Sanjay Back on Varney, Talking Cloud Services and Microsoft

Stuart of Varney & Co. has something in common with Izenda CEO Sanjay Bhatia: they both love talking about Microsoft and its innovations, business decisions, its setbacks and potential. So it was only a matter of time after he was on the show in January before he was asked to come back in for another round of business chatter.

This time, it was all about the cloud services that Microsoft is using as the future of its business model. Rather than purchasing a new Windows license every few years, Microsoft customers will be plugged into the many cloud services — including X-box, Azure, and others — that are paid for by monthly subscription services, providing a much more continuous flow of data, products, and cash between company and consumer. And on the enterprise side, these cloud services mean less investment maintaining costly IT services.

Here the full conversation, and then weigh in yourself! Catch the clip on Fox Business News, too.

What do you think about cloud services and their role in the future for Microsoft?