Front-end Integration APIs

This list documents the JavaScript APIs used for Front-end Integration.


See front end considerations for common troubleshooting tips for embedding Izenda’s front end.

List of APIs

Class and Method Purpose
Configure Izenda
Render all Izenda web page inside hosting web
Render Izenda Setting page only inside hosting web
Render Izenda Report page only inside hosting web
Render Izenda Report Designer Page (New/Edit Report) inside hosting web
Render Izenda Report Viewer page only inside hosting web
Render specific Report Part inside hosting web
Render Izenda Dashboard page only inside hosing web
Render Izenda New Dashboard page
Authentication and authorization between hosting web and Izenda. Dictates if the rendered element has to be refreshed or not.
Render Izenda Dashboard Viewer page

Register a JsFormatString with format function

New in version 2.6.20.

Get the class by name

New in version 2.11.0.

Register a visualization engine with a name

New in version 2.11.0.

Register property editor with its factory function to create a custom property editor inside Report Designer’s property panel.

New in version 2.11.0.

Create a dropdown editor schema in Properties editor panel. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.

Create a popup editor schema in Properties editor panel. It appears as a label and a gear button which opens the popup dialog. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.

Create a checkbox editor schema in Properties editor panel. It appears as a label and a checkbox. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.

Create a select editor schema in Properties editor panel. It appears as a label and select control. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.

Create a number editor schema in Properties editor panel. It appears as a label and number input control. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.

Create a color palette editor schema in Properties editor panel. It appears as a label and color palette input control. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.

Register field container with its factory function in order to create a custom field container in Report Designer’s report part configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.

Create a label and a field input box which allows to add/remove or drag/drop a field into.

New in version 2.11.0.

Create a static label only without input box.

New in version 2.11.0.

Create a conditional label and a input box of fields which allows to add/remove or drag/drop a field into.

New in version 2.11.0.

Set configuration of a report part type.

New in version 2.11.0.

Get configuration of a report part type.

New in version 2.11.0.

Extends report part with a new style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.

Render Izenda Export Manager Page inside hosting web.

New in version 3.10.4.


Configure Izenda



   "WebApiUrl": hostApi,
   "BaseUrl": "/izenda",
   "RootPath": "/Scripts/izenda",
   "CssFile": "izenda-ui.css",
   "Routes": {
     "Settings": "settings",
     "New": "new",
     "Dashboard": "dashboard",
     "Report": "report",
     "ReportViewer": "reportviewer",
     "ReportViewerPopup": "reportviewerpopup",
     "Viewer": "viewer"
   "TimeOut": 3600,
   "UIPreferences": {
         "ReportFilterSectionExpanded": true
   "NeedToEncodeUrl" : true

New in version 2.0:
The optional NeedToEncodeUrl parameter (defaults to true if not specified).
Set it to false if host framework expects unencoded urls (such as Angular 2).


var hostApi = location.protocol + '//' + + "/api/";

var configJson = {
   "WebApiUrl": hostApi,
   "BaseUrl": "/izenda",
   "RootPath": "/Scripts/izenda",
   "CssFile": "izenda-ui.css",
   "Routes": {
     "Settings": "settings",
     "New": "new",
     "Dashboard": "dashboard",
     "Report": "report",
     "ReportViewer": "reportviewer",
     "ReportViewerPopup": "reportviewerpopup",
     "Viewer": "viewer"
   "TimeOut": 3600,
   "UIPreferences": {
     "ReportFilterSectionExpanded": true


New in version 2.10.0.

For version 2.10.0 and later, Izenda provides option to configure dynamic WebApiUrl.

var configJson = {
   "WebApiUrl": () => {
      const currentHour = new Date().getHours();
      return currentHour < 6 || currentHour >= 22 ? 'http://localhost:14809/api/' : 'http://localhost:65469/api';
   "BaseUrl": "/izenda",
   "RootPath": "/Scripts/izenda",
   "CssFile": "izenda-ui.css",
   "Routes": {
   "Settings": "settings",
   "New": "new",
   "Dashboard": "dashboard",
   "Report": "report",
   "ReportViewer": "reportviewer",
   "ReportViewerPopup": "reportviewerpopup",
   "Viewer": "viewer"
   "TimeOut": 3600,
   "UIPreferences": {
         "ReportFilterSectionExpanded": true
   "NeedToEncodeUrl" : true



Render all Izenda web page inside hosting web





Fig. 422 Izenda Inside


Render Izenda Setting page only inside hosting web





Fig. 423 Izenda Settings


Render Izenda Report page only inside hosting web





Fig. 424 Izenda Report only


Render Izenda Report Designer Page (New/Edit Report) inside hosting web





Fig. 425 Izenda Report Designer only

renderReportViewerPage(element,report_id, filter,integrationStyle)

Render Izenda Report Viewer page only inside hosting web


The integrationStyle parameters hideReportName and hidePreviewRecords were made available in v3.1.0.


Field Description
A DOM element to render in
Element to render in
String (GUID)
The report Id
A filter object
The values for the filters, in this format { p1value: a_value, p2value: another_value, .. }
The options for toolbar and filter section, in this format { "hideToolbar": true/false, "hideFilter": true/false, "hideReportName": true/false, "hidePreviewRecords": true/false }


IzendaSynergy.renderReportViewerPage(document.getElementById('izenda-root'), "C2946606-7159-4FB3-82B7-E7D4ED3162A0",{overridingFilterValue: { p1value: "test123" }},{ "hideFilter" : true});

Fig. 426 Izenda Report Viewer Only


Render specific Report Part inside hosting web


element : a DOM element
params : an object contains fields below:

Field Description Note
String (GUID)
The report part Id Required
An array of Object with key and value
Filters on sub report Optional
An array of Object with key and value
Cross filtering’s filter on report Optional
Override all or specified default fillter values by using pvalue Optional
A function
This function which will be invoked when drilldown Optional
A boolean
A flag to use parameters specified in a query string of a URL Optional, required for exports
A boolean
A flag to use hashing in a URL Optional, required for exports


New in version 2.15.1.

The number of preview records Optional (The default value is the value saved in the report definition)


IzendaSynergy.renderReportPart(document.getElementById('izenda-part1'), {
   "id": "804B35C8-44A4-4535-A484-F27E8ABA410D",
   "filters": [
        "key": "[northwind].[dbo].[Order].[ShipCountry]",
        "value": "Australia"
   "overridingFilterValue": {
      p1value : 10,
   "crosssfilters": [
        key: "[northwind].[dbo].[Order].[ProductID]",
        value: 23
   onPublishDrillInfo: function (drillInfo) {
         console.log("drillInfo", drillInfo);

Fig. 427 Izenda Specific Report Part

The following example demonstrates the use of useQueryParam and useHash for exports. The sample is derived from our Sample MVC 5 Application

IzendaSynergy.renderReportPart(document.getElementById('izenda-root'), {
   id: reportPartId,
   useQueryParam: true,
   useHash: false


Render Izenda Dashboard page only inside hosing web





Fig. 428 Izenda Dashboard Only


Render Izenda New Dashboard page





Fig. 429 Izenda Dashboard Designer Only

setCurrentUserContext({“token”:access_token}, keepPermissionSetting)

Authentication and authorization between hosting web and Izenda




var currentUserContext = {
   token: data.token

IzendaSynergy.setCurrentUserContext(currentUserContext, true);

renderDashboardViewerPage(element, dashboard_id, filter, integrationStyle)

Render Izenda Dashboard Viewer page


The integrationStyle parameter hideDashboardName was made available in v3.1.0.


element The element to render in
dashboard_id The id of the dashboard
filter The values for the filters, in this format { p1: a_value, p2: another_value, .. }
integrationStyle The options for toolbar and common filter section, in this format { hideDashboardToolbar: true/false, hideCommonFilter: true/false, hideDashboardName: true/false }


      p1: "10366",
      p2: "Barcelona"
   }, {
      hideDashboardToolbar: true,
      hideCommonFilter: false,
      hideDashboardName: false

addJsFormat(formatName, formatFunction)

Register a JsFormatString with format function

This function is used in the LoadCustomDataFormat (see more here). To register this function, it must be declared in either your izenda.integrate.js (for embedded mode) or the index.html for (standalone mode). See example of both integrated and standalone below:

New in version 2.6.20.


name The JsFormatString name that used in DataFormat
formatFunction The js format function

Sample Integrated (izenda.integrate.js)

// Put the registration of JS format functions below. Please note: the format label is case sensitive.
IzendaSynergy.addJsFormat("1k", function (value)
   { return "$ " + value/1000 + " k"; }

Sample Standalone (index.html)

<script type="text/javascript" src="/izenda_ui.js?c76cbb3f0591ba2de5a0"></script>

   // Ensure this script is placed after Izenda UI library (izenda_ui.js as above)
   (function() {

      // Please note: the format label is case sensitive.
      IzendaSynergy.addJsFormat("1k", function (value) {
      return "$ " + value/1000 + " K"


Get the class by name. Following is the list of supported classes that can be retrieved via this API:

New in version 2.11.0.

Class Name Description
VizEngine The base class of Izenda visualization engine
HighchartVizEngine The visualization engine class of Highchart
HighmapVizEngine The visualization engine class of Highmap
ChartOptionsBuilder The base class of chart options builder. Extending ChartOptionsBuilder is to build a custom options builder for custom visualization engine.
HighchartOptionsBuilder The base class of Highchart chart options builder
HighmapOptionsBuilder The base class of Highmap map options builder
ReportPartContent The base class of report part content model
ReportPartChartContent The report part chart content model class
ReportPartGaugeContent The report part gauge content model class
ReportPartMapContent The report part map content model class
AreaChartOptionsBuilder The Area chart options builder class
BarChartOptionsBuilder The Bar chart options builder class
BubbleChartOptionsBuilder The Bubble chart options builder class
ChartHasThresholdOptionBuilder The base class of chart options builder that supports threshold settings
ColumnChartOptionsBuilder The Column chart options builder class
CombinationChartOptionsBuilder The Combination chart options builder class
DefaultChartOptionsBuilder The default chart options builder. All chart options builders inherit from this class. It consists of the common logic to handle a chart options
DonutChartOptionsBuilder The Donut chart options builder class
FunnelChartOptionsBuilder The Funnel chart options builder class
HeatmapChartOptionsBuilder The Heatmap chart options builder class
LineChartOptionsBuilder The Line chart options builder class
PieChartOptionsBuilder The Pie chart options builder class
The Pie chart options builder class The Scatter chart options builder class
SparklineChartOptionsBuilder The Sparkline chart options builder class
TreemapChartOptionsBuilder The Treemap chart options builder class
WaterfallChartOptionsBuilder The Waterfall chart options builder class
LinearGaugeOptionsBuilder The Linear gauge options builder class
SimpleGaugeOptionsBuilder The Simple gauge options builder class
SolidGaugeOptionsBuilder The Solid gauge options builder class
ChartSettingsContainer The ChartSettingsContainer React component. This component is used for building a custom popup content settings with supported configuration and preview panels.
FieldContainer The minimal field container React component. This component is used for building a custom field container with supported common behaviours (add/remove/drag/drop) of fields.


  • name: Name of class


Get VizEngine class


registerVisualizationEngine(name, vizEngineClazz)

Register a visualization engine with a name

New in version 2.11.0.


Get the built-in visualization name constants

  • Highchart: Name of Highchart visualization engine
  • Highmap: Name of Highmap visualization engine


name The name of visualization engine
vizEngineClazz The class or constructor function of visualization engine. This class must inherit from VizEngine class.


class D3 extends VizEngine {
draw(chartContainer, chartType, options, onCompleted) {
   //Implement the drawing logic into chartContainer here.

registerVisualizationEngine('D3', D3);

registerPropertyEditor(type, factory)

Register property editor with its factory function to create a custom property editor inside Report Designer’s property panel.

New in version 2.11.0.


type Editor type key
factory Function to create editor component

Register a text input property editor

registerPropertyEditor('text', function(type, props) {
return {
   component: Input,
   props: {
      className: 'form-control',
      onChange: props.onChange

Returns void


Create a dropdown editor schema in Properties editor panel. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.


props: An object with the following properties.

props.title The title of label The information tooltip of dropdown editor
props.value The value of selected item of dropdown editor
props.props The component properties
props.isHidden Hide the editor or not.
(It is optional with the default value is false)


An example of how using the function to create a dropdown list field schema in report part property schema

   factory: createDropDownSchema,
   title: 'Example Dropdown',
   value: 'getChartType',
   props: {
      defaultValue: 'value1',
      options: ['value1', 'value2']


Create a popup editor schema in Properties editor panel. It appears as a label and a gear button which opens the popup dialog. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.


props: An object with the following properties.

props.title The title of label The information tooltip of editor
props.value The value of selected item of editor
props.props The component computational properties
props.staticProps The component’s static properties
props.isHidden Hide the editor or not.
(It is optional with the default value is false)


   factory: createPopupSettingSchema,
   title: 'Border',
   value: 'getBorder',
   props: {
      reportPartType: REPORT_PART_TYPE.Chart,
      title: 'Border Settings',
      // The Border settings dialog uses chart properties to render the preview
      allChartProps: 'getAllChartProps',
      // Getter function or property to determine whether the setting exists
      hadSetting: 'hadSettingBorder',
      // Function to reset the setting value
      fnResetDefaultValue: 'fnResetBorderDefaultValue',
      // Getter function to retrieve value
      loadValue: 'getBorder'
   staticProps: {
      popupTitle: 'Border Settings',
      popupContent: ChartBorderSettings


Create a checkbox editor schema in Properties editor panel. It appears as a label and a checkbox. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.


props: An object with the following properties.

props.title The title of label The information tooltip of editor
props.value The value of selected item of editor
props.isHidden Hide the editor or not.
(It is optional with the default value is false)


izSeparator: {
   factory: createCheckBoxSchema,
   title: 'Use Separator',
   // 'getValueByKey' is a default getter function of Chart that allows to get the value of a property of chart properties by its field name, ie. izSeparator
   value: 'getValueByKey'


Create a select editor schema in Properties editor panel. It appears as a label and select control. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.


props: An object with the following properties.

props.title The title of label The information tooltip of editor
props.value The value of selected item of editor
props.props The component computational properties
props.staticProps The component’s static properties
props.isHidden Hide the editor or not.
(It is optional with the default value is false)


Create a selection list of state with default blank option is All

   factory: createSelectSchema,
   title: 'State',
   value: 'getValueByKey',
   props: {
      options: 'getStateByCountry'
   staticProps: {
      blankOption: true,
      blankOptionText: 'All'


Create a number editor schema in Properties editor panel. It appears as a label and number input control. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.


props: An object with the following properties.

props.title The title of label The information tooltip editor
props.value The value of selected item editor
props.props The component properties
props.isHidden Hide the editor or not.
(It is optional with the default value is false)


   factory: createNumberSchema,
   title: 'Item Per Row',
   value: 'getValueByKey',
   props: {
      min: 1,
      max: 20,
      isDecimal: false


Create a color palette editor schema in Properties editor panel. It appears as a label and color palette input control. This function is used as the factory property value of propertySchema of report part/style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.


props: An object with the following properties.

props.title The title of label The information tooltip editor
props.value The value of selected item editor
props.props The component properties
props.isHidden Hide the editor or not.
(It is optional with the default value is false)


   factory: createColorPaletteSettingSchema,
   title: 'Color Theme',
   value: 'getColorTheme',
   props: {
      selectionPopupTitle:'Select Color Theme',
      defaultColorThemeLabel:'No Theme',
      displaySettingStatus: true,
      needMaskDefault: false,
      defaultColorPalette: null,
      hiddenByState: true


Register field container with its factory function in order to create a custom field container in Report Designer’s report part configuration. Most of the time, using createFieldContainerSchema function to create labeled box of fields fits in the same way with current Values, Labels… field containers.|br|

New in version 2.11.0.


type Field container type, i.e. chart_label, grid_rows…
factory Function to create field container


Create an custom metric fields container using CustomMetricReactComponent

// Note that it requires to create a React component to render the custom metric GUI
registerFieldContainer('custom_metric', function(type, containerProps) {
   return {
      key: type,
      component: CustomMetricReactComponent,
      props: containerProps

Returns void


Create a label and a field input box which allows to add/remove or drag/drop a field into.

New in version 2.11.0.


containerKey An unique container key to identify the container
label The label text value or a function returning a text
dataKey Data key to access container information of report part content’s property
height Pixel height of container. Leave it null or undefined to use default height
maximumField Maximum number of fields in the container. Leave it null or undefined to unlimit the number of fields
isHorizontal Whether horizontal alignment between label and input box or not
(It is optional with the default value is false)


Create Z-Axis Values field container with dataKey is ZValues, having default height and 1 field maximum

createFieldContainerSchema('ZValues', 'Z-Axis Values', 'ZValues', null, 1);


Create a static label only without input box.

New in version 2.11.0.


type Field container type, i.e. chart_label, grid_rows…
label The label text value or a function return a text


createStaticLabelSchema('LabelPoint', function() {
return localizer.getText('LABEL_POINT_OPTIONS');


Create a conditional label and a input box of fields which allows to add/remove or drag/drop a field into.

New in version 2.11.0.


predicateFn A predicate to determine whether render the container or not. It receives report part detail object as a parameter.
containerKey The key of the container
label The label text value or a function return a text
dataKey Data key to access container information of report part content’s property
height Pixel height of container. Leave it null or undefined to use default height
maximumField Maximum number of fields in the container. Leave it null or undefined to unlimit the number of fields
isHorizontal Whether horizontal alignment between label and input box or not
(It is optional with the default value is false)


Create an example container with dataKey is exampleContainer, having default height and 1 field maximum

   function(reportPartDetail) {
      return true;
   function() {
      return localizer.getText('ExampleContainer');


Set configuration of a report part type. It is typically using for customizing the existing report part type (i.e. Chart, Gauge or Map). Instead of setting a new configuration, it recommends getting the current configuration via :doc: getReportPartConfiguration, change appropreate property, then set it back using this function. By changing this configuration, it would impact to all report part styles of the particular report part type. For example, adding a new field container schema to the Chart configuration will result the new field container appears in all chart type configuration designer.|br|

New in version 2.11.0.


reportPartType Report part type

A report part type configuration object with the following properties:

  • configuration.visualEngine
    The name of default visualization engine. It will be used as default visualization engine if the report part style configuration doesn’t specify explicitly
  • configuration.optionsBuilder
    The options builder class or constructor function to build visualization options
  • configuration.model
    The report part content model class or constructor function. This class/constructor is used to construct ReportPartContent object
  • configuration.fieldContainerSchema
    An array of field container schema
  • configuration.propertyWidgets
    An array of custom React components to create property editor.It would be useful in case of using a custom React component directly in the propertySchema property, instead of using registerPropertyEditor to register a custom property editor by type.
  • configuration.propertySchema
    The object contains defined schema of property editor of report part in designer
  • configuration.propertyMappingProps
    The function to create the mapping properties object
  • configuration.propertyMappingSource
    The function to create the mapping source object
  • configuration.propertyValueChange
    The function to create value change handler
  • configuration.optionsMapping
    Mapping to visualization options. This settings is optional as you can write code in options builder to populate visualization object


setReportPartConfiguration(REPORT_PART_TYPES.Chart, {
visualEngine: 'Highchart',
// The builder class to build chart visualization options
optionsBuilder: CustomHighchartOptionBuilder,
// Report part content model class
model: CustomReportPartChartContent,
// Default field container schema
fieldContainerSchema: null,
// Array of custom React component to create property editor.
// It would be useful in case of using a custom React component directly in the propertySchema property, instead of
// using registerPropertyEditor to register a custom property editor by type.
propertyWidgets: [],
// The object contains defined schema of property editor of report part in designer
propertySchema: {
   schemaKey: 'Example',
   groups: {
      example_group_name: {
      title: 'Example Group',
      fields: {
         example_field_name: {
            factory: createDropDownSchema,
            title: 'Title of example_field_name',
            value: '<any property name or getter function of propertyMappingProps, propertyMappingSource object>',
            props: {
            defaultValue: 'value1',
            options: ['value1', 'value2']
// The function to create the mapping properties
propertyMappingProps: function(reportPartDetails, fieldStore) {
   return {
      otherProperty: 'Value1'
// The function to create the mapping source
propertyMappingSource: function(reportPartDetails, fieldStore) {
   return {
      example_field_name: 'Value1'
// The function to create an value changed handler
propertyValueChange: function(reportPartDetails, fieldStore) {
   return function(schemaData, changedKey, changedKeyPath, changedValue, changedOthersInfo, derivedChange) {
      // It must return a Promise with chartProperties object.
      return Promise.resolve({ needToUpdate: false, chartProperties: reportPartProperties });
// Mapping to visualization options.
// This settings is optional as you can write code in options builder to populate visualization object
optionsMapping: null


Get configuration of a report part type.|br|

New in version 2.11.0.


  • reportPartType: Report part type


Gets the report part configuration object of Chart


Returns [Object][14]


Extends report part with a new style configuration.

New in version 2.11.0.


reportPartType Report part type
reportPartStyle The new report part style
baseStyle A chart type that new chart derives on

The new chart type configuration with the following properties

  • configuration.visualEngine
    The name of visualization engine.x
    This settings is optional.The default visualization engine which is defined in report part configuration.
  • configuration.visualType
    Visual type to identify which visualization type to be rendered. For example, it would be “type” property of Highchart options.
  • configuration.visualLabel
    The label text of this report part style showing in the chart type dropdown of report designer.
  • configuration.optionsBuilder
    The options builder class or constructor function to build visualization options.
  • configuration.fieldContainerSchema
    An array of field container schema.
    This settings is optional.
  • configuration.propertyWidgets
    An array of custom React components to create property editor.
    It would be useful in case of using a custom React component directly in the propertySchema property, instead of using registerPropertyEditor(type, factory) to register a custom property editor by type.
  • configuration.propertySchema
    The object contains defined schema of property editor of report part in designer
  • configuration.propertyMappingProps
    The function to create the mapping properties object
  • configuration.propertyMappingSource
    The function to create the mapping source object
  • configuration.propertyValueChange
    The function to create value change handler
  • configuration.optionsMapping
    Mapping to visualization options.
    This settings is optional.


Extend Chart with an additional 3D Column chart type

extendReportPartStyleConfiguration(REPORT_PART_TYPES.Chart, '3DColumn', CHART_STYLES.Column, {
visualType: 'column',
visualLabel: '3D Column',
propertySchema: {
   groups: {
      chart: {
      fields: {
         '3d': {
            factory: createCheckBoxSchema,
            title: 'Enable 3D',
            value: 'getValueByKey',
            props: {
            title: 'Enable 3D'
propertyValueChange: (reportPartDetails, fieldStore) => (
) => {
   const threeDOptions = schemaData.chart['3d'];
   chartProperties.optionByType['3d'] = threeDOptions ? threeDOptions.value : false;
optionsBuilder: ThreeDColumnChartOptionsBuilder,
optionsMapping: {
   optionsByType: {
      '3d': { propKey: 'chart.options3d.enabled', defaultValue: true }


Render Izenda Export Manager Page inside hosting web






Embed, Embedding, Fully Embeddable.