "createdBy": "$RootAdmin$", "modified": "2017-09-08T07:54:22.597", "modifiedBy": "$RootAdmin$" }, { "password": null, "roles": [ { "name": "Manager", "tenantId": "b5b3a5cc-9e55-424c-ae85-ba92ec3b934e", "active": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "id": "d256d058-aeb7-468f-9f95-962d65979707", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 4, "created": "2017-09-08T07:11:11.24", "createdBy": "$RootAdmin$", "modified": "2017-09-15T07:12:01.527", "modifiedBy": null } ], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 1, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "Acme@system.com", "emailAddress": "acme@system.com", "firstName": "Anna", "lastName": "Belle", "tenantId": "b5b3a5cc-9e55-424c-ae85-ba92ec3b934e", "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "active": true, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": "Poke Pippi", "currentModules": null, "id": "14fbf9ac-2d7b-41e9-a272-dd51e161914d", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 2, "created": "2017-09-15T07:12:01.74", "createdBy": "$RootAdmin$", "modified": "2017-09-15T07:26:29.357", "modifiedBy": "$RootAdmin$" } ] POST user/all -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns an array of users by tenant. **Request** A :doc:`models/PagedRequest` object .. note:: The keys for :doc:`models/SearchCriteria` that this API support: |br| - FullName |br| - All will be returned when no search criteria is provided **Response** A :doc:`models/PagedResult` object with **result** field containing an array of :doc:`models/UserDetail` objects **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/all HTTP/1.1 Request Payload:: { "tenantId": "b5b3a5cc-9e55-424c-ae85-ba92ec3b934e", "skipItems": 0, "pageSize": 100, "criteria": [{ "key": "FullName", "value": "John", "operation":1 }] } Sample response:: { "result": [ { "password": null, "roles": [], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 1, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "John Doe", "emailAddress": "johndoe@system.com", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "tenantId": "b5b3a5cc-9e55-424c-ae85-ba92ec3b934e", "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "active": true, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": "John Doe", "currentModules": null, "id": "f6923261-b8bf-4f7a-a5a6-7d7ca61d8ccb", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-09-08T07:54:22.597", "createdBy": "$RootAdmin$", "modified": "2017-09-08T07:54:22.597", "modifiedBy": "$RootAdmin$" } ], "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 100, "total": 1, "skipItems": 0, "isLastPage": true } POST user/load -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns an array of users for Report Access or Schedule, with paging. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserPagedRequest` object .. note:: The keys for :doc:`models/SearchCriteria` that this API support: |br| - UserName |br| - EmailAddress |br| - Role |br| - FullName |br| - All **Response** A :doc:`models/PagedResult` object with **result** field containing an array of :doc:`models/UserDetail` objects **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/load HTTP/1.1 .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Request payload for Report Access: .. code-block:: json { "userModeType": 1, "searchByRole": [ { "id": "38bf8593-6a66-46e5-92a4-8d901f0088a9", "name": "anna_role", "users": [ { "id": "9b54835b-0743-46e1-9353-a17a5380f3f3", "userName": "anna", "lastName": "domino", "firstName": "anna", "emailAddress": null } ] }, { "id": "0d030b1a-9568-4c98-8b1e-5dcc94dbd283", "name": "Appraiser", "users": [ { "id": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7681bf9", "userName": "juan", "lastName": "Carlos", "firstName": "Juan", "emailAddress": "izendateam@gmail.com" }, { "id": "5cf7e984-bb0e-46b5-b856-530389b3b885", "userName": "teddy", "lastName": "Bear", "firstName": "Teddy", "emailAddress": "izendateam@gmail.com" } ] }, { "id": "00653587-3604-45ae-ad08-178bf4554fe4", "name": "DB", "users": [ { "id": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7681bf9", "userName": "juan", "lastName": "Carlos", "firstName": "Juan", "emailAddress": "izendateam@gmail.com" } ] } ], "tenantId": null, "criteria": [ { "key": "all", "value": "", "operation": 1 } ], "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 10, "sortOrders": [ { "key": "userName", "descending": true } ] } .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample Response: .. code-block:: json { "result": [ { "password": null, "roles": [ { "name": "anna_role", "tenantId": null, "active": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "id": "38bf8593-6a66-46e5-92a4-8d901f0088a9", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 3, "created": "2017-05-22T07:30:07.55", "createdBy": "anna domino", "modified": "2017-07-26T06:36:53.897", "modifiedBy": "anna domino" } ], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 3, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "anna", "emailAddress": null, "firstName": "anna", "lastName": "domino", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "active": false, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": null, "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": "anna domino", "currentModules": null, "id": "9b54835b-0743-46e1-9353-a17a5380f3f3", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "anna domino", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null }, { "password": null, "roles": [ { "name": "Appraiser", "tenantId": null, "active": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "id": "0d030b1a-9568-4c98-8b1e-5dcc94dbd283", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 44, "created": null, "createdBy": "anna domino", "modified": "2017-05-22T06:39:38.657", "modifiedBy": null }, { "name": "DB", "tenantId": null, "active": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "id": "00653587-3604-45ae-ad08-178bf4554fe4", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 10, "created": "2016-10-08T08:27:18.807", "createdBy": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "modified": "2017-06-20T04:56:44.947", "modifiedBy": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe" } ], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 3, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "juan", "emailAddress": "izendateam@gmail.com", "firstName": "Juan", "lastName": "Carlos", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "active": false, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": null, "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": "Juan Carlos", "currentModules": null, "id": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7681bf9", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "anna domino", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null }, { "password": null, "roles": [ { "name": "Appraiser", "tenantId": null, "active": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "id": "0d030b1a-9568-4c98-8b1e-5dcc94dbd283", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 44, "created": null, "createdBy": "anna domino", "modified": "2017-05-22T06:39:38.657", "modifiedBy": null } ], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 3, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "teddy", "emailAddress": "izendateam@gmail.com", "firstName": "Teddy", "lastName": "Bear", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "active": false, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": null, "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": "Teddy Bear", "currentModules": null, "id": "5cf7e984-bb0e-46b5-b856-530389b3b885", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "anna domino", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 10, "total": 3, "skipItems": 0, "isLastPage": false } Request payload for Report Schedule:: { "userModeType": 2, "searchByRole": null, "tenantId": null, "criteria": [ { "key": "all", "value": "", "operation": 1 } ], "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 10, "sortOrders": [ { "key": "userName", "descending": true } ] } .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample Response: .. code-block:: json { "result": [ { "password": null, "roles": [], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 1, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "1211", "emailAddress": null, "firstName": "1211", "lastName": "1211", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": 0, "timestampOffset": 0, "initPassword": true, "active": true, "retryLoginTime": 0, "lastTimeAccessed": "2016-12-11T12:20:05.187", "passwordLastChanged": "2016-12-11T11:04:47.453", "locked": false, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": "en-US", "securityQuestionLastChanged": "2016-12-11T11:04:47.453", "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": 0, "fullName": "1211 1211", "currentModules": null, "id": "719868a5-daeb-4e8a-a884-9f697b94b8d1", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 2, "created": "2016-12-11T11:04:07.22", "createdBy": "System Admin", "modified": "2016-12-11T12:20:05.2", "modifiedBy": "System Admin" }, { "password": null, "roles": [ { "name": "Theo Role", "tenantId": null, "active": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "id": "804eeed1-e8cf-44a6-a180-a896250f9990", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-04-11T10:07:48.343", "createdBy": "Theo Nord", "modified": "2017-04-11T10:07:48.343", "modifiedBy": "Theo Nord" } ], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 1, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "14773", "emailAddress": null, "firstName": "14773", "lastName": "14773", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": 0, "timestampOffset": 6, "initPassword": true, "active": true, "retryLoginTime": 0, "lastTimeAccessed": "2017-04-13T06:41:43.02", "passwordLastChanged": "2017-04-13T04:27:02.003", "locked": false, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": "en-US", "securityQuestionLastChanged": "2017-04-13T04:27:02.003", "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": 0, "fullName": "14773 14773", "currentModules": null, "id": "70e0cca5-9772-4798-84c4-89e2d9e62263", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-04-13T04:26:01.097", "createdBy": "Theo Nord", "modified": "2017-04-13T04:27:02.003", "modifiedBy": "Theo Nord" }, { "password": null, "roles": [ { "name": "Analyst", "tenantId": "c06b5e2e-6ac2-499d-938d-04846efc37e8", "active": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "id": "0d030b1a-9568-4c98-8b1e-5dcc94dbd281", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": null, "createdBy": "System Administrator", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 1, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "3", "emailAddress": "izendateam@gmail.com", "firstName": "First", "lastName": "Last", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": 0, "timestampOffset": 0, "initPassword": true, "active": true, "retryLoginTime": 0, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": false, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": "en-US", 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"inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-04-18T04:50:51.46", "createdBy": "System Admin", "modified": "2017-07-25T05:10:34.733", "modifiedBy": "System Admin" } ], "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 10, "total": 80, "skipItems": 0, "isLastPage": false } .. _POST_user/login: POST user/login -------------------------------------------------------------- Performs login. **Request** A :doc:`models/Credential` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing an :doc:`models/AccessToken` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/login HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "userName" : "johndoe", "password" : "secret" } Sample response:: { "success" : true, "messages" : null, "data" : { "token" : "UWmQLI13sORSrN5VLodTxqO9e/yElV4RwRb2K6PzW6l4tYtw7kkbHH2Im9oQNxToVBHCihEIophicrWyCf6J7w==", "tenant" : null, "isExpired" : false, "notifyDuringDay" : null } } POST user/logout -------------------------------------------------------------- Performs logout. **Request** No payload **Response** * true if successful * false if not **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/logout HTTP/1.1 Sample response:: true .. _POST_user: POST user -------------------------------------------------------------- Saves a user. .. note:: To set up a user with password, this API is only the first step. See :doc:`/dev/code_javascript_add_internal_user` for the guide. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object .. note:: The mandatory fields required to post are listed as below: - userName - tenantId - Ids of the roles - lastName - firstName **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing a :doc:`models/User` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "id": null, "systemAdmin": false, "userName": "nina@retcl.com", "tenantId": "1bd615d4-d3c4-4820-80bb-f34348b85f98", "emailAddress": "nina@retcl.com", "roles": [{ "id": "d41378bd-0b22-4085-b90f-f9ccaa85e9e6" }], "state": 1, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-12-20T06:42:44.337", "createdBy": "$RootAdmin$", "modified": "2017-12-20T06:42:44.337", "modifiedBy": "$RootAdmin$", "lastName": "Doe", "firstName": "John", "fullName": "John Doe", "active": true, "password": null, "deleted": false, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "userRoles": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "status": 1, "cultureName": null, "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY" } Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": { "password": "", "roles": [{ "name": null, "tenantId": null, "active": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "id": "d41378bd-0b22-4085-b90f-f9ccaa85e9e6", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "System Admin", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null }], "userRoles": [{ "userId": "4fb95725-1e32-4f09-99f1-aa994de5de82", "roleId": "d41378bd-0b22-4085-b90f-f9ccaa85e9e6", "id": "bca85e44-d508-4538-9c8a-e07c6c593f25", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-12-20T06:44:50.445425", "createdBy": "System Admin", "modified": "2017-12-20T06:44:50.445425", "modifiedBy": "System Admin" }], "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 1, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "nina@retcl.com", "emailAddress": "nina@retcl.com", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "tenantId": "1bd615d4-d3c4-4820-80bb-f34348b85f98", "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "active": true, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": "John Doe", "currentModules": null, "id": "4fb95725-1e32-4f09-99f1-aa994de5de82", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-12-20T06:42:44.337", "createdBy": "$RootAdmin$", "modified": "2017-12-20T06:42:44.337", "modifiedBy": "$RootAdmin$" } } POST user/userProfile -------------------------------------------------------------- Saves a user profile. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing the saved :doc:`models/User` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/userProfile HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "id": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "systemAdmin": true, "userName": "jdoe", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "cultureName": "en-US", "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "tenantId": null, "emailAddress": "jdoe@acme.com", "roles": [], "dataOffset": 0, "timestampOffset": 0, "tenantName": null, "hasChangeLanguage": false } Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": { "password": "", "roles": [], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 3, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "jdoe", "emailAddress": "jdoe@acme.com", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": 0, "timestampOffset": 0, "initPassword": false, "active": false, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": "en-US", "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "systemAdmin": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": "John Doe", "currentModules": null, "id": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } } POST user/passwordProfile -------------------------------------------------------------- Saves a password profile. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing an :doc:`models/AccessToken` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/passwordProfile HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "newPassword": "secret", "password": "secret", "userName": "jdoe", "id": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c" } Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": { "token": "123Abc..=", "tenant": null, "cultureName": "en-US", "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "isExpired": false, "notifyDuringDay": null } } POST user/securityQuesitions -------------------------------------------------------------- Saves security questions for a user. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing the updated :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/securityQuestions HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "userSecurityQuestions": [ { "securityQuestionId": "5784ece5-d2e7-42b1-89bb-859737b7b2a9", "answer": "Jenny Doe" }, { "securityQuestionId": "3771bdc2-1add-481a-9649-18a7e494860b", "answer": "911" } ], "userName": "jdoe", "id": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c" } .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample Response: .. code-block:: json { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": { "password": null, "roles": [], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": [ { "userId": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "securityQuestionId": "5784ece5-d2e7-42b1-89bb-859737b7b2a9", "question": null, "id": "b3131be9-e39a-46b2-aa59-dc112fcff5f0", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-01-06T07:48:13.281359", "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": "2017-01-06T07:48:13.281359", "modifiedBy": "John Doe" }, { "userId": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "securityQuestionId": "3771bdc2-1add-481a-9649-18a7e494860b", "question": null, "id": "c50a5b68-20b2-4c0d-b8f0-20072104ac51", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-01-06T07:48:13.281359", "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": "2017-01-06T07:48:13.281359", "modifiedBy": "John Doe" } ], "status": 3, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "jdoe", "emailAddress": null, "firstName": null, "lastName": null, "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": 0, "timestampOffset": 0, "initPassword": false, "active": false, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": "2017-01-06T07:48:13.2387372", "dateFormat": null, "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": "jdoe", "currentModules": null, "id": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } } POST user/password -------------------------------------------------------------- Saves password for a user. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object. **Response** The updated :doc:`models/OperationResult` object. **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/password HTTP/1.1 Simple Request Payload:: { "password": "P4@ssW0rd", "userSecurityQuestions": null, "newPassword": "P1k@P1k@123", "userName": "acme@system.com", "emailAddress": "ecme@system.com", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "tenantId": "b5b3a5cc-9e55-424c-ae85-ba92ec3b934e", "id":"88ca2835-81e0-443b-b29e-e694a66b8e7a" } Sample Response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": { "token": "", "tenant": null, "cultureName": null, "dateFormat": null, "systemAdmin": false, "isExpired": false, "notifyDuringDay": null } } POST user/active -------------------------------------------------------------- Activates a user. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** The updated :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/active HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "isDirty" : false, "id" : "6c447061-8f1d-4ff4-803c-b6b15695b8c3", "userName" : "jdoe", "password" : null, "tenantId" : null, "emailAddress" : "jdoe@acme.com", "roles" : [{ "name" : "CreateUserRole", "tenantId" : null, "active" : true, "id" : "b992c772-6cb1-4103-b6b1-0da581368862", "state" : 0, "deleted" : false, "inserted" : true, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-10-10T07:25:55.653", "createdBy" : "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "modified" : "2016-10-10T07:25:55.653", "modifiedBy" : "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe" } ], "state" : 0, "inserted" : true, "version" : 2, "created" : "2016-10-10T07:50:26.237", "createdBy" : "e5dabf75-c5b7-4877-86cc-b3afd83eed62", "modified" : "2016-10-10T08:31:13.89", "modifiedBy" : "e5dabf75-c5b7-4877-86cc-b3afd83eed62", "selected" : true, "lastName" : "Doe", "firstName" : "John", "fullName" : "John Doe", "active" : false, "initPassword" : true, "deleted" : false, "userSecurityQuestions" : null, "userRoles" : null, "dataOffset" : 0, "timestampOffset" : 0, "passwordLink" : null, "failedlogin" : false, "status" : 2, "rolesValue" : "b992c772-6cb1-4103-b6b1-0da581368862", "recipientValue" : [], "clearSercurityQuestion" : false, "sendEmail" : false } Sample response:: { "password" : null, "roles" : [{ "name" : "CreateUserRole", "tenantId" : null, "active" : true, "id" : "b992c772-6cb1-4103-b6b1-0da581368862", "state" : 0, "deleted" : false, "inserted" : true, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-10-10T07:25:55.653", "createdBy" : "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "modified" : "2016-10-10T07:25:55.653", "modifiedBy" : "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe" } ], "userRoles" : null, "userSecurityQuestions" : null, "status" : 1, "issueDate" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin" : false, "newPassword" : null, "userName" : "jdoe", "emailAddress" : "jdoe@acme.com", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "tenantId" : null, "tenantDisplayId" : null, "dataOffset" : 0, "timestampOffset" : 0, "initPassword" : true, "active" : true, "retryLoginTime" : null, "lastTimeAccessed" : null, "passwordActiveDate" : null, "locked" : null, "lockedDate" : null, "fullName" : "John Doe", "id" : "6c447061-8f1d-4ff4-803c-b6b15695b8c3", "state" : 0, "deleted" : false, "inserted" : true, "version" : 2, "created" : "2016-10-10T07:50:26.237", "createdBy" : "e5dabf75-c5b7-4877-86cc-b3afd83eed62", "modified" : "2016-10-10T08:31:13.89", "modifiedBy" : "e5dabf75-c5b7-4877-86cc-b3afd83eed62" } POST user/deactive -------------------------------------------------------------- Deactivates a user. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** The updated :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/deactive HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "isDirty" : false, "id" : "6c447061-8f1d-4ff4-803c-b6b15695b8c3", "userName" : "jdoe", "password" : null, "tenantId" : null, "emailAddress" : "jdoe@acme.com", "roles" : [{ "name" : "CreateUserRole", "tenantId" : null, "active" : true, "id" : "b992c772-6cb1-4103-b6b1-0da581368862", "state" : 0, "deleted" : false, "inserted" : true, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-10-10T07:25:55.653", "createdBy" : "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "modified" : "2016-10-10T07:25:55.653", "modifiedBy" : "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe" } ], "state" : 0, "inserted" : true, "version" : 2, "created" : "2016-10-10T07:50:26.237", "createdBy" : "e5dabf75-c5b7-4877-86cc-b3afd83eed62", "modified" : "2016-10-10T08:31:13.89", "modifiedBy" : "e5dabf75-c5b7-4877-86cc-b3afd83eed62", "selected" : true, "lastName" : "Doe", "firstName" : "John", "fullName" : "John Doe", "active" : true, "initPassword" : true, "deleted" : false, "userSecurityQuestions" : null, "userRoles" : null, "dataOffset" : 0, "timestampOffset" : 0, "passwordLink" : null, "failedlogin" : false, "status" : 1, "rolesValue" : "b992c772-6cb1-4103-b6b1-0da581368862", "recipientValue" : [], "clearSercurityQuestion" : false, "sendEmail" : false } Sample response:: { "password" : null, "roles" : [{ "name" : "CreateUserRole", "tenantId" : null, "active" : true, "id" : "b992c772-6cb1-4103-b6b1-0da581368862", "state" : 0, "deleted" : false, "inserted" : true, "version" : 1, "created" : "2016-10-10T07:25:55.653", "createdBy" : "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "modified" : "2016-10-10T07:25:55.653", "modifiedBy" : "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe" } ], "userRoles" : null, "userSecurityQuestions" : null, "status" : 2, "issueDate" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin" : false, "newPassword" : null, "userName" : "jdoe", "emailAddress" : "jdoe@acme.com", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "tenantId" : null, "tenantDisplayId" : null, "dataOffset" : 0, "timestampOffset" : 0, "initPassword" : true, "active" : false, "retryLoginTime" : null, "lastTimeAccessed" : null, "passwordActiveDate" : null, "locked" : null, "lockedDate" : null, "fullName" : "John Doe", "id" : "6c447061-8f1d-4ff4-803c-b6b15695b8c3", "state" : 0, "deleted" : false, "inserted" : true, "version" : 2, "created" : "2016-10-10T07:50:26.237", "createdBy" : "e5dabf75-c5b7-4877-86cc-b3afd83eed62", "modified" : "2016-10-10T08:31:13.89", "modifiedBy" : "e5dabf75-c5b7-4877-86cc-b3afd83eed62" } DELETE user/{user_id} -------------------------------------------------------------- Deletes a user. **Request** No payload **Response** * true if user was successfully deleted * false if not **Samples** .. code-block:: http DELETE /api/user/2727bb4a-ee5c-4f55-8ec3-dd73f4ffd440 HTTP/1.1 Sample response:: true .. _POST_user/passwordAndSecurityQuestion: POST user/passwordAndSecurityQuestion -------------------------------------------------------------- Saves a user password and security question. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing an :doc:`models/AccessToken` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/passwordAndSecurityQuestion HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "tenantDisplayID" : null, "tenantName" : null, "password" : "secret", "verification" : "H8K...swUc=", "userName" : "jdoe", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "emailAddress" : "jdoe@acme.com", "userSecurityQuestions" : [], "autoLogin" : true } Sample response:: { "success" : true, "messages" : null, "data" : { "token" : "3AfY....yKg==", "tenant" : null, "isExpired" : false, "notifyDuringDay" : null } } GET user/securityQuestion/{user_name}/(tenant_display_id) -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns security question for a user and tenant. **Request** No payload **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing an :doc:`models/AccessToken` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http GET /api/user/securityQuestion/jdoe HTTP/1.1 Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": [ { "userId": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "securityQuestionId": "3771bdc2-1add-481a-9649-18a7e494860b", "question": "Which phone number do you remember most from your childhood?", "id": "c50a5b68-20b2-4c0d-b8f0-20072104ac51", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": "2017-01-06T07:48:13.28", "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": "2017-01-06T07:48:13.28", "modifiedBy": "John Doe" } ] } .. _POST_user/generatePasswordLink: POST user/generatePasswordLink -------------------------------------------------------------- Generates :term:`password link`. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing a hash value from the user details. **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/generatePasswordLink HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "id" : "6c447061-8f1d-4ff4-803c-b6b15695b8c3", "username" : "jdoe", "firstname" : "John", "lastname" : "Doe", "emailaddress" : "jdoe@acme.com" } Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": "Abc/Def/..==" } POST user/validatePasswordLink -------------------------------------------------------------- Validates :term:`password link`. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserVerification` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing the :doc:`models/UserVerification` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/validatePasswordLink HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "tenantDisplayID" : null, "userName" : "jdoe", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "emailAddress" : "jdoe@acme.com", "verification" : "H8K....RU=" } POST user/validateSecurityQuestion -------------------------------------------------------------- Validates security questions. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true if the question and answers are valid **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/validateSecurityQuestion HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "tenantDisplayID": null, "userName": "jdoe", "userSecurityQuestions": [ { "userId": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "securityQuestionId": "5784ece5-d2e7-42b1-89bb-859737b7b2a9", "answer": "Jenny Doe" } ] } Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": null } POST user/validateUserInfo -------------------------------------------------------------- Validates user information. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing a :doc:`models/User` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/validateUserInfo HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "tenantName": "", "userName": "jdoe", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "emailAddress": "jdoe@acme.com", "verification": "" } Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": { "userName": "jdoe", "emailAddress": "jdoe@acme.com", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": 0, "timestampOffset": 0, "initPassword": true, "active": true, "retryLoginTime": 0, "lastTimeAccessed": "2017-01-06T08:18:22.393", "passwordLastChanged": "2017-01-06T07:45:58.813", "locked": false, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": "en-US", "securityQuestionLastChanged": "2017-01-06T07:48:13.24", "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "systemAdmin": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": 0, "fullName": "John Doe", "currentModules": null, "id": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 14, "created": "2016-11-21T06:58:27.203", "createdBy": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "modified": "2017-01-06T08:18:26.077", "modifiedBy": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe" } } POST user/validateExpirationPasswordLink -------------------------------------------------------------- Validates password expiration link. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field containing a :doc:`models/ValidateExpiration` object **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/validateExpirationPasswordLink HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "verification" : "H8K....Uc=" } Sample response:: { "success" : true, "messages" : null, "data" : { "tenantId" : null, "isExpired" : false, "notifyDuringDay" : null } } POST user/sendPasswordLink -------------------------------------------------------------- Sends :term:`password link` via email to user. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/PasswordOption` object **Response** * true if the action was successful * false if not .. note:: While the UI takes care of URL encoding when clicking the generate password button, the API call will return the non-encoded hash. Make sure to check that the hash in the URL is encoded so that the link is valid. **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/sendPasswordLink HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "passwordLink" : "", "user" : { "userName" : "jdoe", "id" : "6c447061-8f1d-4ff4-803c-b6b15695b8c3" }, "sendEmail" : false, "clearSercurityQuestion" : false, "emailAddresses" : ["jdoe@acme.com"] } Sample response:: true POST user/integration/saveUser -------------------------------------------------------------- Adds or updates external user. **Request** A :doc:`models/UserDetail` object .. note:: The mandatory fields required to post are listed as below: - userName - tenantDisplayID - Name of the roles (when adding or updating the external user, system will only save the external roles that their names are existing and ignore the others) - lastName - firstName **Response** * true if the operation is successful * an error if not **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/integration/saveUser HTTP/1.1 .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Request Payload: .. code-block:: json { "id": null, "systemAdmin": false, "userName": "nina@retcl.com", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": "RETCL", "emailAddress": "nina@retcl.com", "roles": [{ "name": "Emploee" }], "state": 0, "inserted": true, "version": 0, "created": "2017-12-20T06:42:44.337", "createdBy": "$RootAdmin$", "modified": "2017-12-20T06:44:48.527", "modifiedBy": "$RootAdmin$", "lastName": "Doe", "firstName": "Nina", "fullName": "Nina Doe", "active": true, "password": "", "deleted": false, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "userRoles": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "status": 1, "cultureName": null, "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY" } Sample Response:: true POST user/validateUserRoleAssociation -------------------------------------------------------------- Validates user and role association after some roles are removed. **Request** A :doc:`models/ValidateUserRoleAssociationParam` object **Response** * true if valid * false if not **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/validateUserRoleAssociation HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "userId": "14fbf9ac-2d7b-41e9-a272-dd51e161914d", "removedRoleIds": ["d256d058-aeb7-468f-9f95-962d65979707"], "addedRoleIds": [] } Sample Response:: true POST user/allowedSharingUsers/(tenant_id) -------------------------------------------------------------- Returns a list of users allowed to be selected in report/dashboard access. **Request** Payload: a :doc:`models/SharingRoleUserParameter` object **Response** An array of :doc:`models/UserDetail` objects **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/user/allowedSharingUsers HTTP/1.1 Request payload:: { "reportId":"45f17b8a-3708-4f36-80ef-9178b7124841" } .. container:: toggle .. container:: header Sample Response: .. code-block:: json [ { "password": null, "roles": [], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 1, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "jdoe", "emailAddress": "jdoe@acme.com", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": 0, "timestampOffset": 0, "initPassword": true, "active": true, "retryLoginTime": 0, "lastTimeAccessed": "2017-01-06T08:16:21.593", "passwordLastChanged": "2017-01-06T07:45:58.813", "locked": false, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": "en-US", "securityQuestionLastChanged": "2017-01-06T07:48:13.24", "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "systemAdmin": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": 0, "fullName": "John Doe", "currentModules": null, "id": "9fc0f5c2-decf-4d65-9344-c59a1704ea0c", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 14, "created": "2016-11-21T06:58:27.203", "createdBy": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "modified": "2017-01-06T08:14:42.863", "modifiedBy": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe" }, { "password": null, "roles": [], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 1, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": "IzendaAdmin", "emailAddress": null, "firstName": "System", "lastName": "Admin", "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": 0, "timestampOffset": 0, "initPassword": true, "active": true, "retryLoginTime": 0, "lastTimeAccessed": "2017-01-05T03:58:35.073", "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "systemAdmin": true, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": 0, "fullName": "System Admin", "currentModules": null, "id": "9d2f1d51-0e3d-44db-bfc7-da94a7581bfe", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": 1, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": "2017-01-05T03:58:49.12", "modifiedBy": null } ] GET user/isLastSystemAdmin -------------------------------------------------------------- Checks if the number of not deleted system admins equals 1. **Request** No payload **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object with **success** field true and **data** field true if the number of not deleted system admins equals 1 **Samples** .. code-block:: http GET /api/user/isLastSystemAdmin HTTP/1.1 Sample response:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": false } POST external/user -------------------------- Add or update external user **Request** An :doc:`models/UserDetail` object **Response** An :doc:`models/OperationResult` object **data** field contains an :doc:`models/UserDetail` object. **Samples** .. code-block:: http POST /api/external/user HTTP/1.1 Request Payload:: { "id": null, "systemAdmin": false, "userName": "nina@retcl.com", "tenantId": "14fbf9ac-2d7b-41e9-a272-dd51e161914d", "tenantDisplayId": "RETCL", "emailAddress": "nina@retcl.com", "roles": [{ "name": "Employee" }], "state": 0, "inserted": true, "version": 0, "created": "2017-12-20T06:42:44.337", "createdBy": "$RootAdmin$", "modified": "2017-12-20T06:44:48.527", "modifiedBy": "$RootAdmin$", "lastName": "Doe", "firstName": "Nina", "fullName": "Nina Doe", "active": true, "password": "", "deleted": false, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "userRoles": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "status": 1, "cultureName": null, "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY" } Sample Reponse:: { "success": true, "messages": null, "data": { "id": "a3a3a5cc-123d-1c23-ae85-ba92ec3b934e", "systemAdmin": false, "userName": "nina@retcl.com", "tenantId": "14fbf9ac-2d7b-41e9-a272-dd51e161914d", "tenantDisplayId": "RETCL", "emailAddress": "nina@retcl.com", "roles": [{ "name": "Employee" }], "state": 0, "inserted": true, "version": 0, "created": "2017-12-20T06:42:44.337", "createdBy": "$RootAdmin$", "modified": "2017-12-20T06:44:48.527", "modifiedBy": "$RootAdmin$", "lastName": "Doe", "firstName": "Nina", "fullName": "Nina Doe", "active": true, "password": "", "deleted": false, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "userRoles": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "status": 1, "cultureName": null, "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY" } }