Starter Kits

Izenda’s deployment modes refer to the underlying architecture for the front end, back end, and database.

For sample diagrams for each of our kits, please refer to Understanding The Three Tiered Architecture.

Deployment Mode 0

Deployment Mode 0 refers to a fully standalone version of Izenda. For more information, please refer to our Installation Guide .

Deployment Mode 1

Deployment Mode 1 refers to a fully integrated front end and a standalone back end.

MVC 5 Starter Kit Back End Standalone

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Kit Overview

  • OWIN Authentication with .Net Identities
  • Kit runs in Visual Studio from http://localhost:14809 as reflected in the sample values provided in the tables below.

Authorization Components For Standard Authentication

Back-End Components

Component IzendaSystemSettingTable Name IzendaSystemSettingTable Value Expectation from API Location in Kit Description
Deployment Mode Setting DeploymentMode 1 Retrieved from Database Upon Initialization. N/A Determines Security Model emplyed by API.
Token Validation AuthValidateAccessTokenUrl http://localhost:14809/api/account/validateIzendaAuthToken Retrieved from Database Upon Initialization. Mvc5StarterKit/ApiControllers/AccountController.cs ValidateIzendaAuthToken Route Accessed Server Side. Route In Host Application to Validate tokens. Returns a valid User Info object.

Front-End Components

Component Location in Kit Description
Embedded UI Resources Mvc5StarterKit/Scripts/izenda/ Izenda UI Resources used to render the front end application.
izenda.integrate.js Mvc5StarterKit/Scripts/izenda.integrate.js Implementation of several Izenda front-end integration API Endpoints. AJAX call to GenerateToken route.
Izenda Configuration JSON Mvc5StarterKit/Scripts/izenda.integrate.js configJson JSON required by Front End to specify the location of Izenda resources including the Back End API and Front End resources’ relative path.
Pages Rendering Izenda Mvc5StarterKit/Views/ Root directory of *.cshtml pages that utilize the render functions created in izenda.integrate.js
Token Generation Mvc5StarterKit/ApiControllers/UserController.cs GenerateToken route Accessed Client Side. Route In Host Application to Generate tokens. Returns an encrypted access_token that contains the information for a User Info object.

Authorization Components For Exports, Schedules, and Subscriptions

Back-End Components

Component IzendaSystemSettingTable Name IzendaSystemSettingTable Value Expectation from API Location in Kit Description
Front End URL WebURL http://localhost:14809/ Retrieved from Database Upon Initialization. N/A Front End URL used as a base URL when generating email links and navigating to our page to render exports.
Token Validation AuthValidateAccessTokenUrl http://localhost:14809/api/account/validateIzendaAuthToken Retrieved from Database Upon Initialization. Mvc5StarterKit/ApiControllers/AccountController.cs ValidateIzendaAuthToken Route Accessed Server Side. Route In Host Application to Validate tokens. Returns a valid User Info object.
Token Retrieval AuthGetAccessTokenUrl http://localhost:14809/api/account/getIzendaAccessToken Retrieved from Database Upon Initialization. Mvc5StarterKit/ApiControllers/AccountController.cs GetIzendaAccessToken Route Accessed Server Side. Route In Host Application to Get Access token for server-side interactions. Route decrypts RSA-encrypted messages from Izenda API and returns a token that can be decrypted using Host Application’s Token Validation route.
Public RSA Key AuthRSAPublicKey Sepcific to your environment. Paired to Public Key in Kit. Retrieved from Database Upon Initialization. N/A Key used by Izenda API to send encrypted messages to Host Application. Message contains the components for a UserInfo object.
Private RSA Key AuthRSAPublicKey N/A N/A Located in Mvc5StarterKit/Web.Config . Sepcific to your environment. Paired to Public Key in Database. Key used in Host Application to decrypt messages sent by Izenda API. Message contains the components for a UserInfo object.

Front-End Components

Component Location in Kit Description
Front End Integration Endpoint For Exports Mvc5StarterKit/Scripts/izenda.integrate.js izendaInitReportPartExportViewer Function used to export Izenda report parts.
Page To Render Charts For Exports. View-Controller Pair that utilizes a render function to stage report parts for exports. Implements the route “/viewer/reportpart/” Izenda requests during the export process.

Models Directory

The Models Directory is used to specify the models used throughout the application.

  • UserInfo.cs : Implementation of User Info object that contains the “UserName” and the “TenantUniqueName” for an Izenda user profile. Used throughout the classes found in IzendaBoundary.

IzendaBoundary Directory

The IzendaBoundary directory of this kit contains useful models, sample encryption/decryption mechanisms, and sample Izenda API interactions.

  • IzendaTokenAuthorization.cs : Class used in token encryption/decryption.

    Component Description
    GetToken Returns an encrypted token given an UserInfo object. Used in GenerateToken route and GetIzendaAuthToken route.
    GetUserInfo Returns a UserInfo object given an encrypted token. Used in ValidateIzendaAuthToken route.
    DecryptIzendaAuthenticationMessage Returns a UserInfo object given an RSA Message. Decrypts messages using RSA Public Key from Web.Config. Used in GetIzendaAuthToken route.
  • StringCipher.cs : Class defining low-level encryption/decryption mechanisms.

  • IzendaUtilities.cs : Class containing sample implementations of Tenant, Role, and User creation via the API.

  • Models : Directory Containing the models used throughout IzendaBoundary. This includes the UserInfo sample model designed for the kit.

Angular 2 Starter Kit

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