=================== LicenseStatus =================== .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 25 5 65 5 * - Field - NULL - Description - Note * - **disabled** |br| boolean - - Is the license disabled - * - **meetExprireWarningPeriod** |br| boolean - - Is the license near expiration - * - **numberOfDayToExpire** |br| integer - - The number of days until license expiration - * - **numberOfDayToValid** |br| integer - - The number of days until the token starts |br| |br| 0 if the token has already started - * - **exceedLostConnectionAllowPeriod** |br| boolean - - Has the token exceeded LostConnectionAllowPeriod threshold |br| |br| See ``LostConnectionAllowPeriod`` system setting in :doc:`/ref/spec_izendasystemsetting_table` - * - **isAdminUser** |br| boolean - - True if user is admin user - * - **trialLicense** |br| boolean - - Is this a trial license - * - **connected** |br| boolean - - True if this is connected to license server - .. container:: toggle .. container:: header **Sample**: .. code-block:: json { "disabled": false, "meetExprireWarningPeriod": false, "numberOfDayToExpire": 88, "numberOfDayToValid": 0, "exceedLostConnectionAllowPeriod": false, "isAdminUser": false, "trialLicense": false }