
It’s Time: Update Your Embedded Analytics

As we turn the corner on the new year, we eagerly anticipate the many changes to come in technology, specifically embedded analytics. In a rapidly developing environment, even the savviest of software is starting to show its age, giving way to new and innovative solutions that are poised to take businesses further than ever before.

Don’t get swept away by the tech wave. Take a look at the new technology trends for 2019 and see how updating your embedded analytics platform can benefit your business.

Rapid Evolution

From cassette tapes and VHS to streaming music and Blu-ray, there is no question that technology is evolving faster each year. Software is no different. Boxed software programs have gone the same way, with many businesses making the switch to subscription-based services. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) replaces boxed software by offering rapid updates and changes that help you adapt to the changing business world.

Improved Efficiency

Collaboration among team members has been a hot topic for a while, but it’s looking to become even more important in 2019. As an example, more businesses are realizing that sales and marketing alignment is vital to business success and growth, and software that allows multiple data point capture allows both teams to work together to improve efficiency.

Predictive software is a newer technology, but it’s giving businesses opportunities to predict customer behavior and assess risk. This not only helps with product development, but it also helps businesses create predictive pricing models to stay ahead of trends.

The Risk of Outdated Software

As you can see, sticking with outdated software is more than just a hassle for your business processes, but it can also impact your bottom line and put your business at risk. Hackers are always looking for weaknesses to exploit in software, and with so much customer data at stake, can your business afford the reputation damage that would result from a significant breach?

If you haven’t updated your software to address these security threats, your system and your business’s reputation could be at risk.

Do You Need an Update?

If you’re not sure if an update is necessary for your business, here are some questions to consider:

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, it may be time to consider a different software solution to keep your business relevant and competitive.

See What’s New for Izenda

All of these upcoming technology changes are exciting and offer limitless opportunities for business growth and profitability. At Izenda, we’re rolling out new updates starting in 2019, giving you even better capabilities and options from our embedded analytics solutions. If you’re considering updating your embedded analytics software for the new year, request a demo to see what we have to offer!

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