==================== FusionResult ==================== .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 25 5 65 5 * - Field - NULL - Description - Note * - **records** |br| array of objects - - An array of dynamic objects - * - **fieldsMapping** |br| array of objects - - An array of dynamic objects - * - **grandTotalMapping** |br| array of objects - - An array of dynamic objects - * - **subTotalMapping** |br| array of objects - - An array of dynamic objects - * - **sideTotalMapping** |br| array of objects - - An array of dynamic objects - * - **executionTrace** |br| array of strings - - The execution trace - * - **paging** |br| object - - A :doc:`PagingInfo` object - * - **pivotHeaderValues** |br| array of objects - - The pivot header value |br| An array of dynamic objects - * - **cities** |br| array of objects - - An array of :doc:`City` objects - * - **postalCodes** |br| array of objects - - An array of :doc:`PostCode` objects - * - **stateCodes** |br| array of objects .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 - - An array of :doc:`StateCode` objects - * - **countyCodes** |br| array of objects .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 - - An array of :doc:`CountyCode` objects - * - **addressCodes** |br| array of objects .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 - - An array of :doc:`AddressCode` objects - .. container:: toggle .. container:: header **Sample**: .. code-block:: json { "grandTotalMapping" : [], "subTotalMapping" : [], "sideTotalMapping" : [], "records" : [{ "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 48.2900 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 4.5600 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 4.5400 }, { "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" : 98.0300 } ], "fieldsMapping" : [{ "fieldId" : "914e4fca-2d9e-4a9f-a224-8d4cc4133996", "fieldNameAlias" : "Freight", "columnName" : "freight_914e4fca_2d9e_" } ], "paging" : { "pageIndex" : 0, "pageSize" : 0, "total" : 0 } }