
Izenda, Helix Reports Enable Business Owners to Analyze Financial Positions

Business owners who have a tough time tracking their financial positions now can use a software application that embedded Izenda’s analytics solution to understand and manage their investments.

Helix Reports enables business owners to pull financial data from multiple instances of QuickBooks into a single financial application. The software company embeds Izenda’s self-service BI for real-time analytics. Without Helix Reports, these business owners would have to hire a six-figure accounting staff. And they’d have to license licensing a more robust financial software package.

End users can create custom reports to get the data needed to assess their cash position. In minutes Helix Reports customers can produce reports needed to make business decisions.

Izenda supports rich, interactive reports, offers stability and easy sharing of those reports. That increases the competitive advantage for the company’s customers. A responsive design enables mobile reporting, which has become a critical need.

“Izenda makes Helix scalable in ways that we simply were not before. And customers really demand mobile reporting today. Absolutely everyone wants to see their reports on their phone,” said Yishai Hornbacher, technology leader for Helix Reports.

Read more about Izenda’s partnership with Helix Reports.