========================================= Permission ========================================= .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 25 5 65 5 * - Field - Null - Description - Note * - **systemAdmin** |br| boolean - - System admin option - * - **fullReportAndDashboardAccess** |br| boolean - - Is this a full access permission - * - **systemConfiguration** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **scheduledInstances** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Scheduled Instances set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **dataSetup** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **dataModel** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Data Model set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **customView** |br| object - - Permission for Custom View feature .. versionadded:: 2.0.3 - * - .. container:: lpad6 **create** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Create set - * - .. container:: lpad6 **edit** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Edit set - * - .. container:: lpad6 **delete** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Delete set - * - .. container:: lpad6 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **advancedSettings** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **category** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Category set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **others** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Others set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **userSetup** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **userRoleAssociation** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Permission for User Role Association - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **actions** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **create** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Create set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **edit** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Edit set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **del** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Delete set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **configureSecurityOptions** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Configure Security Options set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **roleSetup** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **actions** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **create** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Create set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **edit** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Edit set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **del** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Delete set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **dataModelAccess** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Data Model set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **permissions** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Permissions set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **grantRoleWithFullReportAndDashboardAccess** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Grant Role With Full Report And Dashboard Access set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **reports** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **canCreateNewReport** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Can Create New Report set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **dataSources** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **simpleDataSources** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Simple Data Sources set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **advancedDataSources** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Advanced Data Sources set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **reportPartTypes** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **chart** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Chart set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **form** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Form set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **gauge** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Gauge set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **map** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Map set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **reportCategoriesSubcategories** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **canCreateNewCategory** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad6 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for CanCreateNewCategory set - * - .. container:: lpad6 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad4 **categoryAccessibility** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad6 **categories** |br| array of objects - - An array of :doc:`Category` objects - * - .. container:: lpad6 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **filterProperties** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **filterLogic** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Filter Logic set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **CrossFiltering** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Cross Filtering set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **fieldProperties** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **customURL** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Custom URL set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **embeddedJavaScript** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Embedded JavaScript set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **subreport** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Subreport set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **actions** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **schedule** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Schedule set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **email** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Email set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **viewReportHistory** |br| boolean - - Is permission for View Report History set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **del** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Delete set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **registerForAlerts** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Register For Alerts set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **print** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Print set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **unarchiveReportVersions** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Unarchive Report Versions set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **overwriteExistingReport** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Overwrite Existing Report set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **subscribe** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Subscribe set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **exporting** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Exporting set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **configureAccessRights** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Configure Access Rights set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **tenantSetup** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **actions** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **create** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Create set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **edit** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Edit set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **del** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Delete set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **permissions** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Permissions set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **dashboards** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **canCreateNewDashboard** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Can create new dashboard set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **displayDashboardTileHeader** |br| object .. versionadded:: 3.1.0 - - An object with the following fields |br| *Only support for Role permission* - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for displaying dashboard tile headers - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **dashboardCategoriesSubcategories** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **canCreateNewCategory** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad6 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Can create new category set - * - .. container:: lpad6 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad4 **categoryAccessibility** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad6 **categories** |br| array of objects - - An array of :doc:`Category` objects - * - .. container:: lpad6 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **actions** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **schedule** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Schedule set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **email** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Email set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **del** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Delete set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **subscribe** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Subscribe set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **print** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Print set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **overwriteExistingDashboard** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Overwrite Existing Dashboard set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **configureAccessRights** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Configure Access Rights set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **access** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **accessLimits** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| array of objects - - An array of :doc:`RoleDetail` objects - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **accessDefaults** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| array of objects - - An array of :doc:`UserPermission` objects - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **scheduling** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **schedulingLimits** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| array of objects - - An array of :doc:`RoleDetail` objects - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **schedulingScope** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **systemUsers** |br| boolean - - Is permission for System Users set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **externalUsers** |br| boolean - - Is permission for External Users set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **emailing** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **deliveryMethod** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **link** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Link set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **embeddedHTML** |br| boolean - - Is permission for EmbeddedHTML set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **attachment** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Attachment set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **attachmentType** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **word** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Word set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **excel** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Excel set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **pdf** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Pdf set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **csv** |br| boolean - - Is permission for CSV set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **xml** |br| boolean - - Is permission for XML set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **json** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Json set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **exporting** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **exportingFormat** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **word** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Word set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **excel** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Excel set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **pdf** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Pdf set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **csv** |br| boolean - - Is permission for CSV set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **xml** |br| boolean - - Is permission for XML set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **json** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Json set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **queryExecution** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Query Execution set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - **systemWide** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad2 **canSeeSystemMessages** |br| object - - An object with the following fields - * - .. container:: lpad4 **value** |br| boolean - - Is permission for Can See System Messages set - * - .. container:: lpad4 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **tenantAccess** |br| integer - - Permission for Tenant - * - .. container:: lpad2 **accessLimitsTree** |br| an array of objects .. versionadded:: 2.9.0 - - An array of :doc:`RoleVirtualNode` objects |br| This option is used to add/update access limits. - * - .. container:: lpad2 **schedulingLimitsTree** |br| an array of objects .. versionadded:: 2.9.0 - - An array of :doc:`RoleVirtualNode` objects |br| This option is used to add/update scheduling limits. - .. container:: toggle .. container:: header **Sample**: .. code-block:: json { "systemAdmin": false, "fullReportAndDashboardAccess": false, "systemConfiguration": { "scheduledInstances": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "dataSetup": { "dataModel": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "advancedSettings": { "category": true, "others": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "userSetup": { "userRoleAssociation": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "actions": { "create": true, "edit": true, "del": true, "configureSecurityOptions": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "roleSetup": { "actions": { "create": true, "edit": true, "del": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "dataModelAccess": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "permissions": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "grantRoleWithFullReportAndDashboardAccess": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "reports": { "canCreateNewReport": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "dataSources": { "simpleDataSources": true, "advancedDataSources": false, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "reportPartTypes": { "chart": true, "form": true, "gauge": true, "map": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "reportCategoriesSubcategories": { "canCreateNewCategory": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "categoryAccessibility": { "categories": [], "tenantAccess": 1 } }, "filterProperties": { "filterLogic": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "fieldProperties": { "customURL": true, "embeddedJavaScript": true, "subreport": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "actions": { "schedule": true, "email": true, "viewReportHistory": true, "del": true, "registerForAlerts": true, "print": true, "unarchiveReportVersions": true, "overwriteExistingReport": true, "subscribe": true, "exporting": true, "configureAccessRights": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantSetup": { "actions": { "create": false, "edit": false, "del": false, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "permissions": { "value": false, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "dashboards": { "canCreateNewDashboard": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "dashboardCategoriesSubcategories": { "canCreateNewCategory": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "categoryAccessibility": { "categories": [], "tenantAccess": 1 } }, "actions": { "schedule": true, "email": true, "del": true, "subscribe": true, "print": true, "overwriteExistingDashboard": true, "configureAccessRights": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "access": { "accessLimits": { "value": [ { "users": [ { "password": null, "roles": [], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 3, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": null, "emailAddress": null, "firstName": null, "lastName": null, "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "active": false, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": null, "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": null, "currentModules": null, "id": "97e363f5-9daf-4329-a964-e279e04a10f3", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "tenantUniqueName": null, "permission": null, "visibleQuerySources": null, "name": null, "tenantId": null, "active": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "id": "df188fa0-5829-40cc-a1fc-ab4b0259f061", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "tenantAccess": 1 }, "accessDefaults": { "value": [ { "reportId": null, "dashboardId": null, "assignedType": 1, "accessRightId": null, "accessRight": null, "shareWith": null, "position": 0, "accessors": [], "accessorNames": null, "tempId": "4", "reportAccessRightId": "13698ebf-3e8e-43e1-9e2b-ad3f17d7d004", "reportAccessRights": null, "dashboardAccessRightId": "13698ebf-3e8e-43e1-9e2b-ad3f17d7d008", "assignedTypeName": "Everyone", "dashboardAccessRights": null, "id": null, "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "scheduling": { "schedulingLimits": { "value": [ { "users": [ { "password": null, "roles": [], "userRoles": null, "userSecurityQuestions": null, "status": 3, "issueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "autoLogin": false, "newPassword": null, "userName": null, "emailAddress": null, "firstName": null, "lastName": null, "tenantId": null, "tenantDisplayId": null, "tenantName": null, "dataOffset": null, "timestampOffset": null, "initPassword": false, "active": false, "retryLoginTime": null, "lastTimeAccessed": null, "passwordLastChanged": null, "locked": null, "lockedDate": null, "cultureName": null, "securityQuestionLastChanged": null, "dateFormat": null, "systemAdmin": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "numberOfFailedSecurityQuestion": null, "fullName": null, "currentModules": null, "id": "97e363f5-9daf-4329-a964-e279e04a10f3", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "tenantUniqueName": null, "permission": null, "visibleQuerySources": null, "name": null, "tenantId": null, "active": false, "notAllowSharing": false, "id": "df188fa0-5829-40cc-a1fc-ab4b0259f061", "state": 0, "deleted": false, "inserted": true, "version": null, "created": null, "createdBy": "John Doe", "modified": null, "modifiedBy": null } ], "tenantAccess": 1 }, "schedulingScope": { "systemUsers": true, "externalUsers": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "emailing": { "deliveryMethod": { "link": true, "embeddedHTML": true, "attachment": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "attachmentType": { "word": true, "excel": true, "pdf": true, "csv": true, "xml": true, "json": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "exporting": { "exportingFormat": { "word": true, "excel": true, "pdf": true, "csv": true, "xml": true, "json": true, "queryExecution": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "systemwide": { "canSeeSystemMessages": { "value": true, "tenantAccess": 1 }, "tenantAccess": 1 } }