
Business Intelligence is Saving Lives

From marketing to finance, data and business intelligence have revolutionized many different industries by providing business owners with the ability to effectively use data. Still, no area shows more promise for harnessing the power of data than health care.

Healthcare analytics have shown the potential to reduce treatment costs, predict epidemics, prevent diseases, and improve patient care and quality of life. Health care professionals, like all other business owners, have the ability to use data-driven insights and a BI solution to improve health care and save lives.

Data in Health Care

Data in healthcare has a lot of potential for positive change and lifesaving results. With all the information available from digital resources, which gets collected and analyzed by different technologies, information and predictions about the health of a population or individual can be used to prevent epidemics, lower costs, cure diseases, and much more.

While the power of data in healthcare has been known for a while, gathering massive amounts of health care and patient data has been expensive and time-consuming. Now, new technologies offer fast and efficient data collection that can lead to relevant, mission-critical insights to improve patient care.

Here are the biggest data applications in health care:

Electronic Health Records (EHR)

The most common and effective use of data in health care is electronic health records. These digital patient records include patient medical history, demographics, allergies, laboratory test results, exam schedules, and much more. These health records may be shared through secure systems between physicians or other providers and modified as needed, so there’s always a living record of a patient’s care.

Electronic health records can also trigger reminders and warnings to help patients stay on top of their own care and be sure that they’re following their physician’s orders. With the possibility for a patient to slip through the cracks, this is a major benefit.

Real-Time Alerts

One of the biggest lifesaving advantages of data in health care is real-time alerts. This software allows physicians to analyze medical data instantly, which informs future medical decisions.

This can also be expanded to “wearable” analytics devices, which can track a patient’s vitals and send this data to the cloud to be accessed by their physician. This not only helps the particular physician monitor a patient’s health closely, but it also gives the medical community a large pool of socioeconomic context and general public health for deeper insights about the population.

Improved Patient Engagement

Patients haven’t always taken a proactive approach to their health, but there’s a new interest in smart devices. These devices record everything from steps taken in a day to sleeping patterns, which can be combined with other data to give physicians deeper insights into a patient’s health and care. This not only helps patients stay healthier and safer, but it also improves their engagement and interest in their own medical care.

Learn More at Izenda

Data has proved effective in improving patient experience, quality of treatment, and overall satisfaction, and there’s no limit to how much it can do for the health care community. With the right BI solution, virtually anything is possible, which is where Izenda comes in. Izenda BI solutions organize data into reports and dashboards to make analytics easier and more convenient. Contact us today or request your demo!