========================================= ReportPartPreviewParameter ========================================= .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 25 5 60 10 * - Field - NULL - Description - Note * - **title** |br| string - - The report part title - * - **expandedLevel** |br| integer - - The expanded level - * - **filters** |br| array of objects - - An array of :doc:`FilterItem` objects - * - **reportField** |br| object - - A :doc:`ReportField` object - * - **calculatedField** |br| object - - A :doc:`QuerySourceField` object - * - **paging** |br| object - - A :doc:`PagingInfo` object - * - **loadAll** |br| boolean - - Whether to load all rows for printing - * - **overridingFilterValue** |br| object .. versionadded:: 3.0 - - A dynamic object to store filter values to override |br| |br| For example: .. code-block:: json overridingFilterValue: { p1value: "Brazil", p2value: "6" }, - * - **ignoreCache** |br| boolean .. versionadded:: 3.3.0 - Y - Whether to load data from cache or retrieve directly from DB - Inherited fields: .. include:: ReportSavingParameter.rst .. container:: toggle .. container:: header **Sample**: .. code-block:: json { "reportKey" : { "key" : "1e1316a9-b6ce-46c8-9496-671fd5ddeee1", "modified" : null }, "section" : 2, "saveAs" : false, "ignoreCheckChange" : false, "report" : { "name" : "", "type" : "Templates", "previewRecord" : 10, "advancedMode" : true, "allowNulls" : false, "isDistinct" : false, "category" : { "id" : null, "name" : "", "type" : "Templates" }, "subCategory" : { "id" : null, "name" : "", "type" : "Templates" }, "reportDataSource" : [{ "aliasId" : "1641cb37-b60c-42bc-b986-c51667e8037d_Suppliers", "querySourceId" : "1641cb37-b60c-42bc-b986-c51667e8037d", "querySourceName" : "Suppliers", "selected" : true, "categoryId" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "primaryFields" : [{ "name" : "SupplierID", "alias" : "", "dataType" : "int", "izendaDataType" : "Numeric", "allowDistinct" : false, "visible" : true, "filterable" : true, "deleted" : false, "querySourceId" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "parentId" : null, "expressionFields" : [], "filteredValue" : "", "type" : 0, "groupPosition" : 0, "position" : 0, "extendedProperties" : "{\"PrimaryKey\":true}", "physicalChange" : 0, "approval" : 0, "existed" : false, "matchedTenant" : false, "functionName" : null, "expression" : null, "fullName" : null, "calculatedTree" : null, "reportId" : null, "originalName" : "SupplierID", "isParameter" : false, "isCalculated" : false, "querySource" : null, "id" : "47954424-fff3-4157-9296-ad08b751e71d", "state" : 0, "inserted" : true, "version" : null, "created" : null, "createdBy" : null, "modified" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000-08:00", "modifiedBy" : null } ] } ], "reportRelationship" : [], "reportFilter" : { "logic" : "", "visible" : false, "filterFields" : [], "id" : "4a75d01f-1fb3-4eca-ae13-8f17d41289ea", "reportId" : "1e1316a9-b6ce-46c8-9496-671fd5ddeee1" }, "reportPart" : [{ "isDirty" : true, 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