================================ IzendaSystemSetting table ================================ Some configurable system settings are stored in IzendaSystemSetting table. These settings can also be changed directly inside this table without going through the UI. .. list-table:: :widths: 20 65 15 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Default Value * - **WebAPIUrl** - The url for Izenda Back-end - Blank - use setting from web server * - **FiscalYear** - The start of fiscal year, in mm/dd format - 10/01 * - **LicenseExpiredWarningTrial** - The number of days before trial license expires to notify user - 4 * - **DeploymentMode** - .. container:: Integration modes |br| |br| * 0 = AllStandAlone * 1 = BEStandAloneFEIntegrated * 2 = BEIntegratedFEStandAlone * 3 = AllIntegrated - 0 * - **AuthenticationBaseAddress** - Deprecated 1.25.0 release - Blank * - **AuthValidateAccessTokenUrl** - Access token validation path (prefixed by AuthenticationBaseAddress) - api/validateAccessToken * - **AuthGetAccessTokenUrl** - Access token retrieval path (prefixed by AuthenticationBaseAddress) - api/getAccessToken * - **LicenseExpiredWarningPeriod** - The number of days before trial license expires to notify user - 14 * - **CommonFilterSetting** - .. container:: How to decide if two fields are the "same" to become common filters |br| |br| * 0 = QuerySourceFieldId - same id value * 1 = QuerySourceFieldName - same name * 2 = QuerySourceFieldAlias - same alias - 0 * - **TracingType** - .. container:: Which information to log, using bitmask check: |br| |br| * 000 = None * xx1 = LogRequestInfo * x1x = LogProcessTime * 1xx = LogPerformanceInfo - .. container:: 3 (011): |br| |br| * LogRequestInfo * LogProcessTime * - **LicenseWebAPIUrl** - The license checker url - Site-specific * - **ExportConversionDelay** - Delay time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before exporting - 5 * - **WebUrl** - The Front-end url, used for Exporting - Site-specific * - **SubscriptionJobInterval** - Check subscriptions every x minutes - 1 * - **ApiSecretToken** - The secret token to communicate with hosting API, in Integrated Front-end modes - Site-specific * - **ExportFileLocation** - The location for exported files - C:\ * - **AllowDuplicateUser** - Allow duplicated user names in multi-tenant mode or not - 1 * - **PageSize** - The default print page size - A4 * - **SystemMode** - .. container:: Tenant mode |br| |br| * 0 = Multi-tenant * 1 = Single-tenant - 0 * - **LostConnectionAllowPeriod** - License checker maximum lost connection period, in minutes - 96 * - **CustomFunctionFilePath** - Path to user custom functions json file - Blank * - **RefreshTokenPeriod** - Refresh token every x minutes - 60 * - **ReportAdvancedMode** - .. container:: Report mode |br| |br| * 0 = Simple * 1 = Advanced - 1 * - **EvoLicenseKey** - License key for third-party EvoPDF - Site-specific * - **HasCreatePermission** |br| **OnReportingDatabase** - .. container:: Do accounts in connection strings have permission to create tables? |br| |br| * If yes, Izenda will create temp tables as physical ones. * If not, it will use memory tables. - 1 * - **Margin** - Place-holder - * - **ExportNavigationTimeout** - Navigation timeout for the exporting process, in seconds - 300 * - **LayoutSize** - The number of report tiles per screen width, used for calculating export size - 12 * - **AuthRSAPublicKey** - The Public key from the RSA key pair used for encrypting export requests on Integrated Front-end modes - Site-specific * - **Token Timeout** - The number of minutes before inactive user's token expires in standalone versions - 20 * - **StoredProcParamDelimiter** - The delimiter which will be used to separate values for stored procedure input parameters which accept multiple values - , * - **CommandTimeout** - Timeout used for all queries to the Izenda Configuration Database, in seconds - 500 * - **HelpSystemUrl** - The URL link which is used when users click the Help Sysetm "?" icon on the Izenda header bar - http://www.izenda.com * - **InsertBatchSize** - Limits large insert statements to smaller batches for the Izenda database - 10000 * - **ProvisionStaticDataStatus** - .. container:: Status of provisioning map data |br| |br| * 0 = NotStarted * 1 = Provisioning * 2 = ProvisionSuccess * 3 = ProvisionError - Should be 2 * - **ImportFileSystemPath** - .. container:: The directory to store uploaded file when importing report/dashboard definitions. |br| Izenda supports 3 types of directory: |br| * Absolute path. * Relative path. * UNC path. - IzendaImport * - **IsEnableDataCache** - Whether data cache is enable or not - true * - **DataCacheTTL** - Limit the lifespan in second for data caches - 600 * - **DataCacheEvictionInterval** - Define the inteval to clear expired data caches - 600 * - **DataCacgeRefreshInterval** - Define the interval to load new data for data caches - 200 * - **DataCacheRefreshDuration** - Limit the time to run refresh data cache job - 100 * - **SystemCacheTTL** - Limit the lifespan in second for system caches - 3600 * - **SystemCacheEvictionInterval** - Define the inteval to clear expired system caches - 3600