how to get value of your vendor relationship

Don’t Underestimate How Valuable Vendor Relationships Are

By | Independent Software Vendors, Tips and Tricks
It’s no secret that any business relationship depends on value. This means that both parties in the relationship need to feel that they are benefiting from the relationship. So how do ISVs manage to get value from the vendors that they use to integrate products into their core applications? And how do ISVs ensure that they realize all the benefits that a solution should offer them? Read More

self service reporting and analytics

Self-Service Reporting & Analytics

By | Self-Service Analytics
Expectations have changed.

Real-time data, KPIs, and performance metrics matter to businesses now more than ever. Users can’t wait for a custom report or dashboard. They don’t want to see yesterday’s data or to go to another application to perform data analysis. They expect to analyze and visually explore data inside your application.

Izenda is the fastest way to integrate self-service reporting and analytics because it was purpose-built to seamlessly embed into your application or portal. Your users get simple, intuitive, and powerful self-service BI & analytics. You get increased user adoption, satisfaction, and loyalty. It’s a win-win. Read More