
‘Frenemies’ Oracle and Microsoft Strike New Databases Partnership

If you’re anything like us, keeping up with the alliances and “frenemy” antics of big tech rivals provides endless fodder for debate about the future and what business deals we’ll see next.

Deals like the recent one struck between Microsoft and Oracle, ushering in a partnership around Azure and Oracle databases and middleware. The short and sweet summary is that Oracle apps are now certified to run on Windows Server, Hyper-V, and Windows Azure, ZDNet’s Mary Jo Foley reported. Before the June 24 announcement, they were only certified to run on Windows Server. Oracle Linux can now be listed among Linux variants supported in Azure’s VMs as well.

Is This the Start of a New Trend?

Oracle and Microsoft have a deep-seated rivalry that goes beyond simple software competition, including Oracle’s reported spying activities back near the turn of the century. But CEOs of both companies allow that this might be the turning of a new leaf. Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer said:

“It’s about time. We’re happy to work in newer and more constructive ways with Oracle.”

It comes as one of many recent partnerships announced around the industry, including Rackspace’s increased support of MongoDB on its cloud platform.

Foley predicts the “cloud app certification wars are the next battleground.” The plot thickens… as it always seems to among these high-powered rivals.

Where you surprised by this partnership? Where do you see the next tech industry turf war taking place? Post your thoughts!