Configuring Izenda

Izenda provides a comprehensive library of powerful aliasing and categorization settings which present the end-user with an easy to understand, business relevant set of names and groupings. In addition, with Izenda you’ll be able to engineer how database object relate, build custom functions and formats, and even localize the UI down to the smallest detail. In simple terms, you’ll be able to optimize the user experience by providing an elegant, intuitive interface for your data model.

Here are some configuration concepts we’ll cover:

Basic Configuration:

  • Custom Constraints and Join Paths
  • Application Caching Behaviors
  • Report and Dashboard HTML Caching
  • Custom Functions and Formats
  • Report Storage

Data Presentation:

  • Data Source Categories
  • Aliasing Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, Columns, Filters
  • Data Visibility


  • Language Packs
  • Timezone Offsets

Basic Configuration

Basic configuration of the Izenda platform involves concepts of creating database object relationships, configuring caching behaviors, enabling report level caching, and implementing custom functions, and custom formats.


Izenda provides an API for arbitrarily setting constraints. This allows you to precisely engineer how different databases, tables, views, and stored procedures will relate to one another.

To better understand Joins in SQL and how it might apply to Izenda, take a look at our Join Types FAQ.

Using Constraints

The following documentation will explain the basics of engineering one-to-one database object relationships.

Multiple Constraints

The following documentation will explain the basics of implementing multiple concurrent database object relationships.

Forced Left Joins

Where normal constraints generate Right Inner Joins, the following documentation will explain the basics of engineering Forced Left Joins.

Allow Self Joins

The following documentation will explain how to enable self joins in the Report Designer’s Advanced Data Sources mode.

Show Join Drop Down

The following documentation will explain how to enable the selection of Join Types in the Report Designer’s Advanced Data Source mode.

Many to Many Database Joins

The following will walk you through how to engineer many to many database object relationships. This does require the implementation of an override method.


Izenda provides a range of settings which control the application’s caching behaviors. Like many modern web applications, Izenda uses caching in order to improve the end-user experience and reduce resource usage.
To understand more about the general caching behaviors of Izenda, read the following Caching Lifecycle Guide.
To learn more about what range of caching settings are available, read the following Caching FAQ.

Cache Schema

A part of the AdHocSettings class, CacheSchema (default = true) is a Boolean setting which tells Izenda whether or not the DatabaseSchemaObject should be cached. By default, it is cached in memory (use PerUserCaching to store in session).

Invalidate Schema On New

A part of the AdHocSettings class, InvalidateSchemaOnNew is a Boolean which tells the system if it should should update the schema for database changes when a new report is being created. This is useful for environments where the database is constantly changing.

Invalidate Schema Cache

A part of the AdHocContext.Driver, InvalidateSchemaCache() method will update the schema for database changes on, all filtered report lists, queries to the database that were cached, cached HTML results of reports, and cached XML report definitions.

Cache Reports

The AdHocSettings class’s CacheReports setting is Boolean (default = true) which gets or sets the value indicating whether all loaded reports should be cached.

Data Cache Interval

A part of the AdHocSettings class, DataCacheInterval sets the number of seconds between cache refreshes for FUSION (HTML) cache.

Refresh All Cached Reports

Refreshing all cached reports would cause Izenda to run all cached reports and refresh the cache.

Custom Functions and Formats

Izenda provides the ability to create custom functions and formats through a number of settings. This allows you to influence what options appear in functions and formats dropdowns for different data types throughout the application.


Expressions allow users to create calculated fields, perform aggregations, and access advanced database functionalities.

Aggregate Functions

While Izenda provides a basic set of functions right out of the box, you may want to enable additional basic aggregate functions.

Custom Functions

In some cases, basic database functions may not be enough. Izenda allows for completely custom aggregate functions to be added.

Custom Formats

Izenda supports the ability to add custom date, text, and numeric formats. This enables support of different currency symbols, notations, and more.

Custom Time Periods

Izenda allows for the addition of custom time periods which enable for simple grouping based on different spans of time.

Storing Reports

Izenda stores report definitions in an XML format. These definitions can be held within either a database table, or a file and folder structure. The following document breaks down the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology, and how to switch between the different modes.

Storing Reports

Data Presentation


Izenda provides powerful aliasing and categorization settings which present the end-user with an easy to understand, business relevant set of names and groupings. You’ll be able to optimize the user experience by providing a simple, elegant, intuitive interface for your data model.

Data Source Aliases

Data Source Aliases allows for renaming Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, and other data sources within Izenda’s UI.

Field Aliases

Field aliasing allows for the relabeling of column names within Izenda’s UI.

Filter Aliases

In some cases,you may want filters to be aliased differently than the columns they filter against.

Data Source Categories

Izenda provides categorization settings which present the end-user with easy to understand groupings. You’ll be able to group data sources like tables, views and stored procedures into convenient categories.

Data Source Categories

Data Visiblity

Hiding data sources and columns can be just as relevant to configuration as it is to security. Izenda allows for hiding access to tables, views, stored procedures, columns, and through security concepts like Hidden Filters you can even restrict access down to the row and cell level.

Visible Data Sources

Visible Data Sources allows for enabling access to specific Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, and other data sources within Izenda’s UI.

Hidden Columns

Hidden columns allows you to hide specified columns from Izenda’s UI.


Izenda provides a Language Pack, which will facilitate UI level translations and adjustments between Right-To-Left and Left-To-Right languages.

Language Packs

The following tutorial will guide developers through the implementation of Izenda’s language packs.

Localization Tutorial

Timezone Offsets

Deploying an application to multiple time zones simultaneously can be difficult. Especially if you want users to see time stamps in their own local time zone. Luckily Izenda supports dynamic timezone offsets!

Timezone Offsets

Additional Documentation

Izenda Wiki: