
Top Reasons a BI Vendor Should Use Your UX

A software company spends good time and money designing the look and feel of its applications. The user experience contributes to the adoption of the application by end users.

Those users want a consistent look and feel to the applications that they use. They don’t want to spend time hunting for features or trying to figure out the quirks of a subsystem. They just want it to work. That’s why it is important that embedded third-party applications match the look and feel of your application’s UX.

White label applications offer the customization needed blend seamlessly with your UX.

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Match Your UX With a White Label Tool to Save Time, Money

The answer to matching your application’s UX seems to be building a BI solution in house. But, your development team doesn’t have the experience and knowledge to match developers who specialize in BI. As a result, relying on a BI specialist saves development time and money. And their white label software allows you to keep your branded UX.

Customize the solution to fit your software. Just add the new features and make them look like they are a natural part of your software. Users won’t be able to tell the difference.

White label software should integrate within your own application. Customization needs to enable you to match the look and feel of your software. This integration adds to the uniqueness of your product.

White label solutions allow you to preserve the look and feel of your application. They embed into your software in a way that keeps your branding as well as appearing familiar to users. The BI vendor should allow customization of its appearance to match your branding. Users won’t know that they have shifted away from your software to an embedded solution. They’ll have the same UX within the same application.

Users Prefer Familiar Tools, UX

Users get frustrated when familiar software changes with unfamiliar tools and views. Only a few power users will dive in to discover what’s new, different and better. Everyone else will stick to the standard tasks done the way they’ve always done them. They see changes to the UX as an unwelcome change in their routine. Learning a new way of doings things disrupts their workflow.

Embedding a self-service BI solution like Izenda into your application’s familiar UX should make successful adoption of the new tool easier to accomplish.

Choose Izenda for Your White Label BI

Izenda offers white label BI solutions that will fit any and all of your needs. Check out what we have to offer.

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