How Data Virtualization Delivers Access to Real-Time Data

By | BI Innovation, Big Data, Technology, The Cloud

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With so much data in so many places, how can you quickly connect to the sources you need? Data virtualization may be the answer.

In a world where yesterday’s data is like yesterday’s news and users are accustomed to finding out “what’s happening right now” via social media drive-by platforms such as Twitter, virtualization is quickly becoming the ideal data management strategy.

Traditional data integration requires building a data warehouse and moving enterprise data to it on a periodic basis. Today’s modern data virtualization capabilities connect directly to live databases and pull information “just in time.” This solution delivers real-time results without the costs and delays of a complex ETL (extract, transform, and load) project.ย Business users now accustomed to instant real-time access to data in their consumer lives expect the same experience from their enterprise systems. Generation Y employees who have accessed the Internet from an early age are often surprised that ETL technologies are used to move data to a data warehouse before it can be analyzed, so business reports are delivering yesterday’s data.

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How Real Time Data Virtualization Turns Customers into Raving Fans

By | Business

Adding real-time capabilities keeps youโ€”and your clientsโ€”up to date.

pink dots connected to suggest points of data on a networkA raving fanโ€”that’s what every account manager wants in a customer. CRM software alone doesn’t do the trick, because the best relationships go beyond the interactions with account reps.

Customer perception, which is based on connections customers have with all of their vendors’ people and content they interact with on a regular basis, is of primary importance. Experiences may include billing support with accounting, finding information on an FAQ website search, and customer assistance.

Data virtualization allows users to access and join information stored in multiple systems without a nightly Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) or cube refresh. This means that all data is always fresh, and you can update the system and immediately see the results in the reports and dashboards.
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