Report ------ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 25 5 65 5 * - Field - NULL - Description - Note * - **name** |br| string - - The name of the report - * - **reportDataSource** |br| array of objects - - An array of :doc:`ReportDataSource` objects - * - **type** |br| integer - - The report type - 0 = Reports - 1 = Templates - * - **previewRecord** |br| integer - - The number of records to preview - * - **advancedMode** |br| boolean - - Is the report in advanced mode - * - **allowNulls** |br| boolean - - Does the report display null values in left join - * - **isDistinct** |br| boolean - - Does the report allow duplicated data - * - **categoryId** |br| string (GUID) - Y - The id of the report category - * - **categoryName** |br| string - - The name of the report category - * - **subCategoryId** |br| string (GUID) - Y - The id of the report sub-category - * - **subCategoryName** |br| string - - The name of the report sub-category - * - **tenantId** |br| string (GUID) - Y - The id of the tenant if available - * - **tenantName** |br| string - - The name of the tenant if available - * - **description** |br| string - - The report description - * - **title** |br| string - - The report title - * - **lastViewed** |br| datetime - Y - The report's last view date and time - * - **owner** |br| string - - The name of report's owner - * - **ownerId** |br| string (GUID) - Y - The id of report's owner - * - **headerContent** |br| string - - The content of the header in json format - * - **footerContent** |br| string - - The content of the footer in json format - * - **excludedRelationships** |br| string - - The deleted relationships, which should not be displayed again - * - **numberOfView** |br| integer - - The number of view - * - **renderingTime** |br| real number - - The report rendering time - * - **createdById** |br| string (GUID) - Y - Id of user who created this report - * - **modifiedById** |br| string (GUID) - Y - Id of user who last modified this report - * - **snapToGrid** |br| boolean - - Snap to Grid option - * - **usingFields** |br| string - - The ids of the fields used in report, separated by comma |br| .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 - * - **hasDeletedObjects** |br| boolean - - True if using objects in deleted connections - * - **header** |br| object - - Header content in a dynamic object - * - **footer** |br| object - - Footer content in a dynamic object - * - **titleDescription** |br| object - - Title description content in a dynamic object - * - **sourceId** |br| string (GUID) - Y - The id of the source report in case this was copied from that report - * - **checked** |br| boolean - - Is selected for copy in Copy Management - * - **copyDashboard** |br| boolean - - Whether this is copied because dashboard was copied - * - **exportFormatSetting** |br| object - - An :doc:`ExportFormatSetting` object - * - **deletable** |br| boolean - - True if report can be deleted - * - **editable** |br| boolean - - True if report can be edited - * - **movable** |br| boolean - - True if report can be moved - * - **copyable** |br| boolean - - True if report can be copied - * - **accessPriority** |br| integer - - The access priority - * - **active** |br| boolean - - True if this is the latest version - * - **isGlobal** |br| boolean - - Whether this is a global report - * - **isCheck** |br| boolean - - True if this is selected in copy workspace - Inherited fields: .. include:: Entity.rst .. container:: toggle .. container:: header **Report Sample**: .. code-block:: json { "name": "FactInternetSales DayOfWeek", "type": 0, "previewRecord": 10, "advancedMode": true, "allowNulls": false, "isDistinct": false, "categoryId": "93de93b9-d5d1-48f1-800d-1db1ffc02614", "categoryName": null, "subCategoryId": "5d034fc7-0cc8-46b7-beb3-35b22c57827c", "subCategoryName": null, "tenantId": null, "tenantName": null, "description": "", "title": "", "lastViewed": "2016-11-22T09:38:45.18", "owner": "John Doe", "ownerId": 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