========================================= ReportFilterField ========================================= .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 25 5 65 5 * - Field - NULL - Description - Note * - **connectionName** |br| string - - The name of the connection - * - **querySourceCategoryName** |br| string - - The name of the category of the data source - * - **sourceFieldName** |br| string - - The name of the data source field - * - **sourceFieldVisible** |br| boolean - - Is the data source field selected to be visible in Data Model - * - **sourceFieldFilterable** |br| boolean - - Is the data source field selected to be filterable in Data Model - * - **sourceDataObjectName** |br| string - - The name of the data source - * - **sourceDataObjectFullName** |br| string - - The fully-qualified name of the data source - * - **dataType** |br| string - - The data type of the data source field - * - **isParameter** |br| boolean - - Is the filter field a stored procedure parameter - * - **isCalculated** |br| boolean - - Is this a calculated field - * - **calculatedTree** |br| string - - The calculated tree - * - **compareFieldCalculatedTree** |br| string - - The compare field calculated tree used for filter field comparison - * - **compareField** |br| string (GUID) - Y - The id of the compare field - used for filter field comparison - * - **selected** |br| boolean - - Is the filter field selected - * - **dataFormat** |br| object - - A :doc:`DataFormat` object - * - **reportId** |br| string (GUID) - Y - The id of the report - * - **useMappedFieldAlias** |br| boolean - - Internal use: whether filter uses mapped field alias, if yes, it will not be re-calculated to generate expression. - * - **uniqueId** |br| string (GUID) - - The unique id for :term:`Front-end` to show specific error messages - * - **comparisonValue** |br| string - - The comparison value - * - **inTimePeriodType** |br| string - - The type of custom in time period - * - **valueInTimePeriod** |br| string - - The value of custom in time period - * - **hasModifiedCalculatedTree** |br| boolean - - Whether this instance has modified calculated tree - * - **isHiddenFilter** |br| boolean - - Whether this instance is hidden filter - * - **isInheritableFilter** |br| boolean - - Whether this filter is inherited from its master report - * - **operatorName** |br| string - - The name of the operator - * - **filterLookupType** |br| int .. versionadded:: 2.15.0 - - Determine the type of lookup setting: |br| \- 0: No filter lookup |br| \- 1: Filter lookup key-value |br| \- 2: User defined user lookup |br| - * - **useLookup** |br| boolean .. versionadded:: 2.15.0 - - Whether use lookup key-value setting or not - * - **hasFilterLookup** |br| boolean Obsolete from version 2.15.0 - - Whether this field has filter lookup setting or not - * - **isOveridingInheritedFilter** |br| boolean .. versionadded:: 2.15.1 - - Whether the master filter value overrides the sub filter value - Inherited fields: .. include:: FilterField.rst .. container:: toggle .. container:: header **ReportFilterField Sample**: .. code-block:: json { "connectionName" : "Northwind", "querySourceCategoryName" : "dbo", "sourceFieldName" : "ShipCountry", "sourceFieldVisible" : true, "sourceFieldFilterable" : true, "sourceDataObjectName" : "Orders", "dataType" : "Text", "filterId" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "querySourceFieldId" : "d0f88020-8d3f-4f80-a1ac-0c187f87dfd3", "querySourceType" : "Table", "querySourceId" : "8fda0166-5f38-4ca1-ae20-9b6cab288f9d", "relationshipId" : null, "alias" : "ShipCountry", "position" : 1, "visible" : false, "required" : false, "cascading" : true, "operatorId" : "737307d1-1e5f-407f-889f-1b3c9a66dd6f", "operatorSetting" : null, "value" : "'US'", "sortType" : "Unsorted", "fontFamily" : null, "fontSize" : 0, "textColor" : null, "backgroundColor" : null, "fontBold" : false, "fontItalic" : false, "fontUnderline" : false, "id" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "status" : 0, "modified" : null, "dateTimeNow" : "2016-06-13T07:23:25.9138114Z", "isParameter" : false, "sourceDataObjectFullName" : "Northwind.dbo.Orders", "selected" : false }