Data Model APIs

The ‘’’Data Model’’’ section allows user to

  • manage data sources and data source fields
  • add computed columns
  • delete columns
  • manage relationships

List of APIs

API Purpose
POST dataModel/loadQuerySources Returns an array of visible query sources, paged and sorted, filtered by type and other search criteria.
POST dataModel/loadQuerySourceFields Returns an array of query source fields in a query source.

Will load from remote connection if they are not yet populated in system.
GET dataModel/basicConnectionsInfo/(tenant_id)

Returns an array of id and name of connections (filtered by tenant_id if given).

POST dataModel/basicConnectionsInfo Returns an array of connections infor with paging.
POST dataModel/connectionsInfo Returns an array of Connection objects.
GET dataModel/basicQuerySourceCategoriesInfo/{connection_id}

Returns an array of the query source categories in the specified connection.

New in version 2.0.3.

`POST dataModel/basicQuerySourceCategoriesInfo`_

Returns an array of the query source categories with paging in the specified connection.

New in version 2.4.0.

GET dataModel/basicQuerySourcesInfo/{connection_id}/(type) Returns an array of id and name of the query sources in the specified connection, filtered by type (Table, View or Stored Procedure).
GET dataModel/querySourcesInfo/{connection_id}/(type) Returns an array of the query sources in the specified connection, filtered by type (Table, View or Stored Procedure).
DELETE dataModel/querySourceField/{query_source_field_id} Removes a query source field from data model.
GET dataModel/basicQuerySourceFieldsInfo/{query_source_id} Returns an array of id and name of the query source fields in the query source specified by the {query_source_id} value.
POST dataModel Saves a list of query sources.
GET dataModel/indicator/(tenant_id) Returns the number of physical changes in Data Model for each type Table, View, Stored procedure and Function, filtered by tenant_id if provided.
POST dataModel/reloadQuerySourceFields Returns the schema of stored procedures after using user-supplied parameters to try running them.
POST dataModel/validateCalculatedField Validates a calculated field for duplicated name before saving.
POST dataModel/functionOperators/ Returns an array of functions/operators that support calculated fields, filtered by tenant_id if provided.
POST dataModel/loadRelationships Returns an array of relationships of visible data sources, paged and sorted, filtered by search criteria.

POST dataModel/loadInvalidRelationships

New in version 2.16.0.

Returns an array of invalid/modified relationships of visible data sources, paged and sorted, filtered by search criteria.
POST dataModel/relationships Saves an array of relationships.

After adding a new relationship, POST DataModel/loadRelationships should be called to retrieve the new id value.
DELETE dataModel/relationship/{relationship_id} Deletes the relationship specified by the {relationship_id} value.
GET dataModel/schema/(tenant_id) Returns an array of query sources and an array of relationships with color properties (filtered by tenant_id if given).
POST dataModel/schema/updateConnectionColor Updates the connection color.
GET dataModel/relationship/joinTypes Returns an array of join types currently supported.
GET dataModel/databaseMapping Returns an array of database mappings.
POST dataModel/databaseMapping Saves an array of database mappings.
POST dataModel/loadDatabaseNames Returns a paged array of database servers and database names.
POST dataModel/loadDatabaseObjects Returns a paged array of connection names or schema names in the specified database.
POST dataModel/customQuerySource Executes and saves a custom query source.
POST dataModel/validateCustomQuerySource Validates that name of custom query source is unique.
POST dataModel/deleteCustomQuerySource Deletes a custom query source.
GET dataModel/querySource/{query_source_id} Returns the query source specified by query_source_id.

POST dataModel/validateRelationships

New in version 2.16.0.

Validate the newly added or modified relationship(s).

POST dataModel/loadQuerySources

Returns an array of visible query sources, paged and sorted, filtered by type and other search criteria.


Payload: a QuerySourcePagedRequest object


The keys for SearchCriteria that this API support:
- All
- Category
- DatabaseName
- DataSourceName
- DataSourceAlias
- ColumnName
- DataType
- ColumnAlias
- SchemaName
- DataObject
- DataObjectType


A PagedResult object, with result field containing an array of QuerySource objects


POST /api/dataModel/loadQuerySources HTTP/1.1

Request payload:

   "querySourceType": "Table",
   "tenantId": "b5b3a5cc-9e55-424c-ae85-ba92ec3b934e",
   "criteria": [{
      "key": "DataSourceName",
      "value": "order",
      "operation": 1
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 10,
   "sortOrders": [{
      "key": "Category",
      "descending": true

Sample response:

   "result": [
            "realName": "orders_new",
            "id": "18f55edc-b521-4614-9c06-817dac726284",
            "name": "northwind.orders_new",
            "type": "Table",
            "parentQuerySourceId": null,
            "categoryId": "94454a0a-17a2-49e5-bebf-9c0d07d95587",
            "selected": false,
            "deleted": false,
            "connectionId": "6cc06e5b-0627-432c-bc33-708b0843c7c7",
            "connectionName": "northwind",
            "childs": null,
            "dataSourceCategoryId": null,
            "dataSourceCategoryName": null,
            "alias": null,
            "originalAlias": null,
            "querySourceFields": [],
            "querySourceCategoryName": "northwind",
            "querySourceCategory": null,
            "modified": "2017-09-14T03:37:29.653",
            "extendedProperties": null,
            "physicalChange": 0,
            "approval": 0,
            "existed": false,
            "checked": false,
            "belongToCopiedReport": false,
            "customDefinition": null,
            "isCustomQuerySource": false,
            "isCheck": false,
            "disabled": false,
            "fullPath": null,
            "indeterminate": false,
            "numOfChilds": 0,
            "numOfCheckedChilds": 0
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 10,
   "total": 1,
   "skipItems": 0,
   "isLastPage": false

POST dataModel/loadQuerySourceFields

Returns an array of query source fields in a query source.

Will load from remote connection if they are not yet populated in system.


Payload: a QuerySourceFieldPagedRequest object


The keys for SearchCriteria that this API support:
- All
- Category
- DatabaseName
- DataSourceName
- DataSourceAlias
- ColumnName
- DataType
- ColumnAlias
- SchemaName
- DataObject
- DataObjectType


A PagedResult object, with result field containing an array of QuerySourceField objects


POST /api/dataModel/loadQuerySourceFields HTTP/1.1

Request payload:

  "querySource" : {
     "id" : "9fa90af2-5329-44ac-a753-50c27f9d6fd5",
     "type" : "Table"
  "criteria" : [],
  "tenantId" : null,
  "pageIndex" : 1,
  "pageSize" : 1,
  "sortOrders" : [{
        "key" : "Alias",
        "descending" : true

Sample response:

   "result": [
            "name": "ShipVia",
            "alias": "",
            "dataType": "int",
            "izendaDataType": "Numeric",
            "allowDistinct": true,
            "visible": true,
            "filterable": true,
            "querySourceId": "18f55edc-b521-4614-9c06-817dac726284",
            "parentId": null,
            "expressionFields": [],
            "filteredValue": "",
            "type": 0,
            "groupPosition": 0,
            "position": 7,
            "extendedProperties": "{\"PrimaryKey\":true}",
            "physicalChange": 0,
            "approval": 0,
            "existed": false,
            "matchedTenant": false,
            "functionName": null,
            "expression": null,
            "fullName": null,
            "calculatedTree": null,
            "reportId": null,
            "originalName": null,
            "originalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "isParameter": false,
            "isCalculated": false,
            "hasAggregatedFunction": false,
            "querySource": null,
            "querySourceName": null,
            "categoryName": null,
            "inaccessible": false,
            "originalAlias": null,
            "fullPath": null,
            "isCheck": false,
            "id": "0b0645cc-c401-4574-a868-aacaada4cb16",
            "state": 0,
            "deleted": false,
            "inserted": true,
            "version": null,
            "created": null,
            "createdBy": "acme",
            "modified": "2017-09-14T03:35:32.33",
            "modifiedBy": null
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 1,
   "total": 14,
   "skipItems": 0,
   "isLastPage": true

GET dataModel/basicConnectionsInfo/(tenant_id)

Returns an array of id and name of connections (filtered by tenant_id if given).


No payload


An array of Item objects with:

- key is the id of the connection
- value is the name of the connection


GET /api/dataModel/basicConnectionsInfo HTTP/1.1

Sample response:

      "key": "6cc06e5b-0627-432c-bc33-708b0843c7c7",
      "value": "northwind",
      "originalValue": null,
      "dataFormat": null,
      "intimePeriodType": null,
      "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
      "function": null

POST dataModel/basicConnectionsInfo

Returns an array of connections infor with paging.

New in version 2.4.0.


Payload: a PagedRequest object.


The keys for SearchCriteria that this API support:
- Id
- Name


A PagedResult object with result field containing a list of Item objects whose each key is the connectionsId and value is the connectionName.


POST /api/dataModel/basicConnectionsInfo HTTP/1.1

Sample response:

   "result": [
            "key": "2046c03b-3830-4385-9ac0-bdc95e92ea49",
            "value": "[MSSQL]My Test 1",
            "originalValue": null,
            "dataFormat": null,
            "intimePeriodType": null,
            "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
            "function": null
            "key": "7e682625-52c8-4524-a19d-4d8225aa9ea8",
            "value": "[MSSQL]My Test 2",
            "originalValue": null,
            "dataFormat": null,
            "intimePeriodType": null,
            "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
            "function": null
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 2,
   "total": 19,
   "skipItems": 0,
   "isLastPage": false

POST dataModel/connectionsInfo

Returns an array of Connection objects.

New in version 2.7.0.


Payload: a PagedRequest object.


A PagedResult object with result field containing a list of Connection objects.


POST /api/dataModel/connectionsInfo HTTP/1.1

Request payload:


Sample response:


GET dataModel/basicQuerySourceCategoriesInfo/{connection_id}

Returns an array of the query source categories in the specified connection.

New in version 2.0.3.


No payload


An array of Item objects with:

- key is the id of the QuerySourceCategory
- value is the name of the QuerySourceCategory


GET /api/dataModel/basicQuerySourceCategoriesInfo/2046c03b-3830-4385-9ac0-bdc95e92ea49 HTTP/1.1

Sample response:

    "key": "34dc82ea-890d-4e3a-86a9-91ef171fd6f5",
    "value": "Application",
    "originalValue": null,
    "dataFormat": null,
    "intimePeriodType": null,
    "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
    "function": null
    "key": "e3354049-cffc-4b3d-1g25-e9f518d12d01",
    "value": "DataLoadSimulation",
    "originalValue": null,
    "dataFormat": null,
    "intimePeriodType": null,
    "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
    "function": null

POST dataModel/basicQuerySourceCategoriesInfo/

Returns an array of the query source categories with paging.

New in version 2.4.0.


Payload: a QuerySourceCategoryPagedRequest object.


The keys for SearchCriteria that this API support:
- Id
- Name


A PagedResult object with result field containing a list of Item objects whose each key is the id of the QuerySourceCategory and value is the name of the the QuerySourceCategory.


POST /api/dataModel/basicQuerySourceCategoriesInfo HTTP/1.1

Sample response:

   "result": [
            "key": "34dc82ea-890d-4e3a-86a9-91ef171f4ca5",
            "value": "Application",
            "originalValue": null,
            "dataFormat": null,
            "intimePeriodType": null,
            "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
            "function": null
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 1,
   "total": 11,
   "skipItems": 0,
   "isLastPage": false

GET dataModel/basicQuerySourcesInfo/{connection_id}/(type)

Returns an array of id and name of the query sources in the specified connection, filtered by type (Table, View or Stored Procedure).


No payload

type values:

  • Table
  • View
  • Stored%20Procedure


An array of Item objects with:

- key is the id of the QuerySource
- value is the name of the QuerySource


GET /api/dataModel/basicQuerySourcesInfo/48733501-c57d-48ca-aded-501d5ebdaad9 HTTP/1.1

Sample response:

   "key": "4e9aabda-9a95-4a00-8d80-0b8b1fbc7bc8",
   "value": "dbo.Suppliers",
   "originalValue": null,
   "dataFormat": null,
   "intimePeriodType": null,
   "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
   "function": null
}, {
   "key": "42f7c4ff-f44e-4460-bd50-10540d99a276",
   "value": "dbo.Order Details",
   "originalValue": null,
   "dataFormat": null,
   "intimePeriodType": null,
   "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
   "function": null

GET dataModel/querySourcesInfo/{connection_id}/(type)

Returns an array of the query sources in the specified connection, filtered by type (Table, View or Stored Procedure).


No payload

type values:

  • Table
  • View
  • Stored%20Procedure


An array of QuerySourceInfo objects


GET /api/dataModel/querySourcesInfo/5e8e56ce-ac29-48cf-ae0d-56cb5d9a935e/Table HTTP/1.1

Sample response:

    "id": "77882ea1-6d82-45c2-b762-6c8612682b91",
    "name": "Categories",
    "alias": null,
    "category": "dbo",
    "serverTypeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "connectionStringId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "connectionString": null,
    "connectionName": null,
    "querySourceCategoryName": null
    "id": "55329213-9db0-4835-b465-44b3ac9b19fa",
    "name": "CustomerCustomerDemo",
    "alias": null,
    "category": "dbo",
    "serverTypeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "connectionStringId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "connectionString": null,
    "connectionName": null,
    "querySourceCategoryName": null

DELETE dataModel/querySourceField/{query_source_field_id}

Removes a query source field from data model.


No payload


  • true if the deletion is succesful
  • false if not


DELETE /api/dataModel/querySourceField/da7be1b4-d4c0-43c4-a11b-5c87004c4837 HTTP/1.1

Sample response:


GET dataModel/basicQuerySourceFieldsInfo/{query_source_id}

Returns an array of id and name of the query source fields in the query source specified by the {query_source_id} value.


No payload


An array of Item objects with:

- key is the id of the QuerySourceField
- value if the name of the QuerySourceField


GET /api/dataModel/basicQuerySourceFieldsInfo/4e9aabda-9a95-4a00-8d80-0b8b1fbc7bc8 HTTP/1.1

Sample response:

   "key": "f8c2a34b-b304-4f1d-9d90-96c018ec3d2a",
   "value": "ContactName",
   "originalValue": null,
   "dataFormat": null,
   "intimePeriodType": null,
   "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
   "function": null
}, {
   "key": "a895434e-a77b-452e-8ed1-9b5fa339f1a8",
   "value": "CompanyName",
   "originalValue": null,
   "dataFormat": null,
   "intimePeriodType": null,
   "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
   "function": null
}, {
   "key": "3b266337-0142-4a4b-8351-ea0a74a7f234",
   "value": "SupplierID",
   "originalValue": null,
   "dataFormat": null,
   "intimePeriodType": null,
   "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
   "function": null

POST dataModel

Saves a list of query sources.


Payload: a DataModel object


An OperationResult object with success field true if the save is successful


POST /api/dataModel HTTP/1.1

Request payload to save the aliases for column [dbo].[AWBuildVersion].[Database Version] and for table [dbo].[Categories]:

  "tenantId" : null,
  "querySources" : [{
        "id" : "c3330d53-cd8d-411c-9e7d-05849c7f2cc3",
        "name" : "dbo.AWBuildVersion",
        "type" : "Table",
        "parentQuerySourceId" : null,
        "categoryId" : null,
        "selected" : false,
        "connectionId" : "828e10df-dedb-42f6-8adf-b0785810837e",
        "connectionName" : "AdventureWorks2008R2",
        "childs" : null,
        "dataSourceCategoryId" : null,
        "dataSourceCategoryName" : null,
        "alias" : null,
        "querySourceFields" : [{
              "id" : "dc4eca5c-ec25-4721-9f72-f98813f9b116",
              "name" : "VersionDate",
              "alias" : "",
              "dataType" : "datetime",
              "visible" : true,
              "filterable" : true,
              "deleted" : false,
              "querySourceId" : "c3330d53-cd8d-411c-9e7d-05849c7f2cc3",
              "parentId" : null,
              "children" : null,
              "modified" : "2016-04-06T04:20:37",
              "filteredValue" : "{}",
              "type" : 0,
              "position" : 0,
              "extendedProperties" : "",
              "physicalChange" : 0,
              "approval" : 0,
              "existed" : false,
              "matchedTenant" : false
           }, {
              "id" : "a3466647-d30b-4b21-868d-c05d074cba66",
              "name" : "Database Version",
              "alias" : "dbversion",
              "dataType" : "nvarchar",
              "visible" : true,
              "filterable" : true,
              "deleted" : false,
              "querySourceId" : "c3330d53-cd8d-411c-9e7d-05849c7f2cc3",
              "parentId" : null,
              "children" : null,
              "modified" : "2016-04-06T04:20:37",
              "filteredValue" : "{}",
              "type" : 0,
              "position" : 0,
              "extendedProperties" : "",
              "physicalChange" : 0,
              "approval" : 0,
              "existed" : false,
              "matchedTenant" : false
        "querySourceCategory" : null,
        "modified" : null,
        "extendedProperties" : "{}",
        "physicalChange" : 0,
        "approval" : 0,
        "existed" : false
     }, {
        "id" : "f5e3450b-2b5b-4388-bce3-05efba5b8311",
        "name" : "dbo.Categories",
        "type" : "Table",
        "parentQuerySourceId" : null,
        "categoryId" : null,
        "selected" : false,
        "connectionId" : "8143ad74-fa73-4224-9299-b115252e1cc7",
        "connectionName" : "Northwind2014",
        "childs" : null,
        "dataSourceCategoryId" : "014e42b4-979a-4a7f-80cf-492142572d10",
        "dataSourceCategoryName" : "test",
        "alias" : "Cats",
        "querySourceFields" : [],
        "querySourceCategory" : null,
        "modified" : null,
        "extendedProperties" : "{}",
        "physicalChange" : 0,
        "approval" : 0,
        "existed" : false

Request Payload to set dynamic for stored procedure [dbo].[CustOrdersDetail]:

  "tenantId" : null,
  "querySources" : [{
        "id" : "eabce774-10e4-4c9d-b0fd-7f8dc3b8a6be",
        "name" : "dbo.CustOrdersDetail",
        "type" : "Stored Procedure",
        "parentQuerySourceId" : null,
        "categoryId" : null,
        "selected" : false,
        "connectionId" : "38f89176-7113-4a20-aed0-9758cb65122a",
        "connectionName" : "AdventureWorks2008R2",
        "childs" : null,
        "dataSourceCategoryId" : null,
        "dataSourceCategoryName" : null,
        "alias" : null,
        "querySourceFields" : [{
              "id" : "5d4c6339-1539-43ed-a1d4-fd6f423f6bd3",
              "name" : "@OrderID",
              "alias" : "",
              "dataType" : "int",
              "visible" : true,
              "filterable" : true,
              "deleted" : false,
              "querySourceId" : "eabce774-10e4-4c9d-b0fd-7f8dc3b8a6be",
              "parentId" : null,
              "children" : null,
              "modified" : "2016-04-13T08:55:15.803",
              "filteredValue" : "{}",
              "type" : 1,
              "position" : 1,
              "extendedProperties" : null,
              "physicalChange" : 0,
              "approval" : 0,
              "existed" : false,
              "matchedTenant" : false
        "querySourceCategory" : null,
        "modified" : "2016-12-13T08:55:15.787",
        "extendedProperties" : "{\"Dynamic\":true,\"Static\":false}",
        "physicalChange" : 0,
        "approval" : 0,
        "existed" : false

Request Payload to set Field Level and Expression Level for functions:

  "tenantId" : null,
  "querySources" : [{
        "id" : "b2972494-ca59-4904-9561-d4b609a6b806",
        "name" : "northwind.DateOnly",
        "type" : "Function",
        "parentQuerySourceId" : null,
        "categoryId" : null,
        "selected" : false,
        "connectionId" : "33244a6a-df64-46f8-8c5c-93eebe0f9c47",
        "connectionName" : "northwind",
        "childs" : null,
        "dataSourceCategoryId" : null,
        "dataSourceCategoryName" : null,
        "alias" : null,
        "querySourceFields" : [],
        "querySourceCategory" : null,
        "modified" : "2016-12-13T07:36:42.713",
        "extendedProperties" : "{\"ReturnedValue\":\"varchar\",\"InputParams\":\"InDateTime\",\"FieldLevel\":true,\"ExpressionLevel\":true}",
        "physicalChange" : 0,
        "approval" : 0,
        "existed" : false
     }, {
        "id" : "2224f941-a4e1-4211-8c52-fcba3dc14dd8",
        "name" : "northwind.MyRound",
        "type" : "Function",
        "parentQuerySourceId" : null,
        "categoryId" : null,
        "selected" : false,
        "connectionId" : "33244a6a-df64-46f8-8c5c-93eebe0f9c47",
        "connectionName" : "northwind",
        "childs" : null,
        "dataSourceCategoryId" : null,
        "dataSourceCategoryName" : null,
        "alias" : null,
        "querySourceFields" : [],
        "querySourceCategory" : null,
        "modified" : "2016-12-13T07:36:42.713",
        "extendedProperties" : "{\"ReturnedValue\":\"double\",\"InputParams\":\"Operand,Places\",\"FieldLevel\":false,\"ExpressionLevel\":true}",
        "physicalChange" : 0,
        "approval" : 0,
        "existed" : false

Successful response:

  "success" : true,
  "messages" : [],
  "data" : null

GET dataModel/indicator/(tenant_id)

Returns the number of physical changes in Data Model for each type Table, View, Stored procedure and Function, filtered by tenant_id if provided.


No payload


An array of Item objects with:

- key is Either “Table”, “View”, “Stored procedure” or “Function”
- value is the number of changes for each type


GET /api/dataModel/indicator HTTP/1.1

Sample response:

  "key" : "Table",
  "value" : 2,
  "originalValue": null,
  "dataFormat": null,
  "intimePeriodType": null,
  "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
  "function": null
}, {
  "key" : "View",
  "value" : 1,
  "originalValue": null,
  "dataFormat": null,
  "intimePeriodType": null,
  "valueInTimePeriod": 0,
  "function": null

POST dataModel/reloadQuerySourceFields

Returns the schema of stored procedures after using user-supplied parameters to try running them.


Payload: a ReloadQuerySourceRequest object


The keys for SortOrder that this API support:
- ColumnName
- ColumnAlias


A DataResult object, with data field containing a PagedResult object whose result field containing a list of QuerySourceField objects


POST /api/dataModel/reloadQuerySourceFields HTTP/1.1

Request payload for Filter Lookup Key - Value:

  "querySourceId" : "0cd0f186-48f1-47a9-9975-1f2bded3a5cc",
  "postedParameters" : [{
        "id" : "8ccfac80-c883-446b-948d-18568dc4d173",
        "name" : "@OrderID",
        "filteredValue" : {
           "querySourceName":"dbo.Order Details",
           "userDefinedValues": []
  "sortOrders" : [{
        "key" : "ColumnName",
        "descending" : true

Request payload for User Defined Filter Value:

  "querySourceId" : "0cd0f186-48f1-47a9-9975-1f2bded3a5cc",
  "postedParameters" : [{
        "id" : "8ccfac80-c883-446b-948d-18568dc4d173",
        "name" : "@OrderID",
        "filteredValue" : {
           "type" : "2",
           "userDefinedValues" : ["1", "2"]
  "sortOrders" : [{
        "key" : "ColumnName",
        "descending" : true
Sample response:
   "data": {
      "result": [
               "name": "ProductName",
               "alias": "",
               "dataType": "nvarchar",
               "izendaDataType": "Text",
               "allowDistinct": true,
               "visible": true,
               "filterable": true,
               "querySourceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
               "parentId": null,
               "expressionFields": [],
               "filteredValue": "{}",
               "type": 0,
               "groupPosition": 1,
               "position": 3,
               "extendedProperties": null,
               "physicalChange": 0,
               "approval": 0,
               "existed": false,
               "matchedTenant": false,
               "functionName": null,
               "expression": null,
               "fullName": null,
               "calculatedTree": null,
               "reportId": null,
               "originalName": null,
               "originalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
               "isParameter": false,
               "isCalculated": false,
               "hasAggregatedFunction": false,
               "querySource": null,
               "querySourceName": null,
               "categoryName": null,
               "inaccessible": false,
               "originalAlias": null,
               "fullPath": null,
               "isCheck": false,
               "id": "156f529f-af43-44b1-82b8-419e4a5ed086",
               "state": 0,
               "deleted": false,
               "inserted": true,
               "version": null,
               "created": null,
               "createdBy": "acme",
               "modified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
               "modifiedBy": null
               "name": "@OrderID",
               "alias": "",
               "dataType": "int",
               "izendaDataType": "Int",
               "allowDistinct": true,
               "visible": true,
               "filterable": true,
               "querySourceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
               "parentId": null,
               "expressionFields": [],
               "filteredValue": "{}",
               "type": 0,
               "groupPosition": 1,
               "position": 2,
               "extendedProperties": null,
               "physicalChange": 0,
               "approval": 0,
               "existed": false,
               "matchedTenant": false,
               "functionName": null,
               "expression": null,
               "fullName": null,
               "calculatedTree": null,
               "reportId": null,
               "originalName": null,
               "originalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
               "isParameter": false,
               "isCalculated": false,
               "hasAggregatedFunction": false,
               "querySource": null,
               "querySourceName": null,
               "categoryName": null,
               "inaccessible": false,
               "originalAlias": null,
               "fullPath": null,
               "isCheck": false,
               "id": "086d5f37-d6b4-4aa4-807e-f6edac2f05b2",
               "state": 0,
               "deleted": false,
               "inserted": true,
               "version": null,
               "created": null,
               "createdBy": "acme",
               "modified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
               "modifiedBy": null
      "pageIndex": 0,
      "pageSize": 10,
      "total": 2,
      "skipItems": 0,
      "isLastPage": true
   "success": true,
   "messages": null

POST dataModel/validateCalculatedField

Validates a calculated field for duplicated name before saving.


Payload: a QuerySourceField object


  • true if the name is valid
  • false if not


POST /api/dataModel/validateCalculatedField HTTP/1.1

Request payload:

        "name" : "UnitPrice",
        "querySourceId" : "9d18fa06-bf09-4908-9cc0-3ecb15c0e9e4"

Sample response:

   "success": true,
   "messages": null,
   "data": null

POST dataModel/functionOperators/

Returns an array of functions/operators that support calculated fields, filtered by tenant_id if provided.



An array of ReportFunction objects


POST /api/dataModel/functionOperators HTTP/1.1

Sample Payload:

   "tenantId" : "b5b3a5cc-9e55-424c-ae85-ba92ec3b934e",
   "querySourceIds" : [
   "includeCustomJsonFunction" : false
Sample response:
   "id": null,
   "name": "-",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "expression - expression",
   "expressionSyntax": "-",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "*",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "expression * expression",
   "expressionSyntax": "*",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "/",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "expression / expression",
   "expressionSyntax": "/",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "+",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "expression + expression",
   "expressionSyntax": "+",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "<",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "expression < expression",
   "expressionSyntax": "<",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "<=",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "expression <= expression",
   "expressionSyntax": "<=",
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   "userDefined": false,
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}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "<>",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "expression <> expression",
   "expressionSyntax": "<>",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "=",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "expression = expression",
   "expressionSyntax": "=",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": ">",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "expression > expression",
   "expressionSyntax": ">",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": ">=",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "expression >= expression",
   "expressionSyntax": ">=",
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   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "AND",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "boolean_expression AND boolean_expression",
   "expressionSyntax": "AND",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "AVG",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "AVG (expression)",
   "expressionSyntax": "AVG",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "BETWEEN",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "BETWEEN (test_expression, begin_expression, end_expression)",
   "expressionSyntax": "BETWEEN",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "CASE WHEN...THEN...ELSE...END",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "CASE WHEN (boolean_expression) THEN (result_expression) [...n] [ELSE (else_result_expression)] END",
   "expressionSyntax": "CASE...WHEN...THEN...ELSE...END",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "CASE...WHEN...THEN...ELSE...END",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "CASE (input_expression) WHEN (when_expression) THEN (result_expression) [...n] [ELSE (else_result_expression)] END",
   "expressionSyntax": "CASE...WHEN...THEN...ELSE...END",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "CAST...AS",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
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   "expressionSyntax": "CAST...AS",
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}, {
   "id": null,
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   "expression": null,
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   "formatDataType": null,
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   "expressionSyntax": "CONVERT",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "COUNT",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "COUNT (expression)",
   "expressionSyntax": "COUNT",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "DATEADD",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "DATEADD (datepart, number, expression)",
   "expressionSyntax": "DATEADD",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "DATEDIFF",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "DATEDIFF (datepart, startdate, enddate)",
   "expressionSyntax": "DATEDIFF",
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   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
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   "dataType": null,
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}, {
   "id": null,
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   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "GETDATE",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "GETDATE ()",
   "expressionSyntax": "GETDATE",
   "isOperator": false,
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   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "IF...THEN...ELSE...END",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
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   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
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   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
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   "userDefined": false,
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}, {
   "id": null,
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}, {
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}, {
   "id": null,
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   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
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}, {
   "id": null,
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   "expression": null,
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}, {
   "id": null,
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   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
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   "expressionSyntax": "NOTBETWEEN",
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   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
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   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
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}, {
   "id": null,
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   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
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}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "RUNNING AVG",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "RUNNINGAVG (column)",
   "expressionSyntax": "RUNNINGAVG",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "RUNNING COUNT",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "RUNNINGCOUNT (column)",
   "expressionSyntax": "RUNNINGCOUNT",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "RUNNING SUM",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "RUNNINGSUM (column)",
   "expressionSyntax": "RUNNINGSUM",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}
}, {
   "id": null,
   "name": "SUM",
   "expression": null,
   "dataType": null,
   "formatDataType": null,
   "syntax": "SUM (expression)",
   "expressionSyntax": "SUM",
   "isOperator": false,
   "userDefined": false,
   "extendedProperties": {}

POST dataModel/loadRelationships

Returns an array of relationships of visible data sources, paged and sorted, filtered by search criteria.


Payload: a RelationshipPagedRequest object


A PagedResult object with result field containing an array of Relationship objects


POST /api/dataModel/loadRelationships HTTP/1.1

Request payload:

   "querySourceId": null,
   "tenantId": "b5b3a5cc-9e55-424c-ae85-ba92ec3b934e",
   "criteria": [{
      "key": "All",
      "value": "SQL-North",
      "operation": 1
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 1,
   "sortOrders": [{
      "key": "DatabaseName",
      "descending": true

Sample response:

   "result": [
            "joinConnectionId": "5e97b5e4-bf85-4be8-8244-cf195bdf4739",
            "foreignConnectionId": "5e97b5e4-bf85-4be8-8244-cf195bdf4739",
            "joinQuerySourceAlias": null,
            "foreignQuerySourceAlias": null,
            "joinFieldAlias": "",
            "specifictJoinFieldAlias": null,
            "foreignFieldAlias": "",
            "specifictForeignFieldAlias": null,
            "alias": null,
            "systemRelationship": true,
            "joinType": "Inner",
            "parentRelationshipId": null,
            "position": null,
            "relationshipPosition": 0,
            "relationshipKeyJoins": [],
            "reportId": null,
            "foreignAlias": null,
            "joinQuerySourceUniqueName": null,
            "joinFieldUniqueName": null,
            "forgeinQuerySourceUniqueName": null,
            "forgeinFieldUniqueName": null,
            "tempId": null,
            "aliasTempId": null,
            "originalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "isForeignDataObjectAlias": false,
            "selectedForeignAlias": "c7341994-3506-4f4a-acd9-96f9b8936ec2_Orders",
            "joinQuerySourceName": "Order Details",
            "joinQuerySourceId": "7f9cd714-9b06-4aaf-9a8b-5475ea0cdefc",
            "joinFieldId": "b577df4a-4419-4229-aefd-ad9caa0543ce",
            "joinFieldType": null,
            "foreignQuerySourceName": "Orders",
            "foreignQuerySourceId": "c7341994-3506-4f4a-acd9-96f9b8936ec2",
            "foreignFieldId": "da29f67c-6cc5-4aa8-b456-0b192ec07fa1",
            "foreignFieldType": null,
            "joinFieldName": "OrderID",
            "foreignFieldName": "OrderID",
            "joinDataSourceCategoryId": "31df942e-62be-4cda-8866-7ae7a65365f0",
            "joinDataSourceCategoryName": "Northwind-MSSQL",
            "foreignDataSourceCategoryId": "31df942e-62be-4cda-8866-7ae7a65365f0",
            "foreignDataSourceCategoryName": "Northwind-MSSQL",
            "comparisonOperator": null,
            "id": "fb386813-a7f8-4033-862a-4a9cafbad38c",
            "state": 0,
            "deleted": false,
            "inserted": true,
            "version": null,
            "created": null,
            "createdBy": "Pika Chu",
            "modified": "2017-09-14T10:12:06.667",
            "modifiedBy": null
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 1,
   "total": 7,
   "skipItems": 0,
   "isLastPage": false

POST dataModel/loadInvalidRelationships

Returns an array of invalid/modified relationships of visible data sources, paged and sorted, filtered by search criteria.


Payload: a RelationshipPagedRequest object


A PagedResult object with result field containing an array of Relationship objects


POST /api/dataModel/loadInvalidRelationships HTTP/1.1

Request payload:

   "querySourceId": null,
   "tenantId": null,
   "criteria": [
         "key": "All",
         "value": "",
         "operation": 1
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 10,
   "modifiedRelationships": [
         "id": null,
         "joinConnectionId": "a202de0e-649d-4c7b-b282-ccdae94585e6",
         "foreignConnectionId": "a202de0e-649d-4c7b-b282-ccdae94585e6",
         "joinQuerySourceId": "5fba843d-9c64-4079-b727-c110bce2ee3f",
         "foreignQuerySourceId": "21c34241-c070-47c4-9cc4-86c9893daa5a",
         "joinFieldId": "f3fd1ac9-254e-4527-a66c-304e05f369bc",
         "foreignFieldId": "9d927e1a-1abe-4656-b2a6-bd662c49efe3",
         "alias": "",
         "systemRelationship": false,
         "joinType": "Inner",
         "position": "61"
         "id": null,
         "joinConnectionId": "a202de0e-649d-4c7b-b282-ccdae94585e6",
         "foreignConnectionId": "a202de0e-649d-4c7b-b282-ccdae94585e6",
         "joinQuerySourceId": "de6cc7be-98bb-4222-94ff-14f1ec6c5042",
         "foreignQuerySourceId": "5fba843d-9c64-4079-b727-c110bce2ee3f",
         "joinFieldId": "3f2e55c6-7796-4daf-b8d2-0b95e7ecdcf7",
         "foreignFieldId": "f3fd1ac9-254e-4527-a66c-304e05f369bc",
         "alias": "",
         "systemRelationship": false,
         "joinType": "Inner",
         "position": "60"
   "sortOrders": [
         "key": "DatabaseName",
         "descending": true
Sample response:
   "result": [
         "invalid": true,
         "errors": [
               "key": "Relationships",
               "messages": [
                  "Relationship cannot be created from the selected fields. Please check the data type of the joined fields."
               "key": "Relationships[1]positionId",
               "messages": [
                  "This positionID is duplicated."
         "joinConnectionId": "a5f9033a-1ddf-4cfe-a152-b0e062b98dc4",
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         "joinQuerySourceAlias": null,
         "foreignQuerySourceAlias": null,
         "joinFieldAlias": null,
         "specifictJoinFieldAlias": null,
         "foreignFieldAlias": null,
         "specifictForeignFieldAlias": null,
         "alias": "",
         "systemRelationship": false,
         "joinType": "Inner",
         "parentRelationshipId": null,
         "position": "1",
         "relationshipPosition": 0,
         "hasBeenModified": false,
         "relationshipKeyJoins": [],
         "reportId": null,
         "foreignAlias": null,
         "joinQuerySourceUniqueName": null,
         "joinFieldUniqueName": null,
         "forgeinQuerySourceUniqueName": null,
         "forgeinFieldUniqueName": null,
         "tempId": null,
         "aliasTempId": null,
         "originalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
         "isForeignDataObjectAlias": false,
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         "selectedForeignAlias": "8c65d897-e945-40a8-916f-bfbdc082e83a_G",
         "joinQuerySourceName": "D",
         "joinQuerySourceId": "00766ac5-08ea-4306-aac9-6bf2aee58d77",
         "joinFieldId": "d151cb50-a159-4673-90a9-5887232c9ca7",
         "joinFieldType": null,
         "foreignQuerySourceName": "G",
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         "foreignFieldType": null,
         "joinFieldName": null,
         "foreignFieldName": null,
         "joinDataSourceCategoryId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
         "joinDataSourceCategoryName": null,
         "foreignDataSourceCategoryId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
         "foreignDataSourceCategoryName": null,
         "comparisonOperator": null,
         "id": null,
         "state": 1,
         "deleted": false,
         "inserted": false,
         "version": null,
         "created": null,
         "createdBy": "An Truong",
         "modified": null,
         "modifiedBy": null
         "invalid": true,
         "errors": [
               "key": "Relationships",
               "messages": [
                  "This relationship is duplicated."
               "key": "Relationships[3]positionId",
               "messages": [
                  "This positionID is duplicated."
         "joinConnectionId": "a5f9033a-1ddf-4cfe-a152-b0e062b98dc4",
         "foreignConnectionId": "a5f9033a-1ddf-4cfe-a152-b0e062b98dc4",
         "joinQuerySourceAlias": null,
         "foreignQuerySourceAlias": null,
         "joinFieldAlias": "",
         "specifictJoinFieldAlias": null,
         "foreignFieldAlias": "",
         "specifictForeignFieldAlias": null,
         "alias": "",
         "systemRelationship": false,
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         "parentRelationshipId": null,
         "position": "3",
         "relationshipPosition": 0,
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         "relationshipKeyJoins": [],
         "reportId": null,
         "foreignAlias": null,
         "joinQuerySourceUniqueName": null,
         "joinFieldUniqueName": null,
         "forgeinQuerySourceUniqueName": null,
         "forgeinFieldUniqueName": null,
         "tempId": null,
         "aliasTempId": null,
         "originalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
         "isForeignDataObjectAlias": false,
         "positionId": 1,
         "selectedForeignAlias": "9326420d-8217-4b08-922d-926678b1c0bb_C",
         "joinQuerySourceName": "B",
         "joinQuerySourceId": "c2896b5b-8895-4a54-a402-25728b17d6dd",
         "joinFieldId": "3e580a0b-5d11-4441-adc3-fa94d93fec9b",
         "joinFieldType": null,
         "foreignQuerySourceName": "C",
         "foreignQuerySourceId": "9326420d-8217-4b08-922d-926678b1c0bb",
         "foreignFieldId": "8a1bbdf7-320a-49d6-b256-3cbef5b55920",
         "foreignFieldType": null,
         "joinFieldName": "Id",
         "foreignFieldName": "Id",
         "joinDataSourceCategoryId": "1cf932d6-8cea-4aa1-a5c0-23ddcb71be72",
         "joinDataSourceCategoryName": "CycleRelationship",
         "foreignDataSourceCategoryId": "1cf932d6-8cea-4aa1-a5c0-23ddcb71be72",
         "foreignDataSourceCategoryName": "CycleRelationship",
         "comparisonOperator": null,
         "id": "eec27f1b-dc25-48be-9f5c-a5eda552e521",
         "state": 0,
         "deleted": false,
         "inserted": true,
         "version": null,
         "created": null,
         "createdBy": "An Truong",
         "modified": "2018-12-05T10:53:29",
         "modifiedBy": null
         "invalid": true,
         "errors": [
               "key": "Relationships",
               "messages": [
                  "This relationship is duplicated."
         "joinConnectionId": "a5f9033a-1ddf-4cfe-a152-b0e062b98dc4",
         "foreignConnectionId": "a5f9033a-1ddf-4cfe-a152-b0e062b98dc4",
         "joinQuerySourceAlias": null,
         "foreignQuerySourceAlias": null,
         "joinFieldAlias": null,
         "specifictJoinFieldAlias": null,
         "foreignFieldAlias": null,
         "specifictForeignFieldAlias": null,
         "alias": "",
         "systemRelationship": false,
         "joinType": "Right",
         "parentRelationshipId": null,
         "position": "2",
         "relationshipPosition": 0,
         "hasBeenModified": false,
         "relationshipKeyJoins": [],
         "reportId": null,
         "foreignAlias": null,
         "joinQuerySourceUniqueName": null,
         "joinFieldUniqueName": null,
         "forgeinQuerySourceUniqueName": null,
         "forgeinFieldUniqueName": null,
         "tempId": null,
         "aliasTempId": null,
         "originalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
         "isForeignDataObjectAlias": false,
         "positionId": null,
         "selectedForeignAlias": "9326420d-8217-4b08-922d-926678b1c0bb_C",
         "joinQuerySourceName": "B",
         "joinQuerySourceId": "c2896b5b-8895-4a54-a402-25728b17d6dd",
         "joinFieldId": "3e580a0b-5d11-4441-adc3-fa94d93fec9b",
         "joinFieldType": null,
         "foreignQuerySourceName": "C",
         "foreignQuerySourceId": "9326420d-8217-4b08-922d-926678b1c0bb",
         "foreignFieldId": "8a1bbdf7-320a-49d6-b256-3cbef5b55920",
         "foreignFieldType": null,
         "joinFieldName": null,
         "foreignFieldName": null,
         "joinDataSourceCategoryId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
         "joinDataSourceCategoryName": null,
         "foreignDataSourceCategoryId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
         "foreignDataSourceCategoryName": null,
         "comparisonOperator": null,
         "id": null,
         "state": 1,
         "deleted": false,
         "inserted": false,
         "version": null,
         "created": null,
         "createdBy": "An Truong",
         "modified": null,
         "modifiedBy": null
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 3,
   "total": 3,
   "skipItems": 0,
   "isLastPage": true

POST dataModel/relationships

Saves an array of relationships.

After adding a new relationship, POST DataModel/loadRelationships should be called to retrieve the new id value.


Payload: an array of Relationship objects


An OperationResult object with success field true if the save is successful


POST /api/dataModel/relationships HTTP/1.1

Request payload to insert one new relationship and update another:

     "id" : null,
     "joinConnectionId" : "ca24a47e-ffdd-4391-a82a-254f48b451e5",
     "foreignConnectionId" : "ca24a47e-ffdd-4391-a82a-254f48b451e5",
     "joinQuerySourceId" : "d310d0ec-06b3-409f-b48c-1f519d0a51d5",
     "foreignQuerySourceId" : "9fb719f8-8a70-4f4e-91d5-4e8372413d92",
     "joinFieldId" : "79c398b3-bc5d-4c68-9329-111a7125ad0d",
     "foreignFieldId" : "aff13fd8-b7dc-439d-bfbf-1cd1a1728565",
     "alias" : "",
     "systemRelationship" : false,
     "joinType" : "Inner",
     "position" : "191"
  }, {
     "id" : "c7288fb3-1f9d-49c3-897e-1587d6ccda5f",
     "joinConnectionId" : "ca24a47e-ffdd-4391-a82a-254f48b451e5",
     "foreignConnectionId" : "ca24a47e-ffdd-4391-a82a-254f48b451e5",
     "joinQuerySourceId" : "e03b8805-60ae-41df-b69a-f3bece9721c5",
     "foreignQuerySourceId" : "9fb719f8-8a70-4f4e-91d5-4e8372413d92",
     "joinFieldId" : "322d9f3d-1f65-4d60-9cac-933a2c40db9d",
     "foreignFieldId" : "484817ea-f130-417b-a096-32c13249b7d0",
     "alias" : "",
     "systemRelationship" : false,
     "joinType" : "Inner",
     "modified" : "2016-04-15T03:57:37.803",
     "position" : "185"

Sample response:

  "success" : true,
  "messages" : [],
  "data" : null

DELETE dataModel/relationship/{relationship_id}

Deletes the relationship specified by the {relationship_id} value.


No payload


An OperationResult object with success field true if deletion is successful


DELETE /api/dataModel/relationship/457dbf49-9b1d-42d0-9026-0e67ee86a912 HTTP/1.1

Successful response:

  "success" : true,
  "messages" : [],
  "data" : null

Response when trying to delete a system relationship:

  "success": false,
  "messages": [
      "key": "",
      "detail": null,
      "messages": [
        "System relationship cannot be deleted."
  "data": null

GET dataModel/schema/(tenant_id)

Returns an array of query sources and an array of relationships with color properties (filtered by tenant_id if given).


No payload



GET /api/dataModel/schema HTTP/1.1

Sample response for 2 relationships “Customer” Left joins with “Orders” and “Orders” Inner joins with “Order Details”:

   "querySources": [{
      "id": "8aa52ba9-8324-4b8e-bf42-619a3f050aa5",
      "name": "dbo.Customers",
      "type": "Table",
      "color": null,
      "connectionId": "8195a480-ddd8-4915-95a0-432e24fed0ad",
      "modified": "2016-04-19T03:08:56.091528",
      "fields": [{
           "name": "ContactName",
           "properties": ""
      }, {
           "name": "CustomerID",
           "properties": "{\"PrimaryKey\":true}"
   }, {
      "id": "66dcf36e-e4b0-4c9b-9919-b9ba49377784",
      "name": "dbo.Orders",
      "type": "Table",
      "color": null,
      "connectionId": "8195a480-ddd8-4915-95a0-432e24fed0ad",
      "modified": "2016-12-19T03:08:56.091528",
      "fields": [{
           "name": "CustomerID",
           "properties": ""
      }, {
           "name": "OrderDate",
           "properties": ""
      }, {
           "name": "OrderID",
           "properties": "{\"PrimaryKey\":true}"
   }, {
      "id": "26efbdf4-c724-4824-bd9c-6ae1e2dc7435",
      "name": "dbo.Order Details",
      "type": "Table",
      "color": null,
      "connectionId": "8195a480-ddd8-4915-95a0-432e24fed0ad",
      "modified": "2016-12-19T03:08:56.091528",
      "fields": [{
           "name": "OrderID",
           "properties": "{\"PrimaryKey\":true}"
      }, {
           "name": "ProductID",
           "properties": "{\"PrimaryKey\":true}"
      }, {
           "name": "Quantity",
           "properties": ""
      }, {
           "name": "UnitPrice",
           "properties": ""
   "relationships": [{
      "joinQuerySourceId": "8aa52ba9-8324-4b8e-bf42-619a3f050aa5",
      "foreignQuerySourceId": "66dcf36e-e4b0-4c9b-9919-b9ba49377784",
      "twoWays": false
   }, {
      "joinQuerySourceId": "66dcf36e-e4b0-4c9b-9919-b9ba49377784",
      "foreignQuerySourceId": "26efbdf4-c724-4824-bd9c-6ae1e2dc7435",
      "twoWays": true

POST dataModel/schema/updateConnectionColor

Updates the connection color.


A ConnectionColor object.


An OperationResult object.


POST api/dataModel/schema/updateConnectionColor HTTP/1.1

Request Payload:

   "connectionId" : "6cc06e5b-0627-432c-bc33-708b0843c7c7",
   "color": null,
   "modified": "2017-09-15T03:11:24"

Sample Response:

   "success": true,
   "messages": null,
   "data": null

GET dataModel/relationship/joinTypes

Returns an array of join types currently supported.


No payload


An array of string values.

Currently supported are: “Inner”, “Left”, “Right”, “Full” and “Cross”.


GET api/dataModel/relationship/joinTypes HTTP/1.1

Sample response:

["Inner", "Left", "Right", "Full", "Cross"]

GET dataModel/databaseMapping

Returns an array of database mappings.


No payload


An array of GlobalDatabaseMapping objects


GET api/dataModel/databaseMapping HTTP/1.1

Sample response:

      "fromServer": "SERVER1",
      "toServer": "SERVER2",
      "fromDatabaseName": "[MSSQL] Northwind",
      "fromDatabaseUser": null,
      "type": 2,
      "fromObject": "connection_name",
      "toDatabaseName": "[MSSQL] northwind",
      "toDatabaseUser": null,
      "toObject": "connection_name_2",
      "selectAllTenants": true,
      "tenantIds": "null",
      "tenants": null,
      "errorType": 0,
      "id": "258bbcf9-4bd1-49de-8728-1578bb4aefa7",
      "state": 0,
      "deleted": false,
      "inserted": true,
      "version": 1,
      "created": "2017-04-14T04:18:50.4000000-07:00",
      "createdBy": "John Doe",
      "modified": "2017-04-14T04:18:50.4000000-07:00",
      "modifiedBy": "John Doe"

POST dataModel/databaseMapping

Saves an array of database mappings.


An array of GlobalDatabaseMapping objects


An OperationResult object, with success field true if the save is successful


POST api/dataModel/databaseMapping HTTP/1.1

Request Payload:

      "id": null,
      "fromServer": "SERVER1",
      "fromDatabaseName": "[MSSQL] Northwind",
      "fromDatabaseUser": "User1",
      "type": 2,
      "fromObject": "connection_name",
      "toServer": "SERVER2",
      "toDatabaseName": "[MSSQL] northwind",
      "toDatabaseUser": "User1",
      "toObject": "connection_name_2",
      "tenants": null,
      "state": 1,
      "selectAllTenants": true

Sample response in case user has System Admin Permission:

   "messages" : [],
   "data" : null

Sample response in case user does not have System Admin Permission:

  "message" : "You don't have permission to perform this action",
  "detail" : "NoPermission"

POST dataModel/loadDatabaseNames

Returns a paged array of database servers and database names.


A DatabaseMappingPagedRequest object

Notes: Key for SearchCriteria support to search: “databaseName”


A PagedResult object, with result field containing an array of the following object:

Field Description Note
The type of the database server (MSSQL, Oracle, MySQL, etc.)  
The name of the server  
The name of the database  
The database username (encrypted)

New in version 3.10.0.


POST api/dataModel/loadDatabaseNames HTTP/1.1

Request Payload:

   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 10,
   "loadFromDatabase": true

Sample response:

   "result": [
         "serverTypeName": "AZSQL",
         "databaseServer": "",
         "databaseName": "Northwind",
         "databaseUser": "ijoBJ2mYel+pdMBQ=="
         "serverTypeName": "MSSQL",
         "databaseServer": "localhost",
         "databaseName": "Northwind",
         "databaseUser": "X2hL0wD8EeMj8rfXw=="
         "serverTypeName": "MYSQL",
         "databaseServer": "",
         "databaseName": "northwind",
         "databaseUser": "gJybx9qkcwecg=="
         "serverTypeName": "ORACL",
         "databaseServer": "",
         "databaseName": "orcl",
         "databaseUser": "sLpuLgFFUcKwxUBw=="
         "serverTypeName": "PGSQL",
         "databaseServer": "",
         "databaseName": "DB",
         "databaseUser": "obgdUndXx6y0JYk=="
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 10,
   "total": 5,
   "skipItems": 0,
   "isLastPage": true

POST dataModel/loadDatabaseObjects

Returns a paged array of connection names or schema names in the specified database.



A PagedResult object, with result field containing an array of strings.

If DatabaseMappingPagedRequest.``type`` is 2 (Database), return connection names, else return schema names.

Notes: Key for SearchCriteria support to search: “objectName”


POST api/dataModel/loadDatabaseObjects HTTP/1.1

Request Payload for Database:

   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 10,
   "databaseServer": "SERVER1",
   "databaseName": "[MSSQL] Northwind",
   "type": 2

Sample response for Database:

   "result": [
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 10,
   "total": 1,
   "skipItems": 0,
   "isLastPage": true

Request Payload for Schema:

   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 10,
   "databaseServer": "SERVER1",
   "databaseName": "[MSSQL] Northwind",
   "type": 1

Sample response for Schema:

   "result": [
   "pageIndex": 1,
   "pageSize": 10,
   "total": 1,
   "skipItems": 0,
   "isLastPage": true

POST dataModel/customQuerySource

Executes and saves a custom query source.


A QuerySource object


The saved QuerySource object.


POST api/dataModel/customQuerySource HTTP/1.1

Request Payload:

   "name": "test",
   "connectionId": "6cc06e5b-0627-432c-bc33-708b0843c7c7",
   "categoryId": "94454a0a-17a2-49e5-bebf-9c0d07d95587",
   "customDefinition": "Select OrderID\nfrom orders"
Sample response:
   "realName": "test",
   "id": "193a0a94-decf-4217-9e0c-1956f0335f59",
   "name": "northwind.test",
   "type": "View",
   "parentQuerySourceId": null,
   "categoryId": "94454a0a-17a2-49e5-bebf-9c0d07d95587",
   "selected": true,
   "deleted": false,
   "connectionId": "6cc06e5b-0627-432c-bc33-708b0843c7c7",
   "connectionName": null,
   "childs": null,
   "dataSourceCategoryId": null,
   "dataSourceCategoryName": null,
   "alias": "",
   "originalAlias": null,
   "querySourceFields": [
            "name": "OrderID",
            "alias": "",
            "dataType": "INT",
            "izendaDataType": "Numeric",
            "allowDistinct": true,
            "visible": false,
            "filterable": false,
            "querySourceId": "193a0a94-decf-4217-9e0c-1956f0335f59",
            "parentId": null,
            "expressionFields": [],
            "filteredValue": "",
            "type": 0,
            "groupPosition": 0,
            "position": 1,
            "extendedProperties": "",
            "physicalChange": 0,
            "approval": 0,
            "existed": false,
            "matchedTenant": false,
            "functionName": null,
            "expression": null,
            "fullName": null,
            "calculatedTree": null,
            "reportId": null,
            "originalName": null,
            "originalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "isParameter": false,
            "isCalculated": false,
            "hasAggregatedFunction": false,
            "querySource": null,
            "querySourceName": null,
            "categoryName": null,
            "inaccessible": false,
            "originalAlias": null,
            "fullPath": null,
            "isCheck": false,
            "id": "269987d3-7a92-4ba4-9e99-3829905f471b",
            "state": 0,
            "deleted": false,
            "inserted": true,
            "version": null,
            "created": null,
            "createdBy": "System5 Admin5",
            "modified": "2017-09-15T04:52:03.0678276",
            "modifiedBy": null
   "querySourceCategoryName": null,
   "querySourceCategory": null,
   "modified": "2017-09-15T04:52:02.9811771",
   "extendedProperties": null,
   "physicalChange": 0,
   "approval": 0,
   "existed": false,
   "checked": false,
   "belongToCopiedReport": false,
   "customDefinition": "Select OrderID\nfrom orders",
   "isCustomQuerySource": true,
   "isCheck": false,
   "disabled": false,
   "fullPath": null,
   "indeterminate": false,
   "numOfChilds": 0,
   "numOfCheckedChilds": 0

POST dataModel/validateCustomQuerySource

Validates that name of custom query source is unique.


A QuerySource object, with name and categoryId fields populated.


An OperationResult object, with success field true if View Name is unique and other custom view contents are valid.


POST api/dataModel/validateCustomQuerySource HTTP/1.1

Request Payload:

  "name": "Test",
  "connectionId": "3562497d-07a1-4a0a-823d-811b8a098d73",
  "categoryId": "533f001b-88ef-46d5-b0c1-69b774c81aba",
  "customDefinition": "SELECT customerID,employeeID\nFROM  Orders "

Sample response:

  "success": true,
  "confirmation": false,
  "messages": []

POST dataModel/deleteCustomQuerySource

Deletes a custom query source.


A QuerySource object, with id field populated.


An OperationResult object, with success true if the deletion is successful.


POST api/dataModel/deleteCustomQuerySource HTTP/1.1

Request Payload:


Sample Response:

   "success": true

GET dataModel/querySource/{query_source_id}

Returns the query source specified by query_source_id.


No payload


A QuerySource object.


GET api/dataModel/querySource/c7341994-3506-4f4a-acd9-96f9b8936ec2 HTTP/1.1

Sample Response:

   "realName": null,
   "id": "c7341994-3506-4f4a-acd9-96f9b8936ec2",
   "name": "Orders",
   "type": "Table",
   "parentQuerySourceId": null,
   "categoryId": "942c529a-38c7-4ffc-9e46-044c3f364130",
   "selected": true,
   "deleted": false,
   "connectionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
   "connectionName": null,
   "childs": null,
   "dataSourceCategoryId": "31df942e-62be-4cda-8866-7ae7a65365f0",
   "dataSourceCategoryName": null,
   "alias": null,
   "originalAlias": null,
   "querySourceFields": [],
   "querySourceCategoryName": null,
   "querySourceCategory": null,
   "modified": "2017-09-15T03:57:38",
   "extendedProperties": null,
   "physicalChange": 0,
   "approval": 0,
   "existed": false,
   "checked": false,
   "belongToCopiedReport": false,
   "customDefinition": null,
   "isCustomQuerySource": false,
   "isCheck": false,
   "disabled": false,
   "fullPath": null,
   "indeterminate": false,
   "numOfChilds": 0,
   "numOfCheckedChilds": 0

POST dataModel/validateRelationships

Validate the newly added or modified relationship(s).


An array of Relationship object.


An object with the following properties:

Field NULL Description Note
  true if there is no invalid relationship (duplicate relationship, duplicate positionId, inconsistent datatype)
false if there is at least one invalid relationship
N Indicate whether there is any relationship has positionId  


POST api/dataModel/validateRelationships HTTP/1.1

Request Payload:

   "relationships": [
         "id": null,
         "joinConnectionId": "a202de0e-649d-4c7b-b282-ccdae94585e6",
         "foreignConnectionId": "a202de0e-649d-4c7b-b282-ccdae94585e6",
         "joinQuerySourceId": "5fba843d-9c64-4079-b727-c110bce2ee3f",
         "foreignQuerySourceId": "21c34241-c070-47c4-9cc4-86c9893daa5a",
         "joinFieldId": "f3fd1ac9-254e-4527-a66c-304e05f369bc",
         "foreignFieldId": "9d927e1a-1abe-4656-b2a6-bd662c49efe3",
         "alias": "",
         "systemRelationship": false,
         "joinType": "Inner",
         "position": "61"
         "id": null,
         "joinConnectionId": "a202de0e-649d-4c7b-b282-ccdae94585e6",
         "foreignConnectionId": "a202de0e-649d-4c7b-b282-ccdae94585e6",
         "joinQuerySourceId": "de6cc7be-98bb-4222-94ff-14f1ec6c5042",
         "foreignQuerySourceId": "5fba843d-9c64-4079-b727-c110bce2ee3f",
         "joinFieldId": "3f2e55c6-7796-4daf-b8d2-0b95e7ecdcf7",
         "foreignFieldId": "f3fd1ac9-254e-4527-a66c-304e05f369bc",
         "alias": "",
         "systemRelationship": false,
         "joinType": "Inner",
         "position": "60"

Sample Response:

   "success" : true,
   "hasPositionId" : false