Connecting to Databases

Izenda supports connecting to the following databases:

  • SQL Server 2000/2005/2008/2012/2014/2016
  • Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c
  • MySQL 5+
  • PostgreSQL 9+

Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server

Izenda uses a standard ADO.NET connector to query against Microsoft SQL Server, this connector is already a part of the base Izenda product.

Before setting your connection string, ensure that the database login can read the tables and views you plan to report against.

  1. Open your Izenda Global.asax file in your IDE and find the InitializeReporting() method.
  2. Update the LicenseKey and ConnectionString.
    Sample standard connection string (local database):
    AdHocSettings.SqlServerConnectionString = @"Server=myAddress;Database=mydb;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;";
    Sample non-trusted connection string (remote database):
    AdHocSettings.SqlServerConnectionString = @"Server=Server\myAddress;Database=myDataBase;Trusted_Connection=True;";
  3. Save the global.asax file.

Connecting to Oracle

Izenda requires the Microsoft .NET Runtime and the Oracle Data Provider for .NET. Download and install both if you do not have them already.

Before setting your connection string, ensure that the database login can read the tables and views you plan to report against.

  1. Open your Izenda Global.asax file in your IDE and find the InitializeReporting() method.
  2. Update the LicenseKey and ConnectionString. You can use your TNSNames.ora file to create the connection string or you can plug the connection string directly into the OracleConnectionString. Sample standard connection string (using TNS):
    AdHocSettings.OracleConnectionString = @"Data Source=TORCL;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;";
    Sample non-trusted connection string (without TNS):
    AdHocSettings.OracleConnectionString = @"Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=MyHost)(PORT=MyPort)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=MyOracleSID))); User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;";
  3. Save the global.asax file.

Connecting to MySQL

Izenda requires either the MySQL Connector/Net v5 or the latest version of the MySQL Connector/ODBC. Download and install one of these if you do not have it already.
Before setting your connection string, ensure that the database login can read the tables and views you plan to report against.

  1. Open your Izenda Reports Global.asax file in your IDE and find the InitializeReporting() method.
  2. Update the LicenseKey and ConnectionString. Sample standard connection string (using SSL):
    MySqlConnectionString = @"Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver};Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User=myUsername;Password=myPassword;sslca=c:\cacert.pem;sslcert=c:\client-cert.pem;sslkey=c:\client-key.pem;sslverify=1;Option=3;";
  3. Save your global.asax file.

Connecting to PostgreSQL

The PostgreSQLConnectionString is what Izenda uses to initialize a PostgreSQL connection. This will include tables, functions, and stored procedures and also build queries utilizing the Izenda PostgreSQL Driver.

Below is a sample global.asax using the PostgreSQLConnectionString setting. The code block will appear within script tags within the global.asax file.

Izenda uses the third party .NET data provider Npgsql to connect to PostgreSQL instances. The required DLL is in the Bin folder of your Izenda directory.

Before setting your connection string, ensure that the database login can read the tables and views you plan to report against.

  1. Open your Izenda Reports Global.asax file in your IDE and find the InitializeReporting() method.
  2. Update the LicenseKey and ConnectionString. Sample standard connection string:
    Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.PostgreSQLConnectionString = @"Server=myHost;Port=5432;Database=myDatabase;User ID=myUserID;Password=myPassword;Integrated Security=False";
  3. Save your global.asax file.

Testing Your Connection String

If you wish to test your connection string to ensure connectivity, you can perform the following steps:

  • Open the Settings page.
  • The KEY & DB CONNECTION tab should be opened automatically.
  • The license key and connection string you entered will be hidden, showing only “*******” in its place.
    • If you enter a connection string here and click Test or Save to Izenda.config Izenda will save your string in the Izenda.config. If you haven’t already, please read the Important Notice About the Settings Page and Izenda.config in the Install section.
  • Text will appear below the field describing either “SUCCESS” or “FAILURE”. Failures will list the reason why the connection failed.
  • Go to the Status and Utils tab to view specific test parameters as well as a listing of successfully read database objects.

Additional Documentation

Izenda Documentation: