businessman viewed from behind as he contemplates a skyscraper with the sun behind it

Wise Words from Departing Tech Founders

By | Business | No Comments
They say hindsight is 20/20, and perhaps no one on the planet has better vision than founders of tech startups looking back as they head out the door to bigger and better things. Some of this insight comes from regret – decisions they wish they had made differently – but a lot of it comes from things they’ve always understood in their gut but can only confirm when they have some time for reflection. Read More

Graduate Profiles: Izenda Brings the Power of Data to Businesses

By | BI Innovation, Technology

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Like many startup stories, Izenda began as a business concept drummed up in a college dorm room. The goal: to utilize agile methodologies and software to provide business intelligence to customers on a budget.

Founded in 2002 by Sanjay Bhatia, the company vision changed course a few years later when mounting frustration over the complexity of the industry’s leading reporting databases led to the pursuit of new technology. In 2006, Izenda unveiled and patented a web-based reporting solution that altered the way companies deploy and use intelligence. And the business has been gaining steam ever since. “I didn’t like how difficult the existing databases were to operate and analyze,” said Bhatia, CEO of Izenda. “The world was changing a lot faster than we were. You can’t spend 18 months working on data warehouse for a product that’s only going to be on the market for six months – so technology had to be more agile. That couldn’t be accomplished with the solutions available.” Read More